"Kakuzu, I have a way to get rich, although the risk is a bit high...

If you have the guts, you will get 70% and I will get 30% after the deal is done."

Naruto spoke so earnestly, but Kakuzu only heard "get rich" and "you get 70% and I get 30%".



A tentacle shot out from behind Kakuzu at lightning speed and tightly wrapped around Naruto's neck.

"I want it all."

Naruto: (ー ー゛)... Kakuzu, you really are...

Naruto, who was almost strangled to death, patted Kakuzu's tentacle with a grim face to show his agreement, and Kakuzu finally let go of him with satisfaction.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited... Tell me, what is the way."

Naruto rolled his eyes at Kakuzu and threw a white bead casually.

Kakuzu understood and caught the bead thrown by Naruto, and a lot of memories instantly flooded into his mind.

This white bead was exactly what Naruto had drawn a long time ago:

[The painter's gift: a legacy left by the counterfeit money expert painter in the movie "Wushuang" before his death, which contains the painter's full set of technical means to make counterfeit money. 】


If I had known that there was such a good technology, why would I bother to make money.

Now I feel that I can easily make countless silver bills.

Doesn't Xiaonan like to buy detonating talismans?

Let her buy!

Six hundred billion pieces are not enough, let her buy six hundred billion tons...six hundred billion tons per person!"

Kakuzu was so excited that he couldn't help himself and even started to talk nonsense.


Naruto held his forehead and sighed helplessly.

"What you made is counterfeit money, brother~"

Kakuzu turned his head suddenly and looked at Naruto with disdain.

"Do you believe that what I make is more real than the real thing?

The silver bills circulated in the ninja world are too simple to make, and it is not difficult to copy them."

When Naruto heard what Kakuzu said, he immediately shook his head.

"Even if you can make the real thing, I don't recommend you to do it.

Kakuzu, not only can you not make the real thing, but every silver bill you make must leave a little flaw that only you know.

Fortunately, after these silver bills are used, others will know that they are fake after a while."

"Why? I can make real silver bills directly, why do I have to make fake ones?"

Kakuzu was extremely dissatisfied with Naruto's suggestion.

"From the overall environment... do you know what inflation is?"

Kakuzu: (||๐_๐)?

"What is inflation? What is inflation? What is inflation?"

Naruto: 눈_눈...

"Forget it, to put it simply, if you keep making real silver notes.

As the number of silver notes increases, its purchasing power will decrease.

For example, before one hundred taels could buy ten eggs, later it may become one hundred taels can only buy one egg.

So I asked you not to make real banknotes, the purpose is to maintain the value of silver notes."

Kakuzu: ⊙▽⊙!

"I understand."

Naruto smiled with relief, and then continued.

"And the reason why I asked you to leave a mark on the banknotes that only you know is because I have made a small plan:

If you, Kakuzu, use fake banknotes to go to a place you don't like... such as Takigakure to purchase a large amount of supplies.

After you get the supplies and hand over the fake banknotes to them, you will spread the method of identifying the fake banknotes throughout the ninja world.

Do you think they can still spend the fake banknotes in their hands?"

Kakuzu: ヾ(Ő∀Ő)ノ! ! !


Use fake banknotes to buy a batch of supplies, and make a profit first;

Let those fake banknotes be stuck in the hands of the other party and can't be used, causing irreparable economic losses to the other party, which is equivalent to making another profit invisibly;

This way, you have already made two profits. If you go to other places to sell the supplies in your hands...

Make three money with one plan... Great!

Kakuzu turned around and left without saying a word, ready to start implementing his own money-making plan.

The first step is to find the paper for making silver notes.

[Konan spent so much money on me, I asked her for some paper, she will definitely give it to me... right? ]

"Remember, the marks on the silver notes should not be the same, it is best to change a batch of them!"

Naruto added loudly, but Kakuzu never looked back from beginning to end, I don't know if he heard it...


Kakuzu's career is arranged, the next one is - Scorpion.

So Naruto took the initiative to find Scorpion, who was sandwiched between Deidara and Kurotsuchi all day long.

"Scorpion, I have found a path that suits you, do you want to take a look?"

For aA pure artist, the best way to communicate with him is to get straight to the point.

After hearing this, Scorpion put down his work and took Naruto to find an open space.

"Take it out."

Damn it, Naruto clearly saw the ugly Hirugoku, but why did he see the four words "bright and sharp" in Hirugoku's eyes? !

Naruto reached into his trouser pocket and took out a giant book that was comparable to the "Blue Star Thermal Weapons Illustrations" given to Deidara.

The cover of this book clearly reads - "Gundam Machine Structure and Manufacturing Technology".

[Gundam Structure and Manufacturing Technology (Epic): From the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam", it contains all the technical data and manufacturing processes of 777 sets of Gundam machines.

Since some materials for making Gundam machines cannot be found in the ninja world, the manufacturers can only find or develop substitutes after research.

This process is extremely difficult and cannot be completed by a master-level manufacturer who is not mentally determined. The host is advised to choose the recipient carefully.

Note: Marionette? A child's toy... A real man should drive a Gundam! 】

When Naruto took out this book, he knew that it was only suitable for a senior technical geek like Scorpion.

The result was exactly as Naruto expected. Scorpion could not walk when he saw this book.

He hadn't even opened the book yet, and his eyes were fixed on the Strike Freedom Gundam drawn on the cover.

Scorpion's intuition told him that this was the correct answer to the eternal art that he had always dreamed of, but could not get, and was hard to get.

"Hey! Hey! Come back to your senses, big brother.

What the hell, what are you going to do?!"

Naruto kept waving his hands in front of the Hirugoku, trying to wake up the Scorpion inside.

However, it was useless.

In order to prevent Naruto from disturbing him from appreciating the greatest art in his mind,

Scorpion even stretched out the tail of the Hirugoku and rolled Naruto up in the air and hung him.

"Damn it, I showed you the way forward with good intentions, but you just... wuwuwu?!"

The tip of the tail of the Hiruko went into Naruto's mouth, blocking his mouth tightly.

Scorpion: The whole world is quiet, and I can finally appreciate this great art quietly~( ´▽` )~

Naruto: Someone, someone is abusing a seven-year-old child~ Is there anyone who can take care of it (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)……

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