Shimura Danzo, who had almost all the Uchiha clan members eyeballed,

After hearing that Uchiha Itachi was targeting him, and knowing that this guy was a ruthless man who could open the Mangekyō...

Is Shimura Danzo panicked?

The answer is that he is panicked.

Although most of the people whose eyes were gouged by Shimura Danzo were killed by Uchiha Itachi, a filial son, he was still panicked.

Shimura Danzo could foresee what Uchiha Itachi would think when he learned about this.

[Uchiha Itachi: Although I agreed to execute all the Uchiha clan members in person to maintain the peace of the village;

But you, Shimura Danzo, didn’t tell me that you were going to gouge their eyes? !

They are all dead, and you didn’t even leave a complete corpse...

This is too much!

Damn beast!

Die for me! 】

Thinking about it, Shimura Danzo was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat, and the back of his clothes was soaked.

"Impossible, I'm acting so secretly, how could he know?"

"Huh~ Secret?!

There's not a single corpse in the Uchiha cemetery, and you're telling me it's a secret?!

With just your little trick, I wonder how many people have already discovered the clues.

As for Uchiha Itachi... he already knew it."

Looking at the embarrassed look of Shimura Danzo, Naruto tried hard to hold back his laughter and deliberately said something sarcastic.

"You know what kind of personality Uchiha Itachi has.

Although he did kill his entire clan for the sake of the village, he still feels guilty about it.

After he knew that you wantonly insulted the remains of the Uchiha clan,

If it weren't for me constantly comforting him behind the scenes, and if it weren't for Uchiha Sasuke's bargaining chip left in the village...

He would have sneaked back to the village to settle accounts with you!"

"But now...

Uchiha Sasuke defected, and our only bargaining chip has been lost;

Plus, Uchiha Itachi hasn't sent back any news in recent days...

I guess he is on his way back to the village to kill you.

...Danzo, are you afraid?"

Naruto's eyes flashed with a playful light, and a smirk unconsciously hung on the corners of his mouth, as if he was enjoying this game of teasing Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo tried to stay calm, but he couldn't hide his inner panic;

His eyes were a little erratic, but he still pretended to be calm and said

"Would I be afraid of him?!

Let him come!

I don't believe he really dares to attack me...

If he really attacks me, he will become a traitor of Konoha and will never be able to turn over!"

"Have you forgotten that Uchiha Itachi is now a traitor of Konoha.

And don't forget what our real purpose is for him to defect from Konoha..."

Naruto glanced at Shimura Danzo.

"Behind Uchiha Itachi now, there is a high possibility that that man - Uchiha Madara - is standing.

You Shimura Danzo are not afraid of Uchiha Itachi, but are you not afraid of Uchiha Madara?"

Shimura Danzo: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞!

If it weren't for Naruto's reminder, Shimura Danzo would not have thought of this in a panic.


The purpose of them identifying Uchiha Itachi as a traitor is to let him gain the trust of Uchiha Madara (actually Tsuchiko) and successfully lurk beside him to collect intelligence for the village.

What if Uchiha Itachi betrayed because of the incident of him taking out his eyes, and completely turned to Uchiha Madara, and then brought Uchiha Madara to Konoha to kill him...

I can't stop it~I can't stop it~

That's the battlefield rose, the Shura of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara!

He's dead!

"... Hiruzen, you knew and agreed to my taking out the eyes of the Uchiha clan members.

If Uchiha Itachi really comes, you can't get away with it."

[Fuck! It turns out that Sarutobi Hiruzen has always known about the old thief Danzo collecting eyes! 】

As soon as Shimura Danzo opened his mouth, he broke such explosive news.

Naruto was surprised, but then he thought...

Isn't this expected?

Without Sarutobi Hiruzen's tacit approval, how could Shimura Danzo collect so many Sharingans?

It's just the daily operation of the two of them colluding with each other and being in the same nest.

"Hehe~ Danzo, don't talk nonsense.

As the Hokage, how could I allow you to do something that harms fellow villagers?!"

Naruto was betting that the old fox Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't leave any handle for Shimura Danzo in this matter.

"Since you said that I allowed it... where is the evidence?

When did I tell you in person that you can take out the eyes of the dead Uchiha clan members... you should bring out the evidence!"

Shimura Danzo: (º Д º*)? ! !

Evidence? !

Where did he get the evidence? !

Danzo recalled that he ran to Sarutobi Hiruzen to tell this matter.When things happen...

【Shimura Danzo: "Huruzen, I will accept the Uchiha clan's Sharingan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "What do you want those eyes for?"

Shimura Danzo: "Don't worry about it, just tell me whether you will give it to me or not!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "...Oh my, it's troublesome. The gravekeeper will take a leave tomorrow night, and the whole cemetery will be unattended... What should I do... I am so worried..."

Shimura Danzo: "Understood."】

Shimura Danzo: (ー ー゛)...

【It seems that from now on, for anything that old man Sarutobi Hiruzen tacitly approves, I will first ask him to sign and seal it to keep written evidence. 】

"Anyway, you have to solve this matter with me.

Otherwise…I still have some information that can have an adverse impact on you, the Hokage.

Don't blame me for dragging you down with me."

Shimura Danzo said that he and Sarutobi Hiruzen had been working together for so many years, and he had a lot of negative information about him in his hands;

The two of them have been on the same boat for a long time. If Shimura Danzo doesn't have a good end, then you Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely not have a good end!

[Danzo, old thief, I've been waiting for you to say this! 】

Naruto knew that Shimura Danzo had taken the bait, and immediately pretended to be embarrassed and said.

"Okay, I will find a way to contact Uchiha Itachi.

I hope he will stop pursuing you for destroying the remains of the Uchiha clan for the sake of me, the Hokage.

But the premise is..."

Naruto looked at Shimura Danzo's right eye wrapped in bandages, and then looked at his right hand hidden under his wide robe.

"You need to hand over all the Uchiha eyes to me, and then I will return them to Uchiha Itachi."

"That's impossible!"

Shimura Danzo refused without even thinking about it.

God knows how much effort he spent collecting these Sharingans,

Now Naruto, pretending to be Sarutobi Hiruzen, is asking him to spit out all of them with just one casual sentence...

Shimura Danzo said he couldn't accept it at all.

"Of course you can choose not to hand it over."

Naruto naturally knew that it wouldn't be so easy to make Shimura Danzo spit out the Uchiha clan's Sharingan.

Danzo Shimura, who is used to conspiracies and intrigues, may not have a high IQ, but he is definitely not without IQ~

"But I can't find a way to help you. You will have to face the wrath of Uchiha alone.

As for the unfavorable information about me in your hand...

Root Base, Area A, Scroll No. 1, Intelligence Room 302...

I will go to get it myself later." Danzo Shimura was horrified and couldn't help screaming.

"How do you know?!"

Naruto smiled slightly.

"It's not your specialty to plant undercover agents around others."

As the saying goes, the system's products must be excellent.

The map obtained by the lottery not only marked the specific location of the root base, but also clearly marked where and what was placed in the base.

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