"What did you say?!

Naruto Uzumaki is still in the Iron Country, and he has stopped our troops... Did he attack our people?!"

When Ai heard Naruto jump out to block him, his old face suddenly became as if he had eaten something.

"Not yet, he specifically let me come back to tell you, so that you... go to see him in person."

"I'll go now."

No one in the Hidden Cloud Village can understand the horror of Naruto's strength better than Ai;

As it concerns the lives of many Hidden Cloud Village ninjas, he dared not delay and walked out immediately.

But after walking a few steps, Ai suddenly stopped.

Ma Buyi, who was following behind him, accidentally bumped into his broad back.

"... Lord Raikage?"

"I suddenly remembered something... How did our people react when they saw Naruto Uzumaki? Did they attack him?"

Hearing this, Ma Buyi, who thought Ai was worried about whether the Hidden Cloud Village ninjas on the front line had suffered casualties, couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

[It turns out that the Fourth Raikage still cares about them like family members~]

Mabui thought so in his heart and quickly answered Ai's question.

"Don't worry, Raikage. Our people stopped advancing as soon as they saw Uzumaki Naruto appear... so they didn't suffer any casualties."

Mabui thought Ai would breathe a sigh of relief and even feel happy after hearing the news.

Unexpectedly, Ai's next reaction was...


The enemy is right in front of them, but they don't even have the courage to launch an attack?!"

Ai shouted angrily, and the beard on both sides of his mouth stood up with this anger.

He admitted that Naruto's individual strength was indeed very terrifying, but without the help of Deidara's hot weapons...

Ai didn't believe that Naruto had the strength to kill all the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village!

[So many people gathered together, even if they used human lives...

It would be enough to pile up that guy Uzumaki Naruto, right? ! 】

The overwhelming anger came from nowhere, and Ai felt that the decision he made before was extremely correct.

It seems that the long-term comfortable life has worn out the blood of the ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village.

And he, the Fourth Raikage Ai, wants to use the fastest and most efficient method to re-stimulate their blood...

Only the strong!

are worthy of standing by his side and building a new Hidden Cloud Village with him!

Ai: (눈益눈) !!!

"...Mabuyi, you immediately... immediately send someone to pass the order, let the front-line troops immediately attack Uzumaki Naruto!

No matter the casualties! No matter the sacrifice! Attack at any cost!

Must kill Uzumaki Naruto there!"

Mabuyi was stunned. She didn't expect the Fourth Raikage Ai to make such a decision in the end.

"Lord Raikage, are you really going to..."

"Go! This is my final order!"

Ai's angry eyes seemed to penetrate through the space and projected directly onto Naruto on the battlefield ahead.

[Uzumaki Naruto!

My father died of exhaustion after three days and three nights of fighting alone against 10,000 Iwagakure ninjas;

The number of Kumogakure ninjas standing in front of you is no less than that... I don't believe I can't kill you! 】


When the Fourth Raikage Ai's order officially arrived, the Kumogakure ninjas who were blocked by Naruto alone were really... mixed with sadness and joy.

The joy was that if Naruto really kept his promise, they could withdraw to the camp safely;

The sadness was... they didn't expect the Fourth Raikage Ai to actually give them such an order.

You have to know that when the Fourth Raikage Ai gave this order...

He didn't know about the bet proposed by Naruto!

At this point, any non-stupid ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village who were present could guess that --

The Fourth Raikage, whom they admired, actually wanted to sacrifice their lives in exchange for the death of Uzumaki Naruto!

To be honest, for the future of the village, none of them were afraid of death, really not afraid of death.

Some of the Hidden Cloud Village ninjas who had experienced the death of the Third Raikage even expressed their understanding of the Fourth Raikage Ai's decision in their hearts.

But understanding is understanding, which does not mean that they will not be chilled.

The Fourth Raikage Ai wanted a group of Chunin and Genin to surround and kill a strong man who was far stronger than them...

Did he really seriously consider the chances of success of this mission? !


"Heh~ I guessed it right.

Then I will let you go if you accept the loss... Let's go."

While Naruto sneered, he did not forget to abide by the bet he made.

Finding a glimmer of hope in despair,Most of the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village retreated as if they had just woken up from a dream.

But there was still a small part...

"What are you doing?! Why are you retreating?!"

"Assholes, didn't you hear the order of the Raikage?! Come and attack him with us!"

"This is betrayal! You cowards who betrayed the village and the Fourth Raikage Ai!"


The facts prove that there is no shortage of such people in the world who can't see the current affairs clearly and just want to be loyal dogs for others.

And to deal with such stupid guys, Naruto has no choice but to...

Swish swish swish swish swish...

Golden flashes shuttled quickly among these people.

When Naruto's figure appeared again where he had just stood, those ninjas who clamored to obey the order of the Fourth Raikage Ai to attack him were all packed up and sent to the Pure Land.

The sudden blooming of blood flowers frightened the retreating Hidden Cloud Village ninjas and made them stop again.

"You all saw it,

These people wanted to attack me first, and I had no choice but to send them all to see the old man Liudao~"

Naruto: ~(TロT)σThey were the first to attack!

The ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー ー゛)...You are awesome, everything you say is right.

"Okay, okay, go back quickly, don't worry I won't attack you again.

Remember to tell your Fourth Raikage after you go back that I, Uzumaki Naruto, will protect the Iron Country for the next three days... Understand?!"

Naruto wiped the blood that accidentally splashed on his cheek calmly.

Rather than asking the Hidden Cloud Village ninjas to pass on his words, it would be better to say that it was a notification...

The Hidden Cloud Village ninjas couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they heard this, and nodded repeatedly like pounding garlic.

"I'll give you one last piece of advice. Think about it carefully after you go back... Is the current Fourth Raikage still worthy of your following?!"

After saying this, Naruto disappeared in front of the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village in the blink of an eye.

[Is the current Fourth Raikage worthy of following...? ]

The ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village: (ー ー゛)... fell into deep thought

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