"Let's go, after today, the war will start completely." Toto Otsutsuki called 943 to open the space breach, and smiled at Sasuke and Tsunade behind him.

  The four walked into the space crack.

  In the mid-air above Konoha Village, a dark space crack opened, and the four people from Otsutsuki walked out slowly, stepping in mid-air to look at the bustling Konoha Village below.

  "It's really a familiar scene." Sasuke's eternal eyes looked at Konoha Village below, and the unfamiliar but familiar scene made his heart ripple slightly, and his handsome face was a little strange.

  Three years ago, he defected from here, and three years later, he came back again!

  "Don't be too emotional. In the future, this continent belongs to us. The new order will bring peace to this continent. Today, you can do it by yourself." Toto Otsutsuki replied lightly. .

  "Let's start, just force them out!" Tsunade's beautiful face was indifferent, and she jumped towards Konoha's corner.

  Sasuke followed and jumped in the other direction.

  Today, they will ask for everything back!

  On the other hand, Otsutsuki and Hinata Hana were running towards the Hinata clan.

  But they both understood.

  The tribulation of Konoha has begun!


  (cough cough... a little embarrassed, I slept for twelve hours... ask for flower tickets, big guys, please make your own)

Chapter 141 Sasuke and Kakashi! (2)

  "Such a village!" Sasuke fell to the south of Konoha, looking at the happy and harmonious scene in front of him, the haze in the depths of his eyes flickered.

  Konoha, relying on the sacrifice of Itachi's name for peace, but Itachi can only hide in a dark corner, carrying the name of a traitor executioner.

  And this group of people is ignorantly enjoying the peace brought by Itachi!

  Why? !

  Sasuke's face became colder and colder, and words from family, village, relatives, one after another flashed through Sasuke's mind.

  I don't know when the desire to destroy began to slowly rise.

  The extremely evil purple chakra overflowed from Sasuke's body involuntarily, and an astonishing chill swept all around.

  The heart swallowed by hatred makes Sasuke's Susanoo also carry a terrifying evil spirit.

  And some idle villagers around also noticed that this young man wearing a gorgeous robe suddenly appeared, very dangerous!

  The panicked villagers scattered and fled, and Sasuke did not stop them. His target was the high-level Konoha, not these ignorant and ignorant villagers.


  Not long after the villagers escaped, several Anbu came to Sasuke not far away in an instant.

  "Is it just Anbu? That's all." Sasuke glanced at the Anbu coldly, and an indifferent voice came out of his mouth.

  His primary goal is the root leader Shimura Danzo, but he has no information on Shimura Danzo's location, so he attracted high-level Konoha ninjas to come here.

  But since the goal has not been achieved, it would be better to make a bigger noise!

  The rich purple chakra wrapped around Sasuke rose rapidly, and the shape was changing very quickly.

  Skeletons, tendons, skins, armor!

  In the blink of an eye, the mighty and domineering huge half-body armor Susanoo stood in Konoha Village, and two lantern-sized eyes stared at these Anbu indifferently.

  A light blade formed in Susanoo's hand, and Sasuke Eternal's eyes flickered coldly.

  "If you don't come out, just disappear 々'." Sasuke raised his chin slightly, his black red cloud robe fluttering slightly, and said indifferently.

  And as his voice fell, Susanoo slashed fiercely with two large hands holding light blades.


  A huge purple slash pierced the air and landed more than ten meters away.

  A huge explosion resounded through the sky, and the Anbu, except for two, avoided in advance when they sensed something was wrong.

  The rest have been completely annihilated by this slash.

  And not long after the explosion sounded, several figures rushed over.

  And the leader, with silver hair and a mask, is Kakashi!

  "Kakashi? I haven't seen you for a long time." Sasuke took a few steps forward, Susanoo slowly dissipated, and Eternal Eye glanced at the people who came around and said lightly.

  Kakashi, Konoha Elite Joinin, should know Danzo's location, right?

  After all, he is now Jiraiya's right-hand man, and few people know more about Konoha's situation than him.

  "Sasuke? Do you know what you are doing?" Kakashi squinted slightly when he heard the words, glanced at the destroyed street houses, and asked in a deep voice.

  Sasuke's attack has affected many ordinary people!

  Kakashi knew that Sasuke had lost his mind because of hatred, but now Sasuke still makes him a little scared and sad.

  Has this former disciple of oneself fallen to this point?

  "Of course I know what I'm doing, Kakashi, tell me where Danzo is." Sasuke said lightly, he knew what Kakashi was referring to.

  But so what?

  A group of idiots who enjoy the peace Itachi brings but know nothing, and even insult Itachi behind their backs.

  "It turned out to be looking for Danzo? Impossible, Sasuke, look back, Itachi is already dead, are you going to destroy the village that Itachi was protecting?" Kakashi heard the words and frowned deeply, and instantly I understand Sasuke's intention.

  But no matter what Danzo has done, Kakashi can't tell Sasuke the news of Danzo.

  As for Uchiha Itachi, he and Jiraiya have already learned the ins and outs from Koharu's mouth.

  Yes, Itachi is indeed Konoha's unsung hero, but no matter what, Itachi is a person worthy of respect.

  And what is Sasuke doing now?Overturn everything that Itachi has ever been!

  "Shut up! It's because of you guys, that Itachi has been assigned to do this without any scruples, and now even if he dies, he is still infamous. What right do you have to talk about the existence of Itachi?"

  As if touched by a wound in his heart, Sasuke's breath was colder and his voice was colder.

  It is precisely because Itachi was protecting Konoha that he now wants to take revenge on Konoha Village.

  Itachi's death is something he can't forget. For Konoha and himself, Itachi slaughtered his family blood relatives, carrying all the filth left in the world.

  Itachi's will, Sasuke understands, but he can't agree.

  That's why he is standing here, and he wants Konoha to pay for what he did to Itachi and the Uchiha family!

  It could be called selfish, but Sasuke didn't care.

  "々' Sasuke, Itachi wouldn't want you to be like this." Kakashi reluctantly persuaded him, and he still held on to the last glimmer of hope.

  I hope Sasuke can look back. After all, Sasuke grew up in Konoha, if there is still a trace of old love for Konoha in his heart.

  "Tell me the location of Danzo." But Sasuke said coldly, completely ignoring Kakashi's words.

  He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Kakashi, they didn't understand anything at all.

  "It seems that there is only one battle, but (Qian Nuozhao) since you dare to come to Konoha, Sasuke alone today, then you are ready to be taken by us, right?" Kakashi narrowed his eyes and sank. sound.

  Since we can't talk anymore, we can only do it. According to the previous information of the masked man, Sasuke's eyes are obviously eternal kaleidoscopes.

  But even so, Sasuke has just awakened his eyes. He is alone. Does he still want to challenge the entire Konoha Village?

  "Humph! Alone? Kakashi, I haven't seen you for three years, but you are stupid." Sasuke sneered, raised his chin slightly, and looked arrogant.

  How could he come to Konoha alone to take revenge? Although he is proud of his character now, he is not arrogant.

  Hearing this, Kakashi's eyes changed slightly, and a bad premonition instantly rose in his heart.


  (Ask for flower tickets, darlings, try to update this evening...)

Chapter 142 Give Your Eyes Back! (3)

  Sasuke has always been very calm and meticulous, and Kakashi was really strange at first. With Sasuke's personality, how could he be alone in Konoha.

  After all, the risk is too great.

  However, Kakashi also observed the surroundings before, and there was indeed no one hiding nearby.

  But now it seems that they are probably just not acting together.

  That's right, Sasuke is now a member of Akatsuki's organization after all, and Akatsuki has always been a team of two.

  At this moment, a huge wooden figure rose up from the distance, and the wooden figure dozens of meters high could be seen quite clearly even from here.

  "Tsunade?" Kakashi pulled off part of his mask, looked at the wooden man with Sharin's eyes, and instantly understood the identity of the person who came.

  There is only Senju Tsunade in the entire ninja world who can use this level of wood dungeon.

  "Hokage-sama is now fighting with the enemy, and only these two enemies have been discovered for the time being." Nara Shikamaru whispered in Kakashi's ear, just now Yamanaka Ino had passed the message to him through secret techniques.

  Three years later, most of the Konoha Twelve Shinobi have been able to stand alone, especially his Nara Shikamaru. With his high IQ, he is now the right-hand man of Kakashi and others.

  "Well, you guys are helping. Sasuke is no longer what it used to be in early 010. His strength is very terrifying." Kakashi nodded, and then said solemnly.

  Sasuke's strength is probably stronger than Jiraiya now, and Kakashi has to be cautious.

  Nara Shikamaru was stunned when he heard the words, then nodded, and turned his head to carefully observe the boy who was originally a classmate on the opposite side.

  In my heart, I have to sigh that fate is such a ridiculous thing, my former companion, has become a great enemy in a blink of an eye.

  "Have you finished the discussion?" Sasuke said lightly when he saw that Kakashi and the others were no longer discussing.

  He is not in a hurry, he will never give up if he doesn't find out about this old thing called Danzang today!

  As for Kakashi and others in front of him, he didn't take it seriously at all.

  "You're really confident, Sasuke, you are arrogant." Kakashi took out his kunai and made a fighting stance, staring at Sasuke.

  Not being afraid of strong enemies and never taking any opponent lightly is a must for any qualified ninja.

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