"Damn! Nagato, what do you mean?!"

"Didn't we agree to let the brothers play the villains... How come we have become the villain's younger brother?!

Damn, it's getting worse and worse, we can't stand it anymore!"

"That's right, you tell us who stole our roles, otherwise... hehe!"

Before dawn the next day, three swords were already on Nagato's neck.

Nagato: 눈_눈...

"Are you three sure you want to know?"

The three nodded repeatedly, and the swords in their hands moved one more inch towards Nagato's neck.

"Hurry up and tell me!" ×3

Just at this moment, Kushina just pushed the door and walked in, followed by the Seventh Hokage.

"You have arranged everything in this world, and mom has found three temporary ones for you... What are you doing?!"

Kushina was bragging to the Seventh Hokage about how perfect her arrangements were, and the next second she happened to see these three temporary villains rebelling with knives...

The old mother was very angry, and her long red hair floated up out of thin air!

Kushina: (▼へ▼メ)!!! ! !

The Kirigakure Trio: !!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノWhat the hell? ! !


"It's nothing serious, they just threatened me to tell you the name of the person who asked them to play the villain's younger brother."

The timing was so perfect that Nagato felt that he had to say it in front of Kushina... to give these three fools who dared to put a knife on his neck a warning.

Nagato: (*Ӧ)σKushina is against him!

Kushina: o( ̄ヘ ̄o)Hmph!

Biwa Juzo: →_→…When did Kushina come back?

Hoshigaki Kisame: (ー ー゛)…I don’t know what happened…

Momochi Zabuza: ←_←…I am also a mother hen…

“Are you three dissatisfied with my arrangement?!”

“No, no, you arranged it so well, big sister. We brothers are happy to play the villain’s younger brother.”×3

Kushina: (◍ ´꒳` ◍)Sensible~

“Let me introduce you. This is my son in another world, Boruto’s biological father.

He will play the villain role himself later…Why don’t you three come and meet the new boss?!”

Dang! ! ! ×3

The swords in the hands of the Kirigakure trio were immediately frightened off, showing the power of Kushina's version of the Lion's Roar.

The next second...

The Kirigakure trio who had dropped their weapons did not bother to pick them up from the ground, and immediately ran to the Seventh Hokage.

"Hello, Boss!" ×3

Seventh Hokage: (ー_ー)!!

[Uh... Is my mother's dominance in the Akatsuki organization so strong? ! ]

Looking at Biwa Juzo, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza who were standing behind him and running obediently... The Seventh Hokage felt that he was very confused at the moment.

"...Thank you for your hard work, three seniors."

The Seventh Hokage held back for a long time before he managed to say this.

Kirigakure trio: ๑乛◡乛๑~ This kid is good, much more polite than some people.

“Listen carefully, when the show starts later…”

Due to the sudden joining of Kushina and the Seventh Hokage, Nagato had to repeat the plan in front of everyone.

“Does anyone have any questions?”

“Sorry, Senior Brother Nagato, I have questions.”

The Seventh Hokage raised his hand and said.

“It’s just… you haven’t told me what I’m going to do yet…”

Nagato: →_→…

“… You don’t have to do anything, just stand there, and the rest is just watching the three of them operate.”

Let the Seventh Hokage play a villain…

To be honest, Nagato was really afraid that he would mess it up.

But after all, it was Kushina’s personal request, so Nagato had no choice but to… let the Seventh Hokage be a mascot with the title of a villain.

The Kirigakure trio proudly puffed out their chests when they heard this.

"That's right, Naruto... Naruto... Boruto's father, just stand there and watch us perform. We are professionals in this field!"

Biwa Juzo thought for a long time and couldn't figure out how to address the Seventh Hokage. Finally, he suddenly came up with the weird name "Boruto's father".

Just as Biwa Juzo finished speaking, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza also stood up and agreed.

"Yeah, just watch us step on your son!"

"I agree."

Seventh Hokage: 눈_눈... Why does this sound a bit...?

"Well, time is running out, everyone should hurry up and prepare."


Get up, drink half a bowl of hard-to-swallow porridge and a small piece of hard black bread, picked up the dung fork and walked out of the thatched house...

A new day has begun.

This means... there are a lot of cow dung in the farm waiting for Uzumaki Boruto, the shit shovel, to clean up.

In the eyes of Uzumaki Boruto, who is working hard, today's cattle and horse farm is no different from the past.

Little did he know that in the place he couldn't see...

The entire cattle and horse farm is running at high speed because of his assessment, and only he, the only candidate, is still kept in the dark.

Uzumaki Boruto: [Today is another day full of hope...]

"Water escape* pick up a girl (Running Flow)!"

Boom! ! !

Uzumaki Boruto: =(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇) What happened? !

Uzumaki Boruto looked in the direction of the explosion and found that the wall on the southeast side of the cattle and horse farm was pierced from the outside by a powerful water escape ninjutsu.

In the smoke and dust, the three members of the Kirigakure group, who had changed their appearance, walked out swaggeringly, and the leader opened his mouth and said...

"Director Nidi Bo, rnm! Pay back the money!!!"

"If you don't pay back the money, we will burn down your broken farm!"

"...Me too!"

After saying that, the three of them deliberately turned back and glanced.

[Boruto's father, look at what we are acting... Why are you still standing outside like an idiot? ! ] ×3

At this moment, the Seventh Hokage was already scared silly. When had he, who had always been law-abiding, seen such an explosive scene...

[Mom, are you sure these three are just acting? ! ]

The Seventh Hokage's eyes drifted towards Kushina hiding in the dark.

And Kushina...

"Great! This is the effect we want!"

Big sister Kushina was so excited that she clapped her hands and even regretted why she didn't go on stage herself...


Although she knew it was just acting, when she heard that someone dared to ask for money like this...

Kakuzu, who played the role of Nidi Bo, still felt a surge of anger in his heart!

So he came out of the luxurious manor with a gloomy face!

He walked up to the Kirigakure trio with his head held high!


Pah! ! !

Biwa Juzo hit Kakuzu with a loud big slap.

Kakuzu: Fuck! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

We agreed to act, but you came right up and started playing, right?!

"I don't..."

Biwa Juzo grabbed Kakuzu's cheek, forcing him to stop his dangerous speech, and then quietly leaned into Kakuzu's ear and whispered.

"Kakuzu, please understand, everything is for the pursuit of truth, in fact, that slap on your face... I also feel! Heartbroken! Na!"

That said, but what Biwa Juzo was thinking in his heart was...

Biwa Juzo: ʱªʱªʱª (ᕑᗢᓫ∗)˒Great!!!

Brothers have long wanted to teach this stingy miser who likes to cheat his own people's money a lesson...

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