Good news, Nagato is back!

He came back with Yahiko's body that was repaired to perfection by Orochimaru!

Then he was dragged into his room by Konan.

Then everyone heard...

"Konan, what are you going to do?!"

"Listen to me, you are still young, you must not go down the path of breaking the law..."

"Konan, stop it!"

"No, Konan...compression belt~"

Snap! ! !

As the only seven-year-old child in the Akatsuki organization, Naruto's back of the head was hit hard by his mother.

Kushina covered Naruto's ears tightly.

"Naruto, be good, children can't listen to these."

Naruto: 눈_눈...

As for the second pillar, Naruto has not seen him so far today.

He should probably still be hanging on the crooked tree outside the Uchiha station...

At dawn the next day, Naruto welcomed two guests - Nagato and Nibashi.

Nibashi: "Mom is so scary~"

Nagato: "Konan is so scary~"

Then the two looked at each other and said in unison.

"Women... are so scary~"


Kushina, who was making tea in the kitchen, accidentally crushed the teacup in her hand.

If nothing unexpected happens, Uchiha Mikoto and Konan will soon have a booklet in their hands, which will be full of evidence of the two guys' crimes.

Naruto looked at the two with sleepy eyes, and his face was full of "speechless".

Forget about Nibashi, after all, he knows how badly Uchiha Mikoto has dealt with him recently.

Occasionally listening to him complain or something, Naruto is used to it.

But Nagato~

Sister Xiaonan, such a good woman, has taken the initiative to attack...

Nagato is obviously not grateful for what he has!

Reason tells Naruto that as a seven-year-old child, he should not know so much;

But the complaining soul who lived in Blue Star for more than 20 years in his previous life forced him to stand up and say something fair.

"Nagato, Xiaonan is actually quite good, especially to you..."

Naruto was interrupted by Nagato before he finished speaking.

"You kid don't know shit!"

As well-mannered as Nagato is, he couldn't help but swear at this moment.

Nagato rolled his eyes at Naruto, stretched out a hand and trembled to make an "eight" gesture.

"Eight times!

Xiaonan asked for it eight times last night!

Do you know how I got here last night?! Do you know?!

...Forget it, why am I telling you all this, you don't understand what I mean...Alas..."

Nagato sighed dejectedly.

Nizhuzi: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

Naruto: ⊙ω⊙! ! !

Nizhuzi said: I really don't understand what you are saying, Nagato.

Naruto said: I don't understand? I really understand it, okay? !

Looking at Nagato sitting in a wheelchair, he took a breath from time to time and gently stroked his old waist...

[Sister Xiaonan is too cruel~]

Naruto looked reluctant. He suddenly felt that Nagato would not live long. What's the matter?

"Why don't I ask if there is a kidney cultivated with the first generation cells after Brother Tsuchiko comes out?

If there is, let him help you change it?"

Since Kakashi regained his sanity, Brother Tsuchiko and Kakashi have been practicing in the Kamui space and have not come out yet.

"There is such a good thing?!"

Nagato's eyes glowed, and the whole person instantly became energetic.






Kushina and Konan's scolding sounded almost at the same time, and two frying pans suddenly flew in the air and hit Nagato and... Nibiruko on the head accurately.

God knows when Konan ran here...

Nagato: (ー_ー)!!

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

Nibiruko: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

"...Auntie Kushina, why did you call Naruto's name, but the frying pan hit me?"

"Oh, my hand slipped."


Inside the house, Konan, Kushina, and Uchiha Mikoto sat in a row, whispering some private words between girlfriends, and the scene was full of laughter;

Outside the house, Naruto, Nagato, and Nibiruko knelt in a row, the three of them drooped their heads, their bodies hunched over and their faces gray, looking like three defeated dogs from a distance.

The worst was Nagato. As the only adult among the three, he not only had to kneel... but also had to kneel with his wheelchair held high...

"I didn't say anything, why should I kneel here with you two?!"

Jizhuzi was indignant and couldn't help but complain for himself.

However, the answer he got was…

“Shut up!”×2

This is a kind reminder from Naruto and Nagato.

“Shut up!”×3

This is the dissatisfied scolding from the three untouchable beings in the room.

Duang! ! !

This is the frying pan thrown by Nizhuzi’s biological mother.

“Kushina, you are right, the frying pan is really useful.”

“Is that right? Mikoto, you think so too…”

Nizhuzi: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)…

The three of them knelt from early morning until near noon, and the three in the room finally got up to go to the kitchen to cook after chatting enough.

“Nagato, tell me honestly, what do you feel about Sister Konan?”

Naruto suddenly pulled the corner of Nagato’s clothes and asked in a low voice.

Nagato hesitated for a moment, and then said it.

"Your sister Xiaonan is a very good woman, but..."

"Just you don't like her?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?! How could I not like your sister Xiaonan?! Be careful or I will sue you for defamation!"

Nagato glared at Naruto fiercely and continued.

"But you also know my physical condition.

Not only are my legs disabled, but my body has been overdrawn for a long time because of the existence of the Samsara Eye...

I am disabled!

I am a useless person!!!

Now that your sister Xiaonan has committed herself to me, I am naturally happy in my heart, but I am worried about my body...

Naruto, promise me.

If that day really comes, you have to take good care of your sister Xiaonan for me."

Naruto's face showed a subtle smug look, and he looked towards the direction of the kitchen.

[Mom, I have completed the task you asked me to do. ]

Kushina smiled and gave Naruto a thumbs up.

[Well done, I will give you a big chicken drumstick when you eat later. 】

Beside Kushina, Konan's eyes were red, and she was moved.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you won't die... Maybe I'll find a way to make you healthy again in a short time."


Okay, I believe you!

But don't forget to ask Obito about the kidneys for me..."

Nagato, who looked confused: What are you talking about? ⊙_⊙? ? ?


"Why don't you come to eat?!"

The three of them got up as if they had been pardoned, and ran to the dining table (Nagato was in a wheelchair).

As soon as Nagato sat down and was about to start eating, his chopsticks were taken away by Kushina.

Nagato: (ー ー゛)? ? ?

"This is not for you. Your food is over there."

Nagato looked in the direction Kushina pointed, and saw Konan walking towards him with a plate full of steaming food.

But this dish... Nagato looked closely:

Roasted kidney, fried kidney, stir-fried kidney, kidney cauliflower soup... plus a bunch of fresh chives.


Konan deliberately snorted.

"Eat first, I'll settle the score with you in the evening..."

Nagato was sweating profusely, and looked at Naruto and Nijiru for help.

Nagato: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))! Save me, save me!

Naruto (Nijiru): (´°Δ°`)!!! Eat, eat...

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