"Master's wife, give me a chance. I had no choice before, but now I just want to be a good person."

"Okay, go down and tell Minato."

"Does that mean I want to die?"

Duang! ! !

Brother Tsuchi was slapped away and then pulled back.

"First time, Master's wife!

I have important news to report to you, about Naruto's destined other half."

Kushina: ⊙ω⊙!

The frying pan was put down, and the chain was untied.

Kushina helped Brother Tsuchi up from the ground with a smile on her face.

"Come on, Obito.

Talk to Master's wife about my future daughter-in-law."

The last straw... Brother Tsuchi made the right bet.

Brother Tsuchi, who had luckily escaped from Kushina's hands, burst into tears and began to tell Kushina the story of a certain princess.

"Master, let me tell you, because of the blue bead that Naruto took out earlier, I have a new understanding of the original development trajectory of this world..."

Duang! ! !

"Get to the point!"

Brother Tuzi: I hate frying pans (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

"According to the original trajectory, Naruto will give his first kiss to his girlfriend in five years...

After graduating from the Ninja School, they will be assigned to Team 7 led by Kakashi...

In addition to the two of them, Team 7 also has a third party who wants to interfere with their relationship. It seems to be Haruno Sakura..."

Kushina: (´◊ω◊`)~

"Yeah~ Keep going."

"Later, Naruto's girlfriend defected, and Naruto began his journey to chase his wife...

This pursuit lasted for four years, until the two ran to the Valley of the End and fought, and each of them broke one of their arms and reconciled...

From then on, they lived a happy and shameless life."

After listening to Tsuchiko's emotional story, the first thought that flashed through Kushina's mind was-

This future daughter-in-law's temper...

Very good, like her!

The more Kushina thought about it, the more she liked him. She wanted to meet the one Tsuchiko was talking about right now.

"By the way, Master's wife, you should have seen him already..."

Kushina: (*╹▽╹*)!

"Eh~ Have I seen him? Obito, tell me what the girl's name is?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Kushina: Õ_Õ...

If I remember correctly, Uchiha Sasuke should be the youngest son of her good sister Uchiha Mikoto.

She... No, he's a boy, right? !

Her good son Uzumaki Naruto, will actually...

Are young people playing so much now? !

As a mother, she should have a good talk with Naruto about this matter and straighten him out as soon as possible...

No, no!

How can she, who missed Naruto's entire childhood, preach to Naruto right away? !

What if...

Kushina lowered her head silently, and was in a dilemma for a while.


"Really? How come I didn't know that Uzumaki Naruto's destined partner was Uchiha Sasuke, that idiot?"

A sinister voice suddenly sounded from behind Tsuchiko, and he shuddered.

"What do you know? This is what I have summarized bit by bit after reading the development trajectory of the original world. There is absolutely no problem..."

Tsuchiko couldn't continue, because he found that it was Naruto who just said that.

"Tsuchiko, your Rin is gone."

Tsuchiko: (꒪⌓꒪) ? ! !


Tsuchiko rushed forward and wanted to hug... uh, his legs were too thin to hug... Tsuchiko hugged Naruto around the waist.

"Master, I just said it casually.

In fact, in the future trajectory, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are not the kind of relationship I said. At most, they can only be regarded as a pair of good friends, just like me and Kakashi in the past..."

Kushina: (°ー°〃)...

After Tsuchiko said this, Kushina became even more worried!

"Get out of here!"

Naruto pushed Tsuchiko away with all his strength and said angrily.

"I, Uzumaki Naruto!

I have never had any abnormal thoughts about Uchiha Sasuke, bastard!

Even if I have any thoughts... I will only have thoughts about Hinata!"

Kushina: ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)~Who is Hinata?

Kakashi scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Naruto, isn't the girl you've always had a crush on called Haruno Sakura?"

Kushina: ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)~ What's the situation with Haruno Sakura?

At this moment, the gossip soul of the old mother in Kushina's body is burning.

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, youTwo... remember this...


After Naruto swore to Kushina several times and promised to explain his personal problems to her,

the topic finally turned back to Tsuchiko and Kakashi.

"Tell me, Obito, why did you cut off one of Kakashi's arms?"

Kushina looked at Tsuchiko coldly, and asked Tsuchiko who was kneeling in front of her.

"Why else? After learning the truth of everything from me, Tsuchiko couldn't think straight and wanted to die~"

Without waiting for Tsuchiko to answer, Naruto spread his hands and accurately expressed Tsuchiko's thoughts.

"Kakashi is the one chosen by Tsuchiko to receive his legacy after his death.

If I hadn't run fast enough to catch up, Tsuchiko might have dug out Kakashi's left eyeball..."

Kakashi: Scared! ("▔□▔)?!!

"By then, with the two Kamuys by his side and the magic-replenishing arm cultivated by Hashirama's cells, Kakashi will become one of the strongest men standing at the top of the entire ninja world...

Kakashi, I have to say that Brother Tsuchiko is really good to you~"

Kakashi: (ó﹏ò。) ...

"Is that so, Obito?"

"Yes, Master's Wife."

"I'm curious about what kind of truth you got from Naruto... that made you make such a choice? "

Kushina looked at Tsuchiko meaningfully, and then asked a question that directly touched Tsuchiko's fragile heart.

Tsuchiko was too embarrassed to answer this question, and finally Naruto had no choice but to answer it for him.

"This idiot was saved by Uchiha Madara in the battle of Kannabi Bridge, and witnessed Kakashi killing Rin with his own eyes under Madara's design. From then on, he was completely fooled by Madara...

That's why he pretended to be Uchiha Madara, planned the Nine-Tails Night, and killed you two elders..."

The more Naruto said, the lower Tsuchiko lowered his head, until only the back of his head was left in front of everyone.

Kushina listened patiently, looking at Obito without saying a word the whole time.

After Naruto finished speaking in one breath, Kushina spoke.

"Uchiha Obito, raise your head. "

Tsuchi raised his head obediently.


Kushina raised her hand and slapped Tsuchi's face hard.

"The hatred between you and me is settled after this slap.

As for what you owe Naruto, Minato, and Kakashi...

All the sins you have committed should be judged by Naruto's father, my husband, and your teacher Minato Namikaze."

Kushina pulled Tsuchi up from the ground.

"So before Minato comes back to life to judge you, I, Uzumaki Kushina, order you in the name of Master's Wife:

You must not die without permission... Do you understand?"

"Master's Wife... I... Master's Wife!"

Tsuchi was moved to tears at this moment and spoke incoherently.

"One more thing, you lost Kakashi's hand, you are responsible for healing him."

"Okay, Master's Wife." "

"Let me interrupt for a moment~"

Naruto raised his hand.

"As we all know, the Mangekyō Sharingan can only exert its strongest power when it is in pairs.

So I suggest that you and Kakashi's Mangekyō should be concentrated on one of you.

As for the other person, you can try this thing in my hand..."

Naruto took out a book from the system space, and saw that the cover of the book read - "The Great Dark Heart Sutra Part 1"

[The Great Dark Heart Sutra Part 1 (Epic): From the Arad Continent, it is one of the Ghost Swordsman's job transfers, and Asura's unique practice method.

Asura uses sword energy as the main means of attack, and is the "magician" among the ghost swords. He is good at medium and long-range attacks and has a very high instant damage. Any enemy who approaches him will be shocked by his strong murderous aura. When you see a large number of engraved symbols around him, and you unfortunately become his prey, I believe that death is not far away from you.

The price of practicing this method is that in order to feel the fluctuations, you must give up your eyes.

Note: You have to lose one of your eyeballs and wrists~]

"How to distribute it, you two brothers discuss it~"

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