Sarutobi Hiruzen thought he had guessed Naruto's plan, which was to make the information public during this village meeting and use public opinion to overthrow him, the Third Hokage.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong. Naruto's plan was not this from the beginning to the end.

Information can be forged. Without solid evidence or Sarutobi Hiruzen's personal admission, most villagers in Konoha Village would not believe it.

Even if some people were suspicious, they would definitely spend a lot of time to verify it afterwards;

And this time was enough for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo to erase all the evidence.

Naruto knew that to bring down Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, it would not be done by just taking out a few pieces of information and holding a village meeting.

His goal from the beginning to the end was not to expose Sarutobi Hiruzen's evil deeds in front of the villagers, but to...

take this opportunity to provoke the relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and the major families of Konoha.

Can a Hokage who is alienated from the major families of Konoha still be considered a Hokage?

This matter is not difficult to operate,

Because although Sarutobi Hiruzen thought that Naruto would change into the appearance of a villager to sneak into the venue;

But he never thought that he would be so bold as to disguise himself as a special identity - Anbu!

In theory, Konoha's Anbu is a very strict organization, even if Naruto changes his appearance to sneak into it, he will be found out in a very short time.

Coincidentally, in order to ensure that there is no risk, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo actually let the Root join the operation.

Because the masks of the Anbu are mostly in the form of animals;

And the masks of the Root are all kinds of strange things, and the colors on the masks are much darker than those of the Anbu masks.

Naruto could easily tell the difference between the two, so Naruto's tricks began:

When he met an Anbu ninja, the mask on his face became that of a Root ninja;

When he met a Root ninja, the mask on his face became that of an Anbu...

With this unique skill, Naruto was able to blend in well with both teams, and even obtained an important intelligence-

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo already knew that they were deceived,

They simultaneously ordered the Anbu and the Root to find the person who dared to deceive them.

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo's recollections, the person's appearance was unknown, and the known feature was that he could transform into anyone's appearance and loved to slap people in the face...

When Naruto heard these two guys describe him like this, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Since he had successfully mixed into the Anbu team, how could he create conflicts between Sarutobi Hiruzen and the major families... simple!

Because the Anbu and the Root had received orders long ago:

Secretly capture anyone who is suspected of having any negative emotions towards the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As for how this "negative emotion" is defined~

Naruto said:

"The Inuzuka family, why are you shaking your head when the Hokage is speaking?

It's obvious that you are dissatisfied with the Hokage, take him away!"

"This ninja from your Nara clan dared to close his eyes when the Hokage was giving a speech. It's clearly disrespectful to the Hokage, take him away!"

"The Akimichi family, they are eating during a meeting, take them away!"

"The Yamanaka clan, the children are crying too loudly and disrupting the order of the venue, take them away!"

"The Aburame clan, they are playing with insects during a meeting, take them away!"


Naruto mixed in the team and fanned the flames, causing the Anbu and Root ninjas to capture almost all the clansmen from each clan, even the Hyuga clan.

Half an hour later, the room used to temporarily detain the secretly captured people was already packed;

Except for the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan, almost all the clans of Konoha could be found in it.

In the field, the clan leaders of each clan also found that something was wrong.

They gathered in twos and threes, discussing the anomaly in the field in a low voice.

"Two of my clansmen were just taken away by the ninjas of the Anbu in the name of assisting the investigation, and they haven't come back yet... What about you?"

"Three people from our family were taken away."

"Only one person was taken away from me, but the one who was taken away was my nephew."

"And our Aburame..."

After some communication, they found that each family had more or less taken away a few people, and instantly they all showed a worried expression on their faces.

"This has never happened before in a villager meeting. This matter seems a little unusual..."

"In my opinion, this villager meeting may be a cover to bring us together..."

"YourMeaning, the one who spoke above is going to attack our family?"

"Hush~ Be careful... It's just speculation now, don't forget the fate of Senju and Uchiha..."

"Let's see how it will develop next..."


"Your Root's efficiency is really terrible... Jia San, you brought people here again~"

The Anbu ninja standing guard outside the door greeted enthusiastically.

"Well, open the door. "

Naruto's transformed Root Ninja nodded slightly in response.

Seeing the door open, Naruto walked in with a ninja transformed by his shadow clone.

After entering the room, Naruto roughly counted the number of people in the room, and when he felt that it was almost done, he smiled with satisfaction.

He then turned his head and put his mouth close to the ear of the shadow clone, and to outsiders it seemed as if he was saying something to the ninja transformed by the shadow clone.

Then the people in the room saw that the ninja was first shocked, and then he became furious and broke free from Naruto's grip and roared loudly.

"You despicable Anbu, you actually want to use my life as a threat to let me slander our clan leader for rebellion? !

Bah! Shameless! "

Everyone in the room: (ー_ー)!!

They were just wondering why the Anbu ninjas had captured them, but when they heard this...

Would they also want them to slander the head of their own family and ask for rebellion?!

Instantly, most people in the room became indignant, with anger written all over their faces;

Only a few people could remain calm, as they wanted to clarify the matter first to avoid misunderstandings.

Unexpectedly, the next moment...

"Hmph! Since you are unwilling to cooperate, then go to hell!"

Naruto snorted coldly, his face instantly darkened as if water was about to drip down.

"Fire Style*Great Fireball Technique! "


Naruto spit out a huge fireball,

The ninja transformed by his shadow clone was instantly burned to ashes without any resistance.

[Damn! It hurts!]

Naruto's body trembled suddenly, and the skin hidden under the mask twitched unconsciously.

The pain from the disappearance of the shadow clone was really stimulating.

"And you... are also unwilling to cooperate, right?

Then die like him!

Fire Style*Great Fireball Technique!"

Naruto puffed up his cheeks and spit out another huge fireball at everyone in the room.

Now even the calmest people couldn't sit still.

"Fight with them! Rush out and let the clan leader decide for us! "

The next second, they unleashed all kinds of ninjutsu, smashing down on Naruto.

Naruto immediately rushed out of the door, shouting.

"Oh no, those people we secretly arrested under the order of the Hokage have rebelled!

Go and report to the Hokage!"

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