"Are you convinced? Are you convinced? Are you convinced?!"

"You damn raccoon cat, I'm asking you if you're convinced?!"

Relying on the fact that Shukaku in the cage couldn't hit him, Kurama completely let go of himself and used a set of AOE combos without explanation on Shukaku.

"Damn! Don't go too far, stinky fox!

And I'll say it again, I'm not a raccoon cat, bastard!"

Shukaku held his head in extreme frustration and kept dodging the attacks from Kurama.

In the end, Shukaku, who was beaten to a pulp, simply gave up dodging and let Kurama's tail hit his round body, and roared very hard.

"Damn stinky fox, if you have the ability, come in and fight!!!"

As soon as these words came out, Kurama retracted his nine tails and said jokingly.

"Oh? You're so brave, you raccoon cat~"

"Just kidding~ I'm super brave, okay?... Uh..."

Kuroma: վ'ᴗ' ի~ Then I'll come in~

Shukaku: (꒪⌓꒪)...

Kuroma jumped into the cage with a flash, and Shukaku retreated in fear.

"You... why did you come in suddenly?"

"Didn't you ask me to come in?"

"... Then why don't you go out for a while..."

Kuroma: (ー ー゛)? ! !

"Stop talking nonsense, raccoon cat, get ready to die!!!"

o(# ̄▽ ̄)==O)) ̄0 ̄)!

"Ahhh!!! You're really kidding me, you fox?! I'm going to fight you!"

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄皿 ̄///)!

"...Damn raccoon cat, did you hit me in the face just now?"

"Gudu~ No... I didn't..."


(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)!

"Ahhh!!! You're going too far, you fox... Don't hit me in the face..."



After being beaten up by Kurama, Shukaku huddled in the corner of the cage and cried bitterly. Such a big raccoon cat cried out the miserable wail of a husky.

"Stinky boy, my mission is complete, don't forget the fifty bags of potato chips."

Kurouma swaggered out of the cage and winked at Naruto.

"Mission completed? No way... Look at Shukaku, he hasn't said a word of 'submission' until now~"

"The dead raccoon cat is so stubborn, what can I do?!"

Kurouma spread his hands and started to fight.

"The main thing is that Shukaku keeps crying, which is not a good thing... How about you help me coax him first?"


Kurouma jumped three feet high and pointed his finger at the tip of his nose.

"You want me to help you coax that dead raccoon cat?!

... Uzumaki Naruto, don't go too far!"

"Nonsense, you beat him and he cried, so you should coax him~"

Naruto gave Kurama a white look with a frown on his face.

"... Don't forget that I'm not sealed now. Believe it or not, I can just leave your body and make you die right now?!"

Kurouma thought he had found Naruto's weakness, and he actually started to threaten him in the opposite direction.

Little did he know that this level of threat was nothing to Naruto.

"If you dare to take off your body, I'll call Senju Hashirama up to chat with you..."

Naruto: ٩( °༥° )و ₎₎ Come on, let's hurt each other, who's afraid of who? !

The dead memories suddenly began to attack Kurama...

Senju Hashirama: "Kyuubi, you are too dangerous, you must be sealed... Really thousands of hands!"

Then Senju Hashirama held down the confused self with one hand, and used the remaining 999 hands to press himself to the ground and hammer him... After beating him, he stuffed himself into his wife's body and sealed him.

Kurama: (ó﹏ò。) ...

"... Stop crying, you raccoon cat! Come here!"

"Awoo~Awoo~Stinky fox, get out of here, you!"

Shukaku continued to cry in the corner, holding his head and crying, without even turning his head.

"You stinky fox, you have bullied me since we were born, and you still bullied me after the old man died;

I thought that since we were all sealed, you would not be able to bully me...

But you actually ran into my seal and beat me...

No one bullies the tailed beasts like you!


Shukaku complained about Kurama's bad behavior and cried so hard that Kurama was embarrassed.

It's a pity that Kurama's fur is red, so Naruto couldn't confirm whether the fox was blushing or not.

However, Kurama's voice was much softer when he spoke to Shukaku.

"Ahem~ Shukaku, listen to me first..."

"Get lost! I won't listen!

The old manI divided the chakra of the Ten Tails into nine equal parts, and asked you to give us the eight that belonged to us.

In the end, you took some of our chakra for yourself, but why...

You and the others were 4:6; but it became 3:7 for me? !

And the others were 6, so why am I the 3? !

What's the matter? ! I have fewer tails, so I deserve to be bullied by you..."

Naruto: (°o°〃)~ So this is how you got your strongest tailed beast...

Gaara: ⊙_⊙... Are these things really something I can listen to?

"Ahem! It happened so many years ago, why are you still mentioning it..."

"I'm going to mention it!

Old man, open your eyes and take a look~

The stinky fox doesn't want to be a tailed beast, he has no shame, he bullies his brothers..."

Shukaku howled more and more vigorously, and finally succeeded in angering Kurama again.

"You're not coming over, are you? ! ”

Kurouma raised his foot and was about to step into the cage.

“Stand there! What are you going to do? !

When did I say that I couldn’t get over it? !

Just stand there and don’t move!

Wait for me, I’ll be there soon!”

Shukaku said the most cowardly words in the most ferocious tone, and then jumped up from the ground, looking back every three steps and walking towards Kurama.

As Shukaku walked, countless grains of sand slid down his cheeks, laying two light golden thin lines on the ground.

Obviously, those were Shukaku’s tears that had not yet dried.

“It turns out that Shukaku’s tears are also made of sand, and the strange knowledge has increased again…”

Naruto couldn’t help but complain.

As for Gaara…

He had a new understanding of the tailed beasts and said that he didn’t want to talk for the time being.

“Why did you ask me to come over? ! "

Shukaku looked at Kurama with tears in his eyes.

"Why did you ask me to ask him over? !"

Kuroma looked at Naruto helplessly.

"Shukaku is here, hurry up and ask him something~"

Naruto nudged Gaara, who was standing next to him and pretending to be deep, with his elbow.

Gaara: (°ー°〃)...

"One tail..."

"What one tail? !

Don't I have a name? !

Little kid, remember to call me Shukaku-sama!"

Gaara: (ó﹏ò。) !!!

Naruto looked at Kurama with a frown on his face.

"Tell your brother to be polite to my brother."

Kuroma slapped Shukaku on the head with his backhand.

"Be polite to the brother of this shit shoveler, do you hear me? ! ” Shukaku: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)……

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