Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was forced into a dilemma by the patriarchs of the major Konoha families, had to give a lame excuse:

The reason why the Anbu secretly arrested those people was because they suspected that they had contact with the spy who framed Sarutobi Hiruzen in the past few days.

Obviously, this reason was made up by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Some of those who were arrested had not stepped out of the clan for more than a year before today.

How could a person who had not communicated with the outside world for a long time come into contact with a spy from another village?

The patriarchs wanted to continue to hold Sarutobi Hiruzen accountable, but Nara Shikaku reached out and stopped them at this time.

When Nara Shikaku asked this question, he did not expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to answer truthfully;

He just wanted to use this question to test Sarutobi Hiruzen's reaction.

Now, judging from Sarutobi Hiruzen's constantly dodging gaze and his trembling face trying to pretend to be calm, the story behind this incident is not as simple as it seems.

Nara Shikaku, who has a high IQ, immediately made his own judgment:

It is true that there are spies infiltrating the village;

It is also true that the spy disguised himself as a Root ninja to provoke a war between the two sides;

But the reason for arresting the members of each family is definitely not because they suspect that they have contact with the spy.

Rather... Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to take this opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

As for those members...

They have indeed become victims of the game between Sarutobi Hiruzen and the spy, but this also made him realize that the third generation Hokage does have a different mind for them, the ninja families of Konoha.

Nara Shikaku can be sure that the purpose of the spy mentioned by Sarutobi Hiruzen is to provoke the relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and the major families of Konoha.

Although this is a naked conspiracy, it has to be said that the effect is indeed very good.

At least after this incident, although the Nara clan will still maintain respect for Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, on the surface, they will definitely be wary of him in secret.

Nara Shikaku believes that the thoughts of the other clan leaders will eventually be the same as his.

In a sense, although they lost several clan members, they should indeed express their gratitude to the so-called "spy".

Thank him for reminding the clan leaders that Sarutobi Hiruzen still has plans for the major clans...

"Since the Anbu arrested our clan members because of the spy, and our clan members died because of the spy's design, then we will not continue to pursue this matter.

It's just that some of our clan members did die at the hands of the Anbu and the Root, and the issue of their pensions and compensation...

Lord Hokage, do you need to come up with a rule?"

Hearing that he had to take money out of his trouser pocket even though he hadn't caught the person, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt more uncomfortable than taking Olige.

But in order to maintain his good image and fear that the major families would turn against him on the spot, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to swallow this big loss with a pinch of his nose.

"It should be so. After the villagers' meeting, I will call a meeting of the clan leaders involved in this matter to discuss compensation."


The whole thing ended so hastily.

On the surface, Konoha Village has returned to its peaceful and harmonious state in the past, but there are undercurrents behind the scenes.

Since the end of the villagers' meeting, the Anbu controlled by Sarutobi Hiruzen has lost nearly 90% of the family ninjas.

Some of these people received information from their families in time and returned to their families safely after voluntarily withdrawing from the Anbu;

Some were sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen to perform tasks outside Konoha Village for various reasons, and no one has seen them since then.

Sarutobi Hiruzen used very decisive means to clean up the entire Anbu quickly and cut the Gordian knot, and promoted a large number of his diehard members from the civilian ninjas to join them, quickly filling the vacancies in the Anbu.

Although the overall strength of the cleansed Anbu is much weaker than before, the cohesion within the organization has risen to an unprecedented height, and it has completely transformed into the sharpest knife in Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand.

Let's talk about Naruto again.

Since the village assembly successfully made Sarutobi Hiruzen fall into a trap, Naruto has completely hidden in Konoha Village and remained silent.

During this period, Naruto wanted to contact Kakashi first, but after being reminded by Kurama, he realized in time that there were ninjas from the Anbu watching behind Kakashi.

Naruto, who failed to find a suitable opportunity, could only give up this idea temporarily and turned to study the forbidden techniques recorded in the Sealed Book in the inn.


November 15th, this is not only the time limit of the "Save Uchiha Obito" task given by the systemThe last day is also a very special day.

But this day may only be special in the hearts of Kakashi and Tsuchi.

Early this morning, Kakashi woke up early, put on a black suit that he didn't like to wear, went out to the flower shop of Yamanaka's family to buy a bunch of white chrysanthemums, and then walked towards the Martyrs Cemetery of Konoha with a solemn face and heavy steps.

In front of the mottled tombstone, Kakashi leaned down and gently put down the white chrysanthemums he had been holding all the way, then stood up and was silent for a long time before slowly uttering five words from his mouth.

"Rin, happy birthday."

Nohara Rin, this cute girl who belonged to the Namikaze Minato team with Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito, was buried under this tombstone after her death.

November 15th is Nohara Rin's birthday.

Kakashi always believed that Nohara Rin's parents had died long ago. After Uchiha Obito, Namikaze Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina also passed away, the only one who could remember Nohara Rin's birthday was himself, who killed her.

So every year at this time, Kakashi would come to his grave to pay homage.

This is the only remaining bond between his deceased best friend and Kakashi, and it is also one of the few ways Kakashi can think of to atone for his sins.

But what Kakashi didn't know was that every year there would be another best friend who had also died long ago in his cognition, who would come here earlier than him, and this best friend had never appeared before.

"I'm here to see you again, Rin.

This bouquet of flowers is my birthday gift to you...including Obito's."

As he said this, Kakashi lifted his mask, revealing the Sharingan from Tsuchiko.

"Although you should have met Obito in that world a long time ago...

After all, this eye was entrusted to me by that guy, and I think he would like to celebrate your birthday with me."

"A lot of things happened in Konoha Village this year...

The biggest thing is... Naruto ran away from the village.

To be honest, although the little guy is Minato's son, their personalities are really different~

Naruto is not as warm as the sun as Minato,

but at a young age, he can see the darkness hidden in the sun, and see through the surface to the bloody reality behind...

...I think people like Naruto are more suitable for living in this cruel ninja world than us."

"Lin, I dreamed of Obito again last night. guy.

I dreamed that the three of us were walking on the streets of Konoha with Minato and Kushina...

That damn guy Obito was late as expected as before..."

"I left the Anbu, and now I just want to stay in the village, guarding you, Obito, Minato and his wife... guarding my father's tombstone, and guarding the last evidence that you have appeared in this world.

...But I am afraid that one day in the future, I will also leave this world, and perhaps no one in this world will remember you anymore..."

"Lin, if possible, I really want to reunite with you earlier..."

Kakashi stood in front of Lin's tombstone with his eyes closed, and kept telling his thoughts to the cold tombstone.

Immersed in his own world, he did not notice that a figure was slowly emerging above Lin's tombstone.

This person wore a tiger-patterned mask and a red cloud and black robe. It was Uchiha Obito who had been hiding in the Kamui space.

Tsuchi-kun looked at Kakashi below and spoke coldly.

"Really? Then let me take you to reunite with them~"


Kakashi opened his eyes alertly and immediately took alert action.

"I am Uchiha Madara!"

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