He is quite familiar with the Soul Soul World and the humans in the other dimension who are in the state of souls.

  Those memories hidden deep in his mind!

  "Yes, actually, we stayed in that world for three days! But after returning to this galaxy, less than ten minutes have passed. It should be because the time flow rate between the galaxies is different, maybe, maybe even more. There were others, but we didn't really pay attention at the time."

  0 ......  

  Madara Uchiha said with interest, his dark eyes shone with light, which was what they found in this exploration.

  That planet is in another star domain, and the rules are indeed different from this world, because it was discovered after they came back.

  "That's even more interesting, isn't it? I'll go and see it myself. Let's get to know the planet first. Do you want to wait for my news or go with me?" for anticipation.

  Because in his memory, the powerhouses of that world do possess great power!

  "You go first, forcibly opening the different dimension of that world consumes a lot of pupil power of Sasuke and Pu Shi, and we will contact you when the time comes." Wen Yan Otsutsuki Mo Shishi shook his head, anyway, he had waited for more than ten years, They are not in a hurry.

  It's not bad for Otsutsuki Sheren to go first, they still have great trust in Otsutsuki Sheren's ability.

  Toto Otsutsuki nodded, the unknown alien space, forcibly opening it would indeed consume a lot of pupil power.

  "Father, are you going to other planets? I want to go too~"

  At this moment, Kurumi's curious and coquettish voice suddenly sounded, causing Toto Otsutsuki to be taken aback for a moment.


  (Please ask for flowers, tickets, duck babies, please customize)

③ Death Scroll

Chapter [-] I won't hold back my father!

  "Don't make trouble with Kusan, everything about your father's trip this time is unknown. If you follow him, if you encounter a strong enemy, you will become your father's breakthrough." Hinata Hinata gently stroked Kusan's small head and smiled gently. on.

  They all know that most of the new world is unknown now, but it is certain that there are definitely many strong ones.

  In this case, although Kuang San is not weak now, in front of the real powerhouse, he is still a little immature.

  If Kurumi follows Toto Otsutsuki to the new world and encounters a real strong enemy, Kurumi will become Toto Otsutsuki's weakness instead.

  This is really not beautiful.

  What's more, in such a situation, Kuang San's safety cannot be guaranteed.

  "I'm not weak, so I won't hold back my father with "two, two, three"." Kuangsan was a little unwilling to hear that, she felt that her strength was already pretty good.

  And in her heart, Toto Otsutsuki, her own father is invincible!

  How could someone hurt himself in front of Toto Otsutsuki?

  "Besides, how lonely it is for my father to go to other planets alone, I can also accompany my father to duck!" Then Kuang San's two bright eyes rolled, and his face was righteous and awe-inspiring.

  With such an opportunity to go to other worlds, Kurumi didn't want to give it up at all, she said so bored at home.

  "Pfft~ Your excuse is really good." Hinata Hana couldn't help laughing out loud, she was really amused by Kurumi's tone and expression at the moment.

  This girl is really a showgirl.

  "Father, take me with you, I won't embarrass my father." When Kuang San heard the words, his mouth pursed, and he raised his slap-sized face pitifully and looked at Sheren Otsutsuki.

  Everyone understands what kind of character Kuang San is, so at this moment, Kuang San's coquettish voice is so greasy that they can't help but get goosebumps.

  "You~ Okay, but you have to listen to your father when you get there, do you know?" Seeing this, Toto Otsutsuki couldn't help shaking his head. He really had no resistance to his baby daughter's coquettish offensive.

  Moreover, bringing Kuang San actually has no effect on him, and Kuang San's strength is still very strong.

  Kuang San, who has two forces in time and space, is really not easy to deal with.

  What's more, Otsutsuki Sheren himself didn't plan to go alone, otherwise, as Kurumi said, it would be too lonely.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki and the others were taken aback when they heard the words, but they didn't say anything. After all, they did believe in Toto Otsutsuki.

  "Hee hee ~ thank you father~" Kuang San's face instantly became happy when he heard the words, and he rubbed his little head on Datong Musheren's arm, like a cute kitten.

  Seeing this, Otsutsuki Sheren smiled, then pondered slightly, and glanced at the girls.

  He was thinking about who to accompany him. This time, he was mainly to explore the way first, so the number of people did not need to be too large.

  "Husband, I'll accompany you." After thinking about it, Yakumo took the initiative to laugh out loud.

  She also wanted to go out for a walk recently, and she also knew the living habits of Otsutsuki and Kurumi very well.

  "Okay, then Yakumo will accompany us for a trip." Toto Otsutsuki nodded when he heard the words, and Yakumo Kurama was powerful.

  And being a meticulous person, Otsutsuki Torui will naturally not object.

  Then Otsutsuki Toren got the spatial coordinates from the Otsutsuki Peach Style, and the dark space crack opened.

  "Be careful all the way." Kaguya Otsutsuki said softly as she looked at the three of them.

  "Ah~ it won't be long, after all, the flow of time is different." Toto Otsutsuki smiled, and then walked slowly into the space gap with Kurumi and Kurama Yakumo.

  The difference in the flow of time may cause Toto Otsutsuki to find out the current state of the world and come back.

  Naruto World hasn't been around for a few days.

  At this moment, on a planet in another galaxy, a dark space crack opened on the shore of a sparsely populated coast.

  Toto Otsutsuki in a dark red robe walked out first, followed by Kurumi and Kurama Yakumo.

  "I don't perceive any natural energy, or in other words, there is no chakra?" The pommel horse's brown eyes turned into eternal kaleidoscope writing-wheel eyes, carefully observed the surroundings and said softly...  

  In her perception, there is no natural energy in this world, that is to say, in this world, they can't rely on absorbing the natural energy from the outside world to turn on the immortal mode.

  "Yes, natural energy should be unique to our world. Although there is no natural energy, there is another kind of energy." Toto Otsutsuki nodded, his pure Tenseikan glanced around, and then sensed it. .

  There was indeed no natural energy, but Toto Otsutsuki could sense that a special strange energy existed in the air.

  It's just very light, but Totoro Otsutsuki is not surprised.

  Ever since he heard Otsutsuki Momoshi and Uchiha Madara talk about the world, he understood that this world is the god of death!

  God of Death, the energy model here is the Reiki, but except for some heavy spiritual places, the Reiki itself is very weak in this world.

  And now, what Otsutsuki Totoren wanted to know most was what period this Death God world was in.

  The powerhouse here really excites him.

  The leader of the Xuye Palace, Aizen Soyousuke!Yamamoto Motoyuzai, the captain of the first team of the [-]th Squadron of Seringutei Gotei!The Supreme Leader of the Invisible Empire, Yohabah!

  The three strongest beings.

  There are also many, many different types of powerhouses, several members of the Guards of the Invisible Empire, the Guards of the Guardian Spirit King, and so on.

  "Father, this place seems to be in the wild, shall we go to the town to see it?" Kurumi glanced into the distance, and then asked Toto Otsutsuki curiously.

  The location where they appeared was uninhabited, which was indeed more troublesome.

  "No, just go directly to the different dimension." Toto Otsutsuki shook his head, then smiled warmly.

  There is nothing in this world that deserves the attention of Toto Otsutsuki. What he cares more about is the Soul Realm and the Void Circle at this moment!


  (Please ask for flower tickets, darlings, please order your own duck)

Chapter [-] What is this?

  Kuang San nodded when he heard the words, then closed his eyes to feel the space of this world, and frowned slightly after a while.

  Raising his slender jade feet, Kuang San made a graceful turn like a light dance step, in the blink of an eye.

  Kurumi, who was originally wearing a blood and shadow gothic dress, once again turned into a heroic gesture with a snow-white military uniform and hair.

  The blue constellation pupils flickered slightly, revealing a mysterious luster.

  Crazy Emperor!

  "Father, it seems that the space here... is a bit chaotic." Kurumi took a closer look, then hesitantly raised his head and looked at Toto Otsutsuki and said softly.

  In the form of a mad emperor, her perception of space has almost reached the limit, but it is precisely because of her keen sense of space.

  She was even more surprised.

  Because the space here is really too weird!

  There are three or four different-layer spaces, and she also faintly sensed that above these different-layer spaces, there is a more hidden space!

  The Naruto world is completely different from this place. It is only divided into two worlds: the continental world and the underworld!

  As for the ice and snow space brought about by Kaguya Otsutsuki's night eye technique, it cannot be regarded as an independent different space.

  It's just that they are all attached to the space attached to the lower part of Otsutsuki Kaguya's Heavenly Imperial Palace.

  In a world, there are so many independent spaces, it is really a strange thing.

  "Well, it's okay, let's go, I found the space node." Toto Otsutsuki nodded when he heard the words, and then chuckled.

  He also sensed these different spaces, but he was not very surprised that he was familiar with the plot.

  The world of death is such a strange world, a world that is divided into four parts: the present world, the corpse soul world, the virtual circle and the hell.

  The Soul Realm is the place where human souls go after death, and also the place where the god of death lives.

  Seireitei is in the Soul Realm!

  The virtual circle, however, is the place where the souls of human beings degenerate after death. There, it is the world of death, the old enemy of the virtual world.

  Countless virtual entrenched in the virtual circle, opposed to the corpse soul world!

  But for the time being, Toto Otsutsuki didn't mean to explain Kurama Yakumo and Kurumi.

  Toto Otsutsuki stretched out his arm and tapped the calm air in front of him with his index finger, as if he had dropped an insignificant stone on the calm lake.

  One after another invisible ripples spread out in the space, and a dark space portal slowly opened.

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