"I killed everyone, now Charles, you let me make a choice or something, if I choose to stop, you won't pursue it, do you want to protect me?" said the Red Lady with a smile, her face becoming a little hideous.

"Yes, if you want to. Charles replied decisively, he was not a virgin or a demon, he just wanted to do what he wanted, what about those prostitutes, pitiful, miserable, and what did he have to do with himself? Charles was more inclined to his relatives and friends than the so-called work and duties, and what was the difficulty of using his own power to conceal a crime for the Red Lady.

"Charles..." was slightly stunned, Madame Red was the first time to see the appearance of her nephew, and her heart was moved and guilty, even if she committed such a crime, she was willing to protect herself, this gentle side is really similar to the person in her memory.

"So, stop it, ma'am. Sitting back down, Charles persuaded again.

"Goo~!" A shrill voice sounded, and at some point, a blood-red figure appeared behind Charles, holding a chainsaw and slashing at the position above Charles's head.

"Charles, don't!" Looking at the scene in front of her, Madam Red wanted to stop it, but it was too late, but there was a figure that appeared behind Charles faster, blocking the opponent's attack.

"The prop used by the Grim Reaper to intercept the soul, the Grim Reaper's Scythe, I didn't expect you to really be able to play Greel, a waste and useless deacon. Pushing the other away, Sebas grinned.

"Don't use the cheesy name of a scythe! It's hard for me to make such a personality, really, I wonder why Madame came to see it so late today, and I didn't expect to be fascinated by a little ghost. Shrugging his shoulders, Grell showed a mouth full of fangs, and his original brown hair had turned a blood-red color, looking particularly wild and bloodthirsty.

"Death? No wonder, Madame has already stopped, if it's okay, please leave?" Standing up and walking to Sebas's side, Charles said calmly.

"I'm not interested in a little ghost like you, compared to this, I was really surprised at first, the demon is actually a deacon, and he is a loyal dog, what a good man. A flying kiss was thrown at Sebas, and Greer's sissy posture still didn't change at all, it was all in his nature.

"Can you do these disgusting things? I'm still working. The corners of his mouth twitched and looked at each other, this kind of perverted death, as a demon, Sebas also felt a little unbearable.

"It's really pure and desireless, that's also something that makes people want to stop~!" With a cute expression, Grell took a step forward with a chainsaw and said: "I like red, whether it's clothes, hair or lipstick, red is the best!So I put makeup on those ugly girls, with beautiful beautiful, red blood, Sebastian, I will turn you into a more beautiful man, and stir it up greatly in the depths of you!

"The Grim Reaper is the character who quietly takes the soul of the dead, and the deacon is the character who follows the master like a shadow, and the evil taste opposite to the aesthetics of both is, IMHO, simply disgusting. Looking at each other, Sebas criticized mercilessly.

"What a haunt, Sebastian, even so, I'm a deacon!" Picking up the saw, Grell rushed straight over, slashing at Sebas without any scruples, even though there were still Red Lady and Charles standing next to Sebas.

"Sebas!take him!this time the prisoner Jack the Ripper!" Charles gave the order directly with the contract, and this perverted Grim Reaper was indeed the most suitable to destroy.

"Yes, young master!" Holding the saw with both hands again, Sebas pulled violently, threw Greel out of the window, and then followed him out, the terrain here is too small to play, and the other party has weapons, plus Charles and the Red Lady are there, it is not easy to play at all, and when you get to the courtyard, you can let go and fight without worrying too much.

"Hmph, do you think the devil can beat the gods?" The light landing, Grell felt a little tired, from the moment the Red Lady fell into hesitation, Grell no longer liked the Red Lady, this became like an ordinary woman, a woman does not deserve the best color red, it is really blinding.

"Well, although I don't know if it will work, but since the master ordered me to win, then I will win, and now this body and soul, even a hair, belong to the master, as long as the contract still exists, obeying his orders is the aesthetics of the deacon. Taking off his gloves, Sebas said with a serious look, the other party is a grim reaper, not a simple look, if you don't show some strength, but you will really die.

Looking at the two people fighting below, Charles estimated that it would be difficult to distinguish the winner immediately without spending some time, so he picked up the teapot that Sebas brought in just now and poured himself two cups, took a cup and handed it to Madame Red, who was a little stupid and didn't understand the current situation, and then pulled a chair and sat by the broken window to watch the confrontation between the two in the courtyard on this rainy day.

"Charles, aren't you nervous at all? The other party is a god of death, although your deacon is not an ordinary person. At this point, Madame Red also let go, and she really couldn't hate her lovely nephew, so she also pulled a chair and sat next to Charles, and the two began to drink tea together.

"Sebas won't lose. Confidently, in Charles's opinion, it is enough to wait for the results to follow.

"Is it really okay?" the Red Lady looked confused, and just in an instant, Sebas was cut with a saw, and the marquee came out.

"Just take a good look. "A cup of tea, when Charles finished drinking this cup, the form has been completely reversed, Sebas relied on the tuxedo on his body to jam Greer's saw, without the advantage of weapons, he is still more confident in beating Sebas in close quarters, of course, the next scene is a little unsightly, it is a completely one-sided beating scene.

After a while, carrying the blue-nosed and swollen Greer and the saw, Sebas returned to the room and asked Charles: "Young master, although he is so ugly, God is a god after all, do you have the consciousness to commit the grave crime of killing gods?"

"Do you want me to repeat the order?" said in the same tone as if he were executing an ordinary prisoner, killing a god or something was nothing to Charles at all, and if it weren't for the system, killing a god or something with his own strength would be a relatively simple matter for himself.

"Yes!" Raising Greer's saw, Sebas pulled off the clothes that were stuck inside, pulled the saw into the ring, and slashed it at Greel.

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