The bad news is that Shimura Danzo didn't die, because he just hit the blade of Kusukome-kiri.

However, the angry old man with white beard raised his hand and changed his knife.

Now Shimura Danzo was covered in blood, his skin and flesh turned outward, his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground with his last breath.

His miserable state reminded Naruto of a famous dish on Blue Star - squirrel mandarin fish...

The scene was too bloody, and the seven-year-old Naruto was so scared that he subconsciously moved to the side.


[Huh? What the hell? ! ]

Naruto felt that he stepped on something.

He hurriedly raised his foot, lowered his head and took a closer look...

[Damn... I'm dirty. ]

Naruto: (≡▔﹏▔≡)~

What he stepped on was a piece of meat. Judging from the vaguely discernible knife marks on it... it can be confirmed that it was squirrel mandarin fish... no, it was Shimura Danzo's.

Naruto admitted that he was disgusted.

He quickly took another step back, and ended up bumping into Nagato's wheelchair.

Naruto turned around and saw...

Nagato: (◣д◢)!

Hiss~ What a scary expression!

Naruto wanted to go somewhere else, but found himself surrounded by the Akatsuki organization.

All members of the Akatsuki organization: (◣д◢)!!!

Naruto: (||๐_๐)...

Suddenly I had a bad feeling, something was wrong...

"You saw it, I really didn't step on that thing on purpose."

Naruto smiled awkwardly, laughed at everyone and wanted to slip out of their encirclement first.

Then his shoulders were held down by Nagato, and his head was also straightened by Nagato.

"Explain why you sneaked out of the base without saying a word and came to Konoha Village?"

"Nonsense, I clearly left a letter for you, how can you say I sneaked out?"

Naruto muttered unconvinced, he felt that Nagato was slandering his innocence out of thin air.

"Is this the letter you are talking about?"

Konan, with a frosty face, took out a crumpled paper from her arms and put it in front of Naruto.

There was a line of words written on the paper:

I'm going out to recruit talents for the organization, don't worry~

There is no doubt that only Naruto can write such a handwriting like a chicken scratching a dog.


Naruto admitted it happily, trying to get away with it with an innocent look.


The white-bearded father spoke.

"I only have three sons in this world now. The two I lost before were finally found, and you are gone again...

Do you know how anxious I am after learning about this?

You really went too far this time."

Whitebeard was not joking. When he learned from Nagato that Naruto was lost...

If everyone hadn't stopped him, Whitebeard might have performed a show of traveling thousands of miles to find his eldest son.

"Dad, here's this for you, beat him!"

Lazy Sheep quietly went behind Whitebeard, holding a giant python as thick as a five-meter-long bucket in his hands.

"Orochimaru just summoned it from the Ryuchi Cave, it's very strong! It fits your hand perfectly..."

Seeing this, Nizhuzi also asked Orochimaru for a sealing scroll with a cold face, and ran to Whitebeard and raised the sealing scroll in his hand high.

"This is industrial alcohol. Dad, dip it in some before you beat him... disinfect while beating."

White Beard Dad: (ー_ー)!!

Naruto: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

"Sorry, I was wrong!"


Naruto admitted his mistake very sincerely and knelt down on the spot.

All members of Akatsuki: 눈_눈...

Nagato: "... Change back first, or it will look awkward."

If they hadn't heard a voice saying that Uzumaki Naruto was calling before they came;

If they hadn't just surrounded Naruto after they came here;

If they hadn't seen the four golden characters "Uzumaki Naruto" clearly marked on Naruto's head... they might not have recognized him.



"Look, Uchiha Itachi!"

A member of the Uchiha clan suddenly looked back and saw Uchiha Itachi standing with the Akatsuki members.

"Fuck, Uchiha Itachi!"

All the Uchiha turned around suddenly and found this filial son at the first time.

"Fuck, Uchiha Itachi!"

It is said that people with the surname Uchiha are all passionate~

"I didn't expect that I would meet this ungrateful wolf who killed his own people in my life... and death!

I must kill him today!"

"Where is my sword? How can I not bring my sword?! Give it to you!"

The Konoha ninja whose sword was snatched from his hand by an Uchiha was full of confusion on his face.

"MaYou only have two detonating tags? Why are you so poor? ! "

Another Uchiha snatched the opponent's ninja bag and kicked him angrily after looking through it, then hurriedly followed the main force.


The appearance of Uchiha Itachi made the Uchiha ninjas immediately abandon their opponents and rush towards him like hungry tigers.

"Mahiko, Flint, Tu Wen..."

Uchiha Itachi read out the names of the Uchiha ninjas rushing towards him one by one, feeling like he was dreaming.

These people had obviously been killed by his own hands, but why...

But before he could figure it out, the Uchiha ninjas rushed up and started a group fight.

"Fire Style*Phoenix Fire!"

"Fire Style*Dragon Fire Technique! ”

“Fire Style*High Fireball…”

The one who used High Fireball was hit by three punches and eleven kicks instantly, all by other Uchiha.

“You can’t use High Fireball against this filial son, can High Fireball burn people to death?”

“That makes sense, then…Fire Style*Urgent Rain of Fire!”

All members of Akatsuki: (°Д°≡°Д°)?!!

No, they have no problem with you fighting Uchiha Itachi.

But…Uchiha Itachi is not the only one standing here!

“Shinra Tensei! "

Nagato acted decisively, and with a Shinra Tensei, Uchiha Itachi flew out towards the Uchiha clan members who were rushing towards him;

Then he took the lead and turned the wheelchair to lead everyone to retreat.

This is the family affair of the Uchiha clan, let them handle it themselves, anyway, Uchiha Itachi can't be killed by them...right...

Almost everyone in the Akatsuki organization thought so, except...


Nizhuzi wanted to rush forward to stop him, and then he was grabbed by the back of the neck by a hand that made him feel very familiar.

"Don't interfere, let them fight."

Nizhuzi turned around: w(°o°)w!

"Dad? !"


What's going on... Is there an internal conflict on the other side?

Hehehehe~ Then don't blame us!

After the Konoha ninjas were stunned for a while, they all laughed excitedly and charged towards the Akatsuki organization!

"Stop attacking, stop!

Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Hinata Hiashi was almost scared to death by the ninjas on his side.

Red hair, round eyes, skinny as if he had been malnourished since childhood...

Although this guy came in a wheelchair, Hinata Hiashi still recognized him at a glance, he was Nagato!

The Konoha ninjas actually dared to charge at him...

The ignorant are fearless, you... really don't know the horror of Nagato~

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