"The next King's Election Gambling Conference?"

"These are the last words of the previous king, the next king will be crowned to the strongest gambler of mankind. "

"Eh, is it up to the game to even decide the king?"

"The red-haired one is Stephanie Dora, the granddaughter of the previous king, who could not inherit the throne because of her last words, and still attended gambling conventions like that. "

Looking at the two girls gambling in the tavern, Lin Ling enjoyed holding Bai Kankong to inquire about the information here, but it was not early now, before that, you need to find a place to stay, otherwise you will live on the streets, the thieves who robbed on the road are poor, except for a few sets of clothes, there is not much money at all, of course, if there is money, the three thieves will not run out to rob, and in the end they don't even have clothes to wear.


"What's wrong? "

"That's that..."Lin Ling glanced at the small bag of gold coins on the table.

"Understood. Grinning, Sora walked over to the blonde and sat down.

More than ten minutes later, dumbfounded looking at the table of their gourd was crushed by the empty royal flush of the card game, the blonde contributed her own money bag, with money is easy to do, in the tavern with a gold coin rented a room for four days, got the key, the three of them went upstairs, the brother and sister are also tired of a day, need to take a good rest, during the empty is to remind the red-haired Dora, was the other party out of a thousand years, but there is no use for eggs, just set up a set, maybe it is just a good reminder of empty kindness.

"Xiaoling, do you want to sleep together?" Because there is only one bed, the blank space is inseparable, and now the three of them have such a question, anyway, for the air, Lin Ling, who is in the shape of a child, is just the same existence as Bai, as an elder brother, he will not attack his cute sister, even if Lin Ling's actual age is older than him, but this Lori image can't be regarded as an adult, of course, you can also open another room, but after all, it's an unfamiliar world, and it's safer to stay together.

"Sleep, I'm not sleepy now, and you should call me sister!" Lin Ling replied.

"Okay, if you're sleepy, I'll come up on my own and leave a place for you. "Give Bai a good life, lie down, and the brother and sister fell asleep directly.

Coming to the window, Lin Ling felt the breath of this world, it is indeed different, limited by ten covenants, this world cannot cause any damage to others, Lin Ling's strength is still there but it is also limited by the power of this scale, but it is not that it is useless, such as charm and other skills that will not cause harm can still be used, and his physical fitness has not changed, this is also a kind of capital, advantage, at least the starting point is higher than others.

Looking at the sleeping brother and sister, Lin Ling went to the bathroom to take a bath, although the technology of this world is much behind the modern era, and the principle is different, but there are basically still things that should be there, put hot water, take a bath comfortably, wrap a bath towel and walk out, and buy some clothes.

There was a knock on the door, and Ling took the initiative to open the door, and Dora, who had obviously lost her essence, stood pitifully at the door wearing a piece of clothing that was not cloaked or clothed.

"Can you let me in?" With tears in her eyes, Dora looked at Lin Ling with a pleading tone.

A few minutes later, Lin Ling opened it with a few cups, and Sora had already woken up and done it, and Bai was still leaning on Sora's lap and was comfortably in a half-asleep state.

"It's... What's going on?"

"What are you talking about? Anyway, we're brother and sister, so it's not..."

"Brother... Dumped..."

"It doesn't matter what this kind of thing is! Why don't you tell me the contents of her when you know that she's out of the woods? If I only reveal it, I will win!"

"Covenant eight, if there are improper actors in the game, once they are exposed, they will be regarded as defeated... Is it?"

"That's right, thanks to you, I'm completely defeated!

Looking at the unwilling Dora, Lin Ling gave her a wax in her heart, and was completely led away by the empty nose, what a simple girl, the result is not to know that Dora, who was completely defeated in her empty hands, was directly played around, and the next morning, the three of them changed places, left the tavern, and stayed in the palace.

"Xiaoling, where are you going?" was about to take Bai to take a bath with him, looking at Lin Ling, who hadn't followed, he shouted to the altar.

"Just going out for a walk. Lin Ling said with a smile.

"Oh. Nodding, there will be no danger in this world, and he doesn't worry about anything, so he took Bai and Dora to the bath of the palace.

Back to yesterday's tavern, Lin Ling looked around, and soon found the notice of the king's selection tournament on the bulletin board on the side, this issue is the latest announcement, Crammie, who bet with Dora yesterday, won the victory.

Although it's good to let blank be the king, and he can follow the mess, but his first task is to bring this brother and sister under his command, and it is a good choice to become a king, of course, you can also subdue the brother and sister with the game, but this possibility is a bit low, to be honest, Lin Ling is not sure that she can win these two genius brothers and sisters in the game, since this is the best way to win the election and become the king, and the blank will not rob herself.

"It's good night, Xiaoling, if you don't come back soon, you won't have anything to eat tonight. "Sora is unceremoniously eating and drinking in front of a sumptuous dinner, before the king is decided, the identity of the granddaughter of the former king of Dora is still very useful, everything in the palace can be operated for it, but after the new king, it is unknown what will happen, maybe it will go to the streets. (Lee's)

"Sister Lin Ling, I left one for you here, come quickly. Shiro beckoned cutely, and there was indeed some food next to the seat.

"Sora, Shiro, I have something I want to tell you. Sitting down next to Bai and touching Bai's head, Lin Ling said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Stopping the movements in his hand, Kong Qi said, Lin Ling's serious attitude of negotiation is really rare, except for Bai, Lin Ling is the person he cares about the most, although he is a guardian, he really regards Lin Ling as a family, after all, he has lived for so many years, he takes care of their brothers and sisters so much, and he also raises a family and does housework and cares about them, not a mother is better than a mother, of course, after growing up in Kong, it doesn't feel so strong, after all, Lin Ling's appearance really can't be regarded as a mother, but more like an extra sister.

"I want to be the king of this country. Grinning, Lin Ling said bluntly, except for the still calm blank, Dora and the servants around were all stunned. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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