She, who often inquires about the news of the ninja world, is well aware of the turbulence under the calm surface of the mainland, and all of this comes from the Akatsuki organization that Tsunade has just joined!

  Catching tailed beasts and people Zhuli everywhere, and because the Akatsuki organization did not deliberately hide the news, most people who are interested in it understand.

  There are already quite a few tailed beasts that have fallen into the hands of the Xiao organization!

  And from now on, most of the members of the Akatsuki organization are known, and they are all S-level rebels from the major forbearance villages!

  Could such an organization composed of rebellion and forbearance be a kind organization for the benefit of the ninja world?Just this one organization that wildly captures tailed beasts?

  "¨々Xiao...So that's the case." Hearing this, Tsunade's beautiful eyes slightly rippled, revealing a contemplative look.

  Catching tailed beasts, world peace, these two (good king's) words are linked together, and Tsunade has roughly understood Akatsuki's purpose.

  "Using the power of the tailed beast to create peace? Hehe..." Tsunade looked at the lavender Akatsuki ring in his hand, the word 'jade' on it was very obvious.

  Xiao, she suddenly became interested.

  Tsunade, whose mind was gradually distorted and paranoid, was not disgusted by the crazy idea of ​​catching a tailed beast, but was interested.

  At the beginning, her grandfather Chishou Hasuma captured the tailed beast and distributed it to the countries to ensure balance.

  But how?


  Peace needs strength to maintain!This is Tsunade's perception now, but all this has nothing to do with her for the time being.

  She needs revenge first!Then take back Konoha, the village of the Thousand Hands!


  (Begging for flower tickets, duck babies, please make your own)

Chapter 2 Itachi's time is running out! ([-])

  In Tianzhiguo Yinin Village, the three people from Otsutsuki arrived here.

  "Brother-in-law, what kind of Ninja Village is this?" Hinata Hana looked curiously at this rare village, which seemed to be a little run down.

  Is there anything else in this village that attracts the people of Otsutsuki?

  "Yonin Village, the village founded by Orochimaru, but... eh?" Toto Otsutsuki explained to Hinata Hana, but halfway through his words, the corner of his mouth suddenly rose slightly, and then he looked in one direction.

  Hinata Hana also followed Otsutsuki Totoro's line of sight, and the figures of the two young men suddenly came into view.

  Moreover, one of them is quite familiar to her!

  Although she hasn't seen her for three years, she will never admit her mistake!Sasuke Uchiha!

  That's right, Uchiha Sasuke's defected Konoha was to go to Orochimaru, and Otsutsuki Totoren did say just now that this is the Shinobi Village founded by Orochimaru!

  Sasuke, who was wearing a white kimono, also saw Toto Otsutsuki and the three of them. His dark eyes flickered slightly, and he walked towards Toto Otsutsuki with the white-haired boy behind him.

  "Yes, the breath is much more stable, it seems that you succeeded, Sasuke." Toto Otsutsuki looked Sasuke up and down and praised.

  Different from the hard-edged ones before, today's Zuo 647 is much more calm, and the breath on his body is also a lot more gloomy.

  Closer to Orochimaru!

  This is of course, he devoured everything of Orochimaru, and after acquiring the ability of Orochimaru, his breath will naturally be somewhat similar to Orochimaru.

  But this is nothing, the ability of Orochimaru, although some look disgusting, but it is indeed very practical.

  Especially the curse of the sky, it can be said that it accounts for a large part of Sasuke's strength today. In the original book, Sasuke and Itachi lost the curse of the sky after the decisive battle.

  Even if he obtained the kaleidoscope, he was very uncomfortable, and at first he was not even used the Kirabi hammer that was transformed into a tailed beast.

  "I need to find Itachi, Tototo, you are in an organization with him, tell me his whereabouts." Sasuke heard that his face did not change at all, glanced at Hinata Hana, turned his head and asked Tototo Otsutsuki.

  Although he learned the truth about the genocide, he no longer had any hatred for Itachi, but a very complicated emotion instead.

  But because of this, he has a lot to ask Itachi, he wants to see him!

  "You are not his opponent yet, Sasuke, you also disappoint me a little." Saito Otsutsuki pondered slightly, then shook his head and said slowly.

  Today's Sasuke, he felt that he did not turn on the kaleidoscope, which made Toto Otsutsuki very strange.

  It stands to reason that Sasuke's current strength has reached the shadow level, and he should also have the conditions to open the kaleidoscope.

  Kaleidoscope needs strong emotional stimulation to activate. Sasuke lost his hatred for Itachi and learned the truth about the genocide. Can such strong emotions still be activated?

  "...I didn't ask him to fight." Sasuke was stunned when he heard the words, and instantly understood what Totoro Otsutsuki was referring to.

  He pursed his lips, clenched his fists with both hands, lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes, and said with an inexplicable emotion in his tone.

  Yes, he didn't turn on the kaleidoscope, and he also understood that because he lost that strong hatred, what supported him now was just an obsession.

  He needs to find Itachi and question him something.

  As for Konoha, although he resents, it is obviously not as important as Itachi.

  "But he didn't think that way. Sasuke, you are still too naive. I told you before that Itachi's body can't support it for long. What he wants to see most now is your growth."

  Toto Otsutsuki said indifferently, Sasuke's current thinking has deviated from the direction, and in his heart at the moment, there is only obsession with Itachi's practice.

  Konoha's hatred has even been put aside by him, which is not what Toto Otsutsuki wants to see.

  "If you don't meet his expectations, he won't (bcbi) show mercy to you, because he knows that if you can't even beat the seriously ill, you will die at the hands of others sooner or later. On the contrary, he hopes Die at your hands and atone for his sins."

  Totoro Otsutsuki continued to say calmly that he needed to arouse Sasuke's psychology and arouse his strong emotions towards Itachi.

  Only in this way, when Itachi died, the hatred in his heart would be stronger!

  "...Tell me, where is Itachi?" Sasuke took a deep breath after hearing this, calming the thoughts that were surging in his heart.

  Totoro Otsutsuki is right, he understands this very well, but that's what makes him more complicated.

  Itachi loves him too deeply, and as a result, he is even more irritable, because it is indeed Itachi who slaughtered the family.

  But Itachi really did it for him.

  He felt that his brain was about to explode, all of which made him not know what to do.

  But the only thing he knew was that he was going to find Itachi!Only by finding him, everything will end!

  As for the strength that Totoro Otsutsuki said, he will improve it before he really finds Itachi!

  "Itachi will take the initiative to come to you, it won't be too long, Sasuke, just do it yourself." Toto Otsutsuki sighed slightly, patted Sasuke on the shoulder, opened the crack in the space, and turned to leave.

  Sasuke pursed his lips when he heard the words, and there was an indescribable look in his eyes.

  Of course he understood what Totoro Otsutsuki said.

  Itachi's time is running out!

  "Sasuke, Naruto didn't bring you back back then. He cried for a long time, a long time." Hinata Hana was about to turn around and leave with Toto Otsutsuki when he saw this, when he suddenly thought of something, and turned around to the silent Sasuke. said a word.

  The last time Naruto cried in the rain, she still can't forget it. It was the first time. For the first time, they saw Naruto, who was always full of energy and with a sunny smile, showing such a decadent and sad side. .

  After speaking, Hinata Hana followed Toto Otsutsuki, and she just said something on a sudden whim.

  She also has a great affection for Naruto, because Naruto, everyone who has been in contact with him understands that he is really annoying.

  "Have you been crying for a long time..." Sasuke was stunned when he heard the words, and a more complicated light flashed in his eyes, thinking of the young man who was very obsessed with himself.


  An inaudible whisper sounded, so light that the ghost lamp Shuiyue beside Sasuke couldn't hear it clearly.


  (Please support the flowers and tickets, darlings, please order your own duck)

Chapter 3 The choice between brother-in-law and Konoha! ([-])

  A space crack appeared, and then the three figures of Toto Otsutsuki slowly appeared.

  "Brother-in-law, Sasuke, he seems to be very strong." Walking out, holding Toto Otsutsuki's arm, Hanata Hinata pondered slightly, then raised her delicate face and said to Toto Otsutsuki.

  Just a short meeting with Sasuke, Hinata Hana can feel the power of Sasuke~.

  Baiyan is the strongest pure insight-like pupil technique, so she can see and see the Chakra in Sasuke.

  And the dangerous icy aura on him, in just three years, Sasuke has changed so much.

  "Of course, Sasuke has talent and the determination to become stronger. I didn't say it, but the sum of all of you who were in the same class as him back then probably wouldn't be enough for him to fight now, and the battle will end soon. "

  Toto Otsutsuki smiled when he heard the words, and then slowly narrated regardless of whether it would hit Hinata Hana.

  He is not talking nonsense, what kind of environment does Sasuke live in?And what kind of environment is the Konoha Twelve Ninjas?

  Sasuke's talent is indeed beyond doubt, coupled with his willingness to practice hard, and Orochimaru's teaching with all his strength.

  His strength will increase so quickly.

  "Che~ Brother-in-law, I want to have Tensei Eyes." Hinata Hana pouted in dissatisfaction, her pure white eyes blinked slightly, and she acted coquettishly at Toto Otsutsuki, and brought up those Tenseisen Eyes again.

  She understood that there was no need for Toto Otsutsuki to deceive her, so that meant what Toto Otsutsuki said was true.

  But she was also a little unconvinced. When she was at school, she was the only one competing with Sasuke for the first place in the same grade.

  But now, she was a little unwilling to be left so far by Sasuke.

  "It's not yet time, and the opening of Xiao Hua Huo's Tenseikan is not as simple as you think, and ah, if brother-in-law really helps you open your eyes, you can really only follow behind brother-in-law in the future."

  Toto Otsutsuki fondly rubbed Hinata Hana's little head, and said earnestly.

  To help Hinata Hanako open Tenseigan, you must use blood donation, which is extremely painful.

  Moreover, during the bloodline donation process, there should not be any foreign objects blocking, and the body needs to fully absorb the bloodline power released by Otsutsuki Sheren.

  What's more, Tenseigan's power is too strong, although Hinata Hana likes his brother-in-law very much, but there is no guarantee that she will not conflict with Toto Otsutsuki's will.

  After all, Hinata Hana is in Konoha, and there are still many fetters.

  "Hmm~ of course Hana will follow behind my brother-in-law, what the brother-in-law said." Hinata Hana puffed up her face, as if she was very dissatisfied with Toto Otsutsuki's words, or at least very dissatisfied!

  This stinky brother-in-law said as if he would oppose him.

  How is this possible, I wouldn't be my brother-in-law's enemy, never!

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