The old mother took the lead in firing the first shot of her buddy, and a group of Akatsuki members followed closely and swarmed up, kicking Naruto with their big feet~

"Speak or not? Speak or not?!"

"You still don't want to say it, right?!"

"You little bastard, are you going to say it or not?!"



Naruto, who was lying on the ground with his head protected and his butt sticking out, was extremely angry.

"Give me a chance to speak, bastards!"

All the members of Akatsuki: (ー_ー)!!

Didn't they give it to me? seems that they really didn't.

Ever since Kushina knocked Naruto over with a frying pan, they have never let Naruto get up from the ground.

"Ahem~ Then you can speak now, we give you this chance."

Nagato coughed awkwardly twice and quickly turned the topic back to the point.

"We'll talk about this later, let me..."

Naruto is a vengeful person, and now he just wants to find out which bastard dared to put his stinky big feet into his mouth just now...

It's all marinated!

Kushina: (▼へ▼メ)...Hmm? ! The rebellious child still doesn't say it, right? ! !

The frying pan is raised.

Brother Tsuchi: "Master, don't be impulsive! Let us do it!

Hey~ Kakashi, prepare for the thousand-year kill!"

Kakashi: (´◊ω◊`)~

Although Kakashi was quite unhappy about being ordered by Brother Tsuchi.

But to be honest, he has been waiting for this opportunity to teach Naruto a lesson for a long time.

"Tiger Seal, knot!"

Kakashi held up his two index fingers tightly together, aiming at Naruto's delicate skin and ready to poke in at any time.

Naruto: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱! ! !

"Fuck Kakashi, you bastard is rebelling against Tiangang. Don't forget that according to seniority, I am your uncle no matter what..."

Kakashi: (눈益눈) ... You are still so arrogant when the shit is coming? !

Brother Tsuchiko: "Master's wife, the other party not only refuses to surrender but also dares to threaten... I apply for the immediate execution of him."

Kushina glanced at her rebellious son who was lying on the ground and looking at her pitifully, and couldn't help but soften her heart, so...

Kushina: "I agree."

Brother Tsuchiko: "Okay, Kakashi, do it!"

Kakashi: (◍•ᴗ•◍)~ojbk!


Naruto: ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!

"I said, I want to... ah!!!"

Naruto: _(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ... Kakashi, your uncle, wuwuwuwu~

Kushina: →_→... Still not speaking? This rebellious son is still very stubborn.

So the old mother signaled Kakashi to continue.

Kakashi: ๑乛◡乛๑~

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? !

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you now..."

Bang! ! !

Brother Tsuchiko ran to Naruto in two steps, stepped Naruto's head, which he tried to raise, into the ground, and then quickly sat on it.

Tsuchi: "Kakashi!"

Kakashi: "Roar~~~"


After a thousand years of continuous killing, Naruto's skin swallow...

The chrysanthemums are withered, the ground is covered with wounds, and your smile has turned yellow~

Witnessing Kakashi's masterpiece, Tsuchi turned his head and smiled flatteringly at Kushina.

[Master's wife, I know you can't bear to really teach my junior brother a lesson.

But it doesn't matter, Kakashi and I can take over this hard job for you.

We did such a good job, Master's wife will definitely praise us afterwards, right?


The old mother turned her head silently and couldn't bear to continue watching and said: Master's wife is very satisfied, so for the next three days, you two will go to the tree at the entrance of the village and hang yourself.

"After this incident, our Akatsuki organization can no longer hide, and of course I don't want to hide anymore...

It's time for Akatsuki and Rain Village to step onto the big stage of the ninja world!"

"The entry of Akatsuki means that our plan will officially begin...

In order to reduce the casualties of innocent people in the ninja world, I think we must set up a big flag;

A flag that can gather all the guys in the ninja world who oppose our Akatsuki organization's peace concept in one place..."

"And the Fourth Raikage Ai and the ninjas of the Cloud Village, whose backbones have been broken by us, just have the weight to raise this "anti-Akatsuki" flag...

Gather all those who oppose us and annihilate them in one fell swoop, so that we and the entire ninja world can minimize the losses..."

Naruto rubbed his burning skin, knelt in front of his old mother with a wronged look on his face and explained to everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the Akatsuki organization who heard Naruto's explanation:(ー ー゛)...

"Gulala la la la~

I said that the son raised by Edward Newgate, how could he be a big devil who kills without blinking an eye..."

Naruto: →_→...

[Hehe, Dad, you played the Ansai waist drum very happily just now~

That momentum, that strength... Tsk tsk~]

"I said Naruto is not that kind of person, I just wanted to rush to save him and you actually stopped me... Now why don't you apologize to me and Naruto, you bastards!"

Naruto: ←_←...

[It was you, Xiaodi, who stuffed your big feet into my mouth just now?

There is no need to deny it, your broken soles have completely betrayed you!

There is still a part of the fragments of the soles in my mouth~]

Duang! ! ! Duang! ! !

"How dare you use such a dirty trick on my precious son...

Kakashi! Obito!

You two guys, go to hell right now!"

Naruto: →_→...

[Hehe, it's as if you didn't agree... Never mind, I really don't dare to say (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...]

After a fight, the misunderstanding between Naruto and the Akatsuki organization was completely resolved. This is really a cause for celebration... Butt!

Not to mention the big foot marks, Piyanzi was stabbed and bled, right? !

Naruto: ┭┮﹏┭┮


"Dear White Zetsu brothers, the organization will not forget the sacrifices you made today!"

The White Zetsu chosen as sacrifices: 눈_눈... MMP, Uzumaki Naruto, did you hear that? ! MMP!

"Immortality Reincarnation!"

White Zetsu was sacrificed one after another, and the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village who were sent to the Pure Land jumped out one after another.

Ai, who was in the Pure Land the last second, crying for his father in the arms of his secretary Ma Buyi, opened his eyes and saw Naruto's smiling face as bright as a chrysanthemum.

Ai: (´இ皿இ`) What the hell? !

[How much hatred and resentment do you have... You still chased me to the Pure Land to fuck me? ! ]

A tough guy like Ai was almost scared to tears, not to mention the other ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village.

Of course, it was not Naruto who scared them to tears, but Xiaodi and the White Zetsu who were laughing there with their rocket launchers.

"Oh, Lord Fourth Raikage, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon, hehe~"

Ai: QAQ...

[Hehe, your brother-in-law, hehe, I don't want to see you again at all...]

"...Is this the real world?"

"Yes, Lord Fourth Raikage has a keen eye."

"...Please send me back to the Pure Land, thank you."

Naruto: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

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