At this moment, the light was refracted and hidden in midair, and the three figures quietly looked at everything below.

  It was the three Otsutsuki Totoren who had arrived.

  "It's really time to come." Toto Otsutsuki looked at the two people below with a smile in his eyes.

  Luckily, the show has just begun.

  He is very interested in the confrontation between Sasuke and Naruto and wants to see how the two will develop.

  The Sasuke of this life is far more extreme than the original. He learned the truth of the Uchiha clan and Itachi's way of life in advance.

  The choice now is entirely of his own will!

  In fact, Toto Otsutsuki was only guiding vaguely, and did not provide Sasuke with any other information.

  Naruto still wants to pull Sasuke back from the darkness of the abyss, but it is really much more difficult than the original.

  What's more, Sasuke's knowledge is far from being comparable to outsiders, and he has no arrogance, and he has learned all the historical truths of this world.

  He also understands how terrifying the Xiao organization is now. He is calm and rational, and he knows very well that if he wants to fight against Xiao, it is a dead end!

  It is basically impossible for him to betray Akatsuki and Totoro Otsutsuki!

  Naruto, who had scattered Sasuke Susanoo's arrow, landed gently on the ground, his blue eyes staring at Sasuke.

  This is the bond that he has been persistent in his heart!

  " just wanted to kill them, right? Kill these companions who grew up with us." After a long time, Naruto asked Sasuke with a very complicated tone.

  He felt that compared to the past, now Sasuke, his heart has become more indifferent.

  And just now, Sasuke did not hesitate to attack Nara Shikamaru and others and Kakashi, which confirmed this!

  "Companion? I've never admitted it, Naruto, I'm here today for some purpose, and you are not my opponent." Sasuke replied indifferently after hearing the words, slowly returning the grass pheasant sword to its sheath. .

  Some of Naruto's words were still so ridiculous to him.

  Konoha Village, how is he his companion?

  "Do you want me to give up? Sasuke, no matter what you think, I will not let you continue to step into the abyss of hatred. You will never get real happiness and redemption. Revenge is really so important. ?"

  Naruto's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he replied in a deep voice, he had always believed in it, and Sasuke he was also looking forward to someone to accompany him.

  What affects Sasuke to this point is only hatred, but hatred, if you don't let it go, will never disappear.

  Those whose hearts are filled with hatred will never be redeemed.

  Naruto has been chasing Sasuke in order to resolve Sasuke's hatred, and he wants to pull Sasuke back from the world of hatred.

  They grew up together, and although they never really opened up to chat at school, they both saw each other as their own special existence.

  Because their encounters are really too similar, the same loneliness and the same isolation from outsiders.

  Sasuke seems indifferent, but his heart is looking forward to his companions, and Naruto has always believed in this.

  That year, when their seventh class performed the outer village mission for the first time, Sasuke used his body to resist the attack of his opponent Yueshiro Mizuno with his body and lost consciousness and passed out. Naruto has always remembered this in his heart.

  Sasuke is his best friend and brother!

  "You don't understand anything at all!" Wen Yan Sasuke's eyes flashed slightly, and then he said this coldly.

  Revenge is the meaning of his life now. Konoha took everything from him, how could he let it go?

  "Naruto, I once told you that you, who you never had, don't understand the pain of losing, you still don't understand, right? My heart is empty now, and I can only use their Only blood can be refilled!"

  Sasuke watched Naruto quietly, put his hand on the position of his heart, and slightly increased his voice, with a strong hatred and murderous tone in his tone.

  When he saw his own brother who loved him die in front of his eyes, Sasuke already knew what his future path would be like.

  Itachi's death stimulated him far more than anyone imagined. It was his last relative in this world, his last light!


  (Please ask for flower tickets, darlings, please make your own)

Chapter 146 Is this guy a monster? (3)

  Sasuke's voice resounded throughout the battlefield, steadily reaching the ears of everyone present, causing Nara Shikamaru and the others to change their expressions slightly.

  Sasuke's hatred is so deep that it makes people's heart palpitate involuntarily!

  "Brother-in-law, he really okay?" Hinata Hana looked at Sasuke who was looking cold at the moment, and couldn't help but frown slightly, and asked Toto Otsutsuki with some worry.

  Sasuke is now a member of Akatsuki's organization, her companion.

  Although I always knew that Sasuke's heart was filled with hatred, but now I heard Sasuke's words with my own ears and felt the strong hatred in his heart.

  It was only after Hanata Hyuga really understood how paranoid Sasuke was now!

  His hatred is simply chilling and creepy!

  "It's okay, just let him take revenge." Toto Otsutsuki shook his head and comforted Hinata Hana.

  The Uchiha family is the family with the strongest feelings in the entire continent, but it is the opposite.

  If they lose that affection, deep love will naturally turn into unforgettable hatred!

  Therefore, the stronger the strength of the Uchiha clan, the more extreme their character will be!

  Because their Sharinyan is precisely called the Eye of Spiritual Reflection, the deeper the emotion, the deeper the hatred, the more terrifying the power!

  Their emotions will be accurately reflected on the writing wheel eye, which is the eye cursed by fate.

  That's why Sasuke's eternal eyes overflowed with a frightening evil coldness, that's because his heart was empty, completely shrouded in darkness and hatred.

  "...I understand...have and then lose, maybe I really couldn't understand it once, but..." Naruto was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Sasuke, who was wearing a black robe with a red cloud on his face, and his eyes trembled slightly.

  Then he lightly grabbed the clothes in front of his heart, lowered his head slightly and whispered softly.

  Sasuke's hatred, he felt the pain of losing his relatives and brothers, he could understand.

  Yes, since he was a child, he had no father, no mother, no brothers and no family. He had nothing, so he couldn't experience Sasuke's pain in the past.


  He has always regarded Sasuke as his brother, and when Sasuke abandoned the village, abandoned Konoha, abandoned them and left Konoha.

  He also felt it, felt the pain of losing a loved one, the heart-piercing pain.

  "Naruto, there is only despair behind me, only the screams of those Uchiha ghosts in my ears, and itachi's death in my heart, I am...will not give up revenge 〃".

  Hearing this, Sasuke pursed his lips slightly, lowered his head slightly, and said solemnly, he would not and could not give up revenge against Konoha.

  This is his will and his destiny.

  He wants to expand the Uchiha family, he wants to clean up the stain for Itachi, and he wants the world to understand that the glory of the Uchiha family has never been lost!

  This is his responsibility as the last descendant of Uchiha!

  He didn't have any way to retreat, and he never thought of retreating. Now, he can only keep going down!

  "Itachi's existence proves the darkness hidden under Konoha's bright and great appearance. He... is a hero, but he has to bear so much filth. Even if he dies, outsiders will scold him behind his back. Why? "

  "Those stupid guys don't deserve to die! And the high-level Konoha who let Itachi bear these pains and sins will die!"

  Sasuke said in a low voice so indifferently, at the same time, the aura on his body became colder and darker, and the ominous and rich dark purple chakra overflowed.

  As long as he thinks of Itachi, his emotions will inevitably fluctuate!That man is the knot of his heart!

  The purple chakra drove a strong airflow, blowing Sasuke's black hair and black-bottomed red cloud robe constantly rolling, and the tyrannical air pressure swept all around.

  The air seemed to be much duller, and strong pressure accumulated in the hearts of Nara Shikamaru and the others.

  "This guy... what has he experienced in the past three years? How could it be so terrible! This suffocating cold chakra..." Nara Shikamaru and the others looked at Sasuke, who was wrapped in dark purple chakra, in horror. Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

  In a trance, they seemed to see behind Sasuke, a terrifying giant half-human-shaped monster standing behind Sasuke, staring at them with ferocious eyes, making them feel cold all over.

  Three years!Just three short years!

  Sasuke has become so tyrannical, is this guy a monster? !

  "Sasuke, no matter what, I won't let you hurt Konoha, hatred should not be your destination, I will definitely pull you back! This continent, hatred should not continue to spread."

  Naruto's hair was constantly swayed by the substantial air waves generated by Sasuke's aura, but he still stubbornly watched Sasuke and said firmly.

  Sasuke's hatred, he can understand, but he will not watch Sasuke step into the abyss and cannot extricate himself.

  He advocates the exchange between people's hearts, hatred and war, which cannot bring people salvation.

  If he can't cut off hatred and hatred, Sasuke, his life is really over!

  As a close friend, Naruto would never let Sasuke go on like this.

  "々. It's useless, you can't stop me, and you can't stop us, Naruto, don't you know? The Fourth Ninja World War has started, and Shiren will lead us to true peace!"

  Sasuke didn't change his face when he heard the words, and replied calmly, he guessed that Naruto would answer him like this, but he did not mock Naruto,

  He is also noncommittal about Naruto's thoughts, but he has his own way to go, and his will is completely opposite to Naruto's (Zhao Dezhao).

  Sasuke is more willing to agree with Toto Otsutsuki's thoughts, suppress the mainland with strong force, and unify to achieve peace.

  "I will do it for you, but also for Shiren!" Naruto's blue eyes flashed with determination.

  Sasuke, Shiren, these two fetters and close friends that run counter to his will.

  He will use his actions to prove that his thoughts are correct!

  "I dare to say, Naruto, you are too weak now, and strength is the foundation of everything!" Sasuke replied calmly, with a glimmer of light in Eternal's eyes, and the dark purple chakra lingering around him was slow. slow change.

  A half-body armor Suzuo was formed in a blink of an eye, with a bow and arrow!

  He doesn't want to talk anymore, he still needs to find Danzo!


  (Please ask for flower tickets, darlings, please order your own duck)

Chapter 147 You actually joined the Xiao organization! (4)

  The huge Susanoo controlled the energy bow and arrow to aim at Naruto, making Nara Shikamaru and the others tight.

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