As the team from the Hidden Cloud Village was walking, they found that it suddenly rained.

Since the sky was also overcast before, this sudden rain did not attract much attention from them.

The rain was getting heavier, but it still could not slow down the pace of the Hidden Cloud Village team;

They wanted to reach the Hidden Rain Village as soon as possible, to beat up the hateful nobles, and take back everything that should belong to them.

This desire from the heart was so strong that everyone, including the Fourth Raikage Ai, did not notice that the surroundings were getting quieter and quieter, except for the sound of rain and the sound of their march.

The rain accumulated on the road and slowly submerged their ankles. Every time they stepped down and lifted up, they would bring out a large piece of turbid sewage.

In a hidden place, Naruto silently took out a small generator from the system space.

[Nuclear generator (epic): Nuclear power generation is clean and pollution-free, and users can adjust the output power according to their own needs;

It can generate up to 1 million kilowatts of high-voltage electricity, and the internal energy is enough to support this generator to work continuously at the highest output power for 20 years. 】

After Naruto drew this thing, he gave it to Scorpion for use, and later when Scorpion left the Hidden Rain Village, he gave it to Xiaodi;

It can be said that the existence of this nuclear generator has made great contributions to the development and growth of their Akatsuki organization.

Today, Naruto ran to Xiaodi's weapons factory to take it away, just to solve a doubt when he was watching Naruto in his previous life.

"In fact, I have always been curious whether the ninjas who practice lightning escape are afraid of being electrocuted, but I have never found a chance to verify this question...

Thank you to the old friends of the Hidden Cloud Village for your contribution to the science of the ninja world!

I started~"

Naruto turned on the start switch of the nuclear generator with a smirk on his face, and the current quickly spread along the pre-buried wires to the feet of the Hidden Cloud Village ninjas.

The ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village were unaware of this, because the current was too small at the moment;

But as Naruto slowly turned the knob to increase the amount of electricity output...

Ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー ー゛)? ? ?

[Hmm? Why do I feel a little itchy on the soles of my feet? ]

A few seconds later.

Ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー_ー)!!

[Something is wrong... My soles are starting to go numb... I can't stand it! ]

A few seconds later.

Ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱! ! !

[I can't... I can't stand it anymore, I'm getting excited! ]

So, a relatively weak ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village suddenly stopped moving forward, began to twitch on the spot, and soon fell into the muddy water under his feet.

And with the first one, there will naturally be a second one. After he fell, a large number of weak ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village followed his footsteps.

"Raikage~~~ Lord~~~~"

The ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village who were called out affectionately called out to Ai who was walking in front, but Ai, who was still sulking, didn't even turn his head back.

"Don't call me, I'm annoyed!

Keep speeding up and rush to the Hidden Rain Village as soon as possible to catch those noble masters."

Otherwise, how could Ai be the Raikage?

Most of his men were already electrocuted to death, dancing in the rain without any control;

But he was the only one who didn't feel anything at all, and rushed forward headfirst... This Thunder Release was really not practiced in vain.

"Lord Raikage, I think you'd better look back, the situation seems to be a little bit wrong."

The little secretary Ma Buyi who followed behind Ai said in a low voice.

To be honest, Ma Buyi felt a little numb on her scalp from the beginning, but because Ai was walking too fast, she, as a secretary, could only put this problem behind her and quickly catch up, and she had no intention to check the situation of the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village behind her.

But as the ninjas behind her called more and more, Ma Buyi finally subconsciously looked back, and it was this glance that made her confirm that the current situation was indeed wrong.

"What's so good to see?! Can this little road still make our heroes of the Hidden Cloud Village... What are you doing, bastard?!"

Ma Buyi's reminder successfully made Ai turn his head in dissatisfaction, and even made the elite ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village following their own Raikage turn their heads together.

Then they saw the miserable situation of their colleagues behind them.

Ai: (ー`´ー)? ! !

"What are you doing?!

Is it time to dance now?!

And those people lying in the water and floundering... Can such shallow water inspire you to swim?!"

Ai angrily denounced his subordinates' indulgence, and theThe elites of the Hidden Cloud Village behind him said: d(ŐдŐ๑)~ Lord Raikage is right!

Mabui: 눈_눈……

Pah! ! !

Although he wanted to save some face for his Lord Raikage when he was outside, Mabui couldn't help but slap the folder in his arms heavily on Ai's head.

"Please take a good look, they are obviously attacked like this!"

Ai: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

"What attack? Why didn't I feel anything?"

Elites of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー ー゛)...

"Ahem, Lord Raikage, I have something to say but I don't know if I should say it... I've been feeling numb all over since a while ago, just like... when I first practiced Thunder Release and was pierced by electricity..."

"What?! Do you have this feeling too?!"

"Could it be..."

"Yes, I have too, brother!"

"Yes, we all have!"

A group of elites of the Hidden Cloud Village had a heated discussion on the feeling of being electrocuted.

Ai: (눈益눈) !!!

"Since you all noticed something was wrong... why didn't you tell me in time, you bastards!"

Ai: F*ck! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!!!

Elites of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー ー゛)...Ah...Isn't it because I saw you were so focused on your journey that I didn't feel comfortable telling you about some small things?

Ai: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)! !

Damn, a group of professional electricians got electrocuted...How can this be a small matter? !

I really want to spray you idiots to death with a mouthful of salt soda!

For the first time in his life, the Fourth Raikage Ai felt that having a bunch of simple-minded reckless people under his command might not be a good thing...

"So they were electrocuted?

Damn, I get angry just talking about this... Practice more! Practice more!

When I return to the Hidden Cloud Village, I will definitely make all of you useless and unlucky kids practice more!"

Mabui: 눈_눈...

Pah! ! !

"Your primary concern now should be how to save them from the electric shock, right?!

Didn't you see that some of the people who fell down have already started to foam, my Raikage?!"

Ai: (ー_ー)!!

"Oh, right... Mabui, what do you think I should do now?"

"Looking at the current situation, the source of the current should be hidden in... emmmm..."

Just when Mabui was about to say his guess, Naruto suddenly turned the knob on the nuclear generator to the right for half a circle.

Ai: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

"What the hell?! Mabuyi? Mabuyi?!"

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