Half a month later, something big happened in Akatsuki!

After Nagato's hard work day and night, Konan... is pregnant!

Nagato, that fool, thought that the food was not clean when he saw Konan covering her mouth and retching.

He ran to the cafeteria angrily and scolded the cafeteria uncle who prepared meals for Akatsuki on a daily basis.

The uncle even suspected that he had forgotten to wash the vegetables before cooking that day...

Fortunately, there are still two sensible people in Akatsuki now-Uchiha Mikoto and Kushina.

After seeing Konan retching constantly at the table, the two old mothers looked at each other and nodded tacitly;

Then they put down their bowls and chopsticks at the same time, one of them pulled up one of Konan's arms, and dragged her to find the best doctor in Yuyin Village for a detailed examination.

The results of the examination were as expected-Konan was pregnant.

Konan: (°ー°〃)...


When Nagato finished scolding the old man in the cafeteria and came back pushing the wheelchair...

Whitebeard father: "Gulala la la la~ Congratulations, Nagato~"

Deidara: "Boss Nagato... you are awesome!"

Kushina: "Bullshit! What's so awesome about him being a stinky man?! It's really hard for our Konan..."

Uchiha Mikoto: "You, Nagato, were hypocritical before, but now you are... heh~ man."

Kurotsuchi: "... heh~ man."

Naruto: "What~ beast!"


Nagato accepted everyone's blessings (or contempt) with a confused face, and then asked with a confused face.

"No, what do you mean?!"

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization: (ー ー゛)... this idiot~

"Let me tell you, Nagato's next news is quite shocking, I hope you are mentally prepared."

Naruto jumped out of the crowd and said to Nagato with a serious face.


Naruto put on a serious expression, causing Nagato to swallow nervously.

Somehow, he always felt like he was... in big trouble.

"Little! Nan! Sister! She! Is! Pregnant!"

Naruto told Nagato the news word by word, and was looking forward to seeing Nagato's ecstatic look.

As a result, Nagato seemed to be frightened by the news. He sat in a wheelchair with a frown on his face, and did not react for a long time.

Until everyone was impatient, Nagato acted as if he had suddenly realized something.

Then, under the expectant eyes of everyone, he made a shocking statement.

"Fuck~ You scared me to death!

I thought something big happened, but it turns out that Konan is pregnant... It's time to celebrate~

By the way, whose child is Konan pregnant with? Who's the father? Let me see him..."

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization: (꒪⌓꒪) ……

Emmm... To be honest, Naruto was really stunned by Nagato's inhuman brain circuit at that time.





The next moment, three shiny black frying pans appeared on Nagato's face.

These three frying pans were from Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto and Kurotsuchi.

Fortunately, Konan went back to her room and didn't hear Nagato's shocking remarks, otherwise...

Boom!!! Boom!!!

Two detonating tags flew out of the window of Konan's room, flew straight to the top of Nagato's head and exploded.

Naruto: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱...Okay, Konan heard it.

"...What the hell?!"

Unexpectedly, the Akatsuki organization was pushed several meters away by a huge force, and the whole room became a mess under this force.

It turned out that Nagato, whose head was blown into an afro, finally got his head, and in a moment of excitement, he subconsciously fired a micro Shinra Tensei.

"I'm going to be a father?!"

Nagato had an expression of disbelief on his face, and mechanically turned his neck to look at Naruto.

Naruto nodded at him seriously.

"I'm going to be a father?!"

Nagato looked at the old man with white beard again, and the old man with white beard nodded.

"I'm going to be a father?!"

Nagato looked at Kushina...

After asking everyone present and getting a positive answer, Nagato excitedly shouted.

"Fuck~ I'm going to be a father!!!"

Nagato: └( ̄  ̄└)~(┘ ̄  ̄)┘~

Overjoyed, Nagato performed what wheelchair-style hip-hop dance is on the spot.

Everyone was stunned...

"By the way, is my child a son or a daughter? Can he call daddy..."

Duang! ! !

Duang! ! !

Duang! ! !Boom!!! Boom!!!

Hehe~ scored twice.

"Konan just got pregnant, how can it be that fast, idiot!"

Kushina looked at Nagato who was sitting in a wheelchair with disdain, and the frying pan in her hand never stopped.

Uchiha Mikoto: "What? As the leader of the Akatsuki organization, do you dislike sons or daughters?!... Too much!"

Kurotsuchi: "Heh~ man."

Nagato: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)... The cold iron pan hit his face randomly~

"No, I mean... I'm going to have a child... Hehe~"

Nagato suddenly laughed foolishly,

Even though his nose was slapped by Kushina and the other two and two bright red nosebleeds appeared, Nagato still laughed foolishly to himself.

"I'm a father... Hehehe~"

Naruto: 눈_눈...

[In my previous life, I only heard that pregnant women would become stupid, but I never heard that men's IQ would also decrease...

Seeing that Nagato's IQ has dropped to a negative number...

What should I do if the leader of the Akatsuki organization suddenly doesn't want me anymore? ! ]

"Yes, yes, you're a father, please suppress the corners of your mouth first...

Nagato, don't you think that you should find someone as soon as possible now?"

Naruto said with a frown.

He didn't look at Nagato when he said this, because the silly smile on Nagato's face at this moment was really unbearable for him to look directly at.

Naruto said this to remind Nagato that the most important thing he should do at this moment is to stay with Konan.


Nagato: (⊙o⊙)! ! !

"That's right! Naruto, you are right. I should go find him...

Sorry, I was too excited just now and didn't think of this...

Thank you for reminding me, Naruto... I will go find him now!"

[She? He? It? ]

Naruto: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

Naruto suddenly had a bad feeling.

Nagato... his brain might be cramping again...

The next moment, Nagato quickly turned his wheelchair and galloped away in the opposite direction of Konan's boudoir.

If Naruto remembered correctly, that direction should be the gate of the Hidden Rain Village...

"Nagato, where the hell are you going?!"

"Find Orochimaru to exchange your legs!

I can't let my child see that his father is a disabled person!!!"

Nagato: ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=( o`ω′)ノ! ! !

Naruto: 눈_눈……

Everyone in Akatsuki: 눈_눈……

This idiot… is hopeless…

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