"Danzo, you have a point, but my Anbu is really useless. We haven't been able to catch the thief yet...

Let your Root move, and find that Monkey*D* Garp first."

Sarutobi Hiruzen proposed to let the Root join the Anbu's actions for the first time.

You should know that this kind of thing has never happened before. Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been very reluctant to let the Root ninjas interfere in the daily work of the village.

It can be seen how much pressure the exposure of these dark histories has put on him.

However, what responded to him was Naruto, who was wearing the old face of Shimura Danzo, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

"You are wrong, Hiruzen.

The most urgent task is not to catch the person who spread this information, but to find a way to maintain your reputation first.

You and I both know how huge the negative impact will be if this information is spread.

Although the information has been confiscated by your Anbu and handed over to you, it is hard to say how many people have read it before.

Once they spread the content recorded in it, and you don't take timely countermeasures...

Your tenure as Hokage will be over."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very relieved.

In fact, the real purpose of his previous request for the Root to participate in the capture mission was to test Shimura Danzo's ambition.

Unexpectedly, Shimura Danzo not only did not agree to let the Root join, but also pointed out the biggest problem he was facing at the moment.

[It seems that my conciliatory policy is still very useful. Danzo has completely given up his ambition to become Hokage and has begun to assist me wholeheartedly... Not bad. 】

What Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know was that the Shimura Danzo standing in front of him was actually Naruto in disguise.

The reason why he didn't agree to let the Root join was because those ninjas in the Root were not his people, otherwise he would have to squeeze a few people in to "help out" Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As for why Naruto pointed out the issue of maintaining reputation for Sarutobi Hiruzen...

It can only be said that this is related to whether his next plan can proceed smoothly.

Naruto wants to show Sarutobi Hiruzen a big show!


Although Naruto's answer made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel particularly relieved,

but the question itself gave Sarutobi Hiruzen a headache.

There were too many people in the square, and many people had read these materials.

When the Anbu ninja noticed something strange and rushed to the square and collected these materials, they had already been circulated among countless people.

As the number of people increases, the most direct problem exposed is:

The ninjas in the Anbu cannot accurately determine who has seen the information, so they can only block the entire square and not allow anyone to enter or leave.

This method can indeed prevent the things recorded above from being spread, but it cannot prevent people inside the square from spreading it by word of mouth.

Once the blockade is lifted, it will still cause a commotion in Konoha Village, making Sarutobi Hiruzen's position as Hokage shaky.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knows that the most direct and effective way to solve this problem is to silence them!

Kill all the villagers in the square tonight...

But does Sarutobi Hiruzen dare to do this?

The group of old people in the square are not just civilians, but also nearly a hundred old men with extremely high seniority in various ninja families and their guards. They are all ninjas who have made outstanding contributions to Konoha.

Even if we don't consider the difference between civilians and ninjas...

That's nearly a thousand villagers in Konoha!

If he really made up his mind to order them all to be executed... How would people evaluate Konoha's Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen a hundred years later?

Wouldn't the good image he had painstakingly maintained in the hearts of Konoha villagers for decades suddenly collapse and turn into slag? !

"Tell me your ideas, Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen decided that since he couldn't find a solution to the problem, he would just pass it on to the person who first raised the question.

"First, you need to order the lifting of the blockade of the central square now and let everyone return home safely;

Second, hold a village meeting and deny in person in front of all the villagers of Konoha that you have done anything recorded in these materials;

Third, when holding the meeting, send people to carefully observe everyone below, find out those who are suspicious of you or have shown hostility, and secretly detain them all in one place for unified treatment.

This is the best way I can think of...

Hiruzen, don't blame me for not reminding you...

The sooner the village meeting is held, the better, so as to avoid more trouble at night."

[Danzo, you are really moved by my sincerity~]

SarutobiHiruzen calmed down and thought about it carefully, and found that this method was indeed feasible, and he was immediately moved.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not stupid. After a little thought, he found that if he really handled it according to this method, he could not only effectively eliminate the adverse effects of this incident, but also strengthen his control over Konoha to a certain extent.

Of course, this was without any accidents;

Little did he know that the person who proposed this plan was the biggest accident.

Naruto had already dug a big hole, waiting for Sarutobi Hiruzen to fall into it stupidly...

"The method you proposed, Danzo, is very good, but using this incident to rashly deal with all the ninjas in the village who have opinions about me... Isn't it a bit too radical?"

After standing still for a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen said pretentiously as usual.

"If there are too many ninjas who have a problem with me, and you imprison them all at once...

Danzo, you will make it very difficult for me~"

Naruto: (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑)~

Naruto seemed to have received some kind of signal at this moment.

He raised his head slightly, walked to the desk with an extremely arrogant step, and gently pressed his left palm on the desk.

"Difficult?! Then don't do it!"

(╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

Naruto flipped the desk upside down with a backhand. (Thanks to Brother Crow for the action guidance~)

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (꒪⌓꒪) ? !!


Sarutobi Hiruzen was slapped again in the face. He could say for sure that the force of this slap was much heavier than the previous one, because he clearly felt that two teeth in his mouth were shaking slightly...

"Shimura Danzo, you..."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Remember, you are the Hokage!

Is it time for you, as the Hokage, to be hesitant and indecisive?!

As the Hokage, you can do it if you can, and if you can't, just roll down and let me do it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Σ( ° △ °|||)︴…

Sarutobi Hiruzen always felt that Shimura Danzo was weird today.

As for what was weird…Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t tell.

Maybe it was because he was too irritable and always wanted to slap him?

Naruto: [Ah~ cool! ✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩! ! ! 】

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