"I believe that Konoha Village will flourish under my leadership..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the high platform of the Hokage Building and talked to the villagers below, but his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

[The village meeting is about to end, why hasn't that person made a move yet? Could it be that I was wrong? ]

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but doubt himself, he suddenly sensed that far away from the southeast corner of the Hokage Building,

in order to facilitate the joint action of the Anbu and the Root today, bursts of chakra burst out from the temporary base.

[Here it comes! ]

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought,

It must be that Shimura Danzo has brought the guy who dared to pretend to be him to the base,

Facing the net he carefully laid out, that guy knew he couldn't escape.

Unwilling to give up, he fought with the Anbu and Root ninjas, intending to fight to the death...

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled confidently at the villagers below.

"Haha, villagers.

It seems that the guy who sneaked into the village to frame me has been found.

You may as well wait a little longer,

When the Anbu escorts that guy to the venue,

I will witness the true face of the thief with you and see who he is..."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Villagers: (⊙o⊙)! ! !

[Whose general is this? He is so brave that he dares to call the Hokage's name directly? ! ]

There are many villagers who have this idea, and they all turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a giant appeared in the southeast at some point. From the clothes on the giant, it can be seen that he is a member of the Akimichi family.


The current head of the Akimichi clan, Akimichi Choza, shouted in surprise.

He recognized that this giant was one of the core backbones of their Akimichi clan, Akimichi Yuichi, who was taken away by the Anbu not long ago.

Judging from Akimichi Yuichi's physical condition at the moment, he should have experienced a difficult battle.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Akimichi Yuichi called out Sarutobi Hiruzen's name again, and at the same time raised a big foot and stomped hard on the ground, picked up a rock that was shaken up, and threw it at Sarutobi Hiruzen with all his strength.

Although it was called a rock, its volume was larger than ten Sarutobi Hiruzens combined. With the blessing of Akimichi Yuichi's terrifying strength, it was shot at Sarutobi Hiruzen like a cannonball.

"Earth escape * Earth Dragon Bullet!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was livid, and he quickly formed a seal to summon an earth dragon to catch the stone steadily, and controlled the stone to slowly fall to an uninhabited place.

"Dingzuo, the shadow of your people attacking the village for no reason... I need a reasonable explanation for this."

Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his head and looked at Akimichi Dingzuo in the crowd, his eyes gloomy and vicious.

If the explanation given by Akimichi Choza does not satisfy him... the Akimichi clan will become the history of Konoha, and the "butterfly" in "Pig, Deer and Butterfly" will never stand out.

"Everyone, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen took the opportunity of convening a village meeting to let the Anbu select members of each family of Konoha and bring them here.

They tried to make us slander the patriarchs of our respective families and wanted to start a rebellion in the village!

We did not want to go along with them, so they killed us, and we had no choice but to fight back!"

Akimichi Yuichi was about to continue speaking, but was pushed by a huge force from behind.

"Shut up!

Wind Style*Vacuum Big Ball!"

Danzo quickly jumped out from behind Akimichi Yuichi, stood on Akimichi Yuichi's shoulder and shouted loudly in the direction of the Hokage.

"Villagers, I am the Hokage Assistant Shimura Danzo.

Listen to me first... cough!"

Pah! ! !

Akimichi Yuichi slapped Danzo Shimura off his shoulder like slapping a fly.

"Now the Anbu controlled by Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Root controlled by Danzo Shimura are working together to strangle us!

Akimichi, Inuzuka, Nara, Yamanaka... all the tribesmen have died in the battle!

Please, clan leaders and villagers, please give us justice!!!"

Akimichi Yuichi shouted the last sentence with all his strength, then turned around and devoted himself to the battle with Danzo Shimura...

Villagers: Ah this... (꒪⌓꒪) !!!

The villagers all looked up and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was stunned above.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

Sarutobi Hiruzen never expected that the plot would develop like this...

Hinata Hiashi, Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikaku... and other Konoha ninja clan leaders looked at each other, then stood up and walked to the front of the crowd.

"Hokage, we need an explanation!"

"Yes, if thisIf the explanation does not satisfy us... we have to think carefully about whether you are qualified to sit in the position of Hokage now..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage, holding the power firmly in his hands, secretly sending people to suppress various families... they can tolerate all these.

However, coercing the clansmen of various families to slander their clan leaders for rebellion...

It's over the line, this is already digging up the roots of their families!


When he heard that these clan leaders actually wanted to unite to remove him from the position of Hokage, the cold light in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes became heavier.

But he never thought that before this, he had tried to use the same method to threaten Akimichi Choza to give him an explanation.

Now this can only be said to be...

Retribution in this life, it's just that it will be paid soon.

"Don't worry, this should be just a misunderstanding... I'll let them all stop now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, and signaled a guard behind him to hurry over to convey his order.

"Hmph~ No need. "

Akimichi Choza snorted coldly.

When the guard arrived, who knows how many of their clansmen who were taken there died at the hands of the Anbu and the Root...

Perhaps the whole army was wiped out, and it is hard to say whether the Anbu and the Root dared to kill them all before the guard arrived.

"All the jonin of the Akimichi clan come with me, and perform the super* multiplication technique, the goal... is to rescue Akimichi Yuichi and other trapped ninjas."

"Roar! "

The jonins of the Akimichi clan followed Akimichi Choza out of the arena, and after a roar, they transformed into towering giants and ran towards the southeast.

[Akimichi Choza, it seems that your clan has not inherited my "Will of Fire"...]

Looking at the Akimichi clan who acted without listening to the arrangements of the Hokage, although Sarutobi Hiruzen did not say anything, he had already sentenced the Akimichi clan to death in his heart.


The scene turned back to Naruto.

At this moment, Naruto had already escaped from the temporary base,

Now he changed his image and slipped into the crowd under the Hokage building.

Now Naruto is waiting for Akimichi Choza and Shimura Danzo to bring both sides' troops here,

and quietly watching how Sarutobi Hiruzen will perform the play he carefully prepared for him...

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