"The rules of the world, if they remain unchanged, will one day decay and fall, and conforming to the way of heaven is the real vitality of this world." The Otsuki Kisha glanced at the Otsuki Momo Style and Naruto, who were still insisting, and replied lightly.

If the world wants to progress, then it will inevitably usher in a new change, and the people of the big barrel Mushe admit that there is their own selfish factor in starting this war.

But again, his unification of the mainland will indeed bring peace and new life to the mainland.

Otsuki Hagoromo and Madara Uchiha have been defeated, and Otsuki Momo has been suppressed by Otsuki Kaguya, and defeat is inevitable.

It's just a matter of time.

As for Naruto...

Facing three strong opponents of the same level at the same time, in this short period of time, he is now scarred.

Victory was close at hand, but the mood of the people in the big barrel was unusually calm, after all, this was what he expected.

He has always acted by laying out plans first and then implementing them, and in this war, he is just to make the mainlanders please him.

The people of the filthy earth who returned from the long river of time, and the three people of the big barrel wood from the alien galaxy, everything was in his plan.

How could he be defeated?

"Humph!" Madara Uchiha snorted coldly when he heard this, but he didn't refute the words of the Otsuki Kisha.

He already quite agreed with the way of the big barrel wooden house, if it weren't for the infinite monthly reading plan, it would just be a bubble.

For the sake of peace, he will even use more radical means to achieve it!

"Just watch quietly, this world will not let you down, but unfortunately, there will be no opponents in the future."

The big barrel wooden house man smiled when he heard this, and then stretched out his hand and made a move, and the black rod of the seeking jade that controlled the two of them slowly deformed and returned to the big barrel wooden house.

The battle is over, and the two have already admitted defeat, and there is no need for the Big-barreled Cottage to continue to trap them in this way.

After all, whether it is Madara Uchiha or Otsuki Hajiro, they are both strong men with pride and self-esteem.

In today's situation, they who have already failed will not do that kind of villainous behavior.

"Don't be complacent, your pupil technique, I'll think of a way to deal with it sooner or later." Madara Uchiha stood up, the wound on his body healed, and then glanced at the Otsuki Kishato and said indifferently.

He admits that the strength of the people of the big barrel is stronger than his own now, but he will not bow his head easily.

There can be no such thing as a perfect technique!

He believed that he would definitely find out the flaws in the pupil technique of the big barrel wooden house!

"If you can change your mother, you must also bring the world to a better place, alas~ Mother She is very strong, but she is also a poor woman, I hope you will take good care of her in the future."

Otsuki Haji smiled, then turned his eyes to Otsuki Kaguya in mid-air, and sighed.

At the beginning, he teamed up with Otsuki Feather Village to seal Otsuki Kaguya, and Otsuki Feather asked himself a clear conscience about the mainland.

But at the same time, the two brothers really failed to live up to the kindness of Otsuki Kaguya's nurturing to them.

Now that Otsuki Kaguya has changed, he also sincerely hopes that Otsuki Kaguya can be happy in the future.

"Don't worry, Kaguya, I'll treat her well." The man of the big barrel wooden house smiled gently when he heard this, but there was a slight weirdness in the depths of his eyes.

How to say it, the big barrel of wood feather coat, he sounds really weird.

After all, in terms of actual generation, Otsuki Yuroi is his great-grandfather who doesn't know how many generations...

Then the big barrel of wooden feather clothes also said to him, take good care of my mother...


"If you can, you're always welcome to take on the challenge." But in an instant, the Otsuki Kishato put these messy thoughts behind him, turned his head and smiled at Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha is belligerent, of course he knows it, and he is also happy to have an occasional discussion with Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha has a haughty personality and will not easily succumb to others, so the chances of wanting to be subdued are not great, but the Otsuki Kisha people don't care either.

He doesn't have to be a subordinate relationship with Madara Uchiha, and it's not bad to be friends, isn't it?

It's also a no-fight and no acquaintance.

As for the cracking of the Hitomi technique...

The people of the big barrel cottage can really only say sorry, Tiananchuan's ability, the people of the big barrel cabin themselves can't find weaknesses.

In addition to the issue of scope.

Tiananchuan's ability is that the people of the big barrel hut can control the time flow rate of targets within a certain range, and at the same time, they can also change the quality of space within a certain range!

In the case of slowing down the time of the target itself, and increasing the mass of space around the target.

The opponent is in front of the big barrel wooden house, and there is no power to resist at all!

With the time slowed down, it would take hundreds of thousands of generations more time for the target to even raise his hand, how could he fight the big barrel wooden house?

Of course, there is no truly invincible ability in the world, and if the target's strength is strong enough, he can be bound by the pupil ability of the people of the big barrel wooden house.

It's not impossible.

The ability of time and space is extremely powerful, and the excavability of time and space is too strong.

The same is true of the Tian'anchuan pupil technique of the people of the big barrel wooden house.

Madara Uchiha saw the confidence of the Otsuki Kisha, turned his head slightly and said nothing, and turned his gaze to those who were still fighting.

At this moment, Naruto had been repelled by the three of them, and he could no longer stand up from the wound in his abdomen.

Fighting with the three of them at the same time, the pressure was too great for him.

He simply couldn't have any chances.

And in the direction of the big barrel wood Kaguya on the other side, the big barrel wood peach style was also shot down by her with the eighty divine air strike!

Except for the Thousand Hands Pillar and others who are still stubbornly resisting in the end, the war is basically coming to an end!

Seeing this, the corners of the big barrel wooden house people couldn't help but hook up a faint smile, this continent, this world, from today.

That's his!


(Ask for flower tickets, babies, please customize)

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