PS: Part of the original Garifan plot, the author's brain hole has been opened again.

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"What's going on? The system is big, for Mao I'm back here again? Looking at the space in front of her in surprise, Lin Ling remembered that she had just taken a nap, and when she was about to go to brush the task, she woke up and found that she was back, looking at the situation in front of her, for some reason, Lin Ling always had an ominous premonition, every time this feeling appeared, it was realized one by one, in short, there was absolutely nothing good.

"The host task has failed and has begun to enter punishment mode, please prepare the host." The system's mechanical words rang out.

"How? You haven't told me why you failed? I've brought the plot back to normal. Lin Ling looked puzzled, but soon remembered the content of the last ring task, Lin Ling's face stiffened, the last ring task is to change, I understand that in order to change the plot, but it seems that I guessed wrong, the so-called change may not be to change the plot of the original book, after all, the fact that Inuyasha was born by himself at the beginning has already changed the original trajectory, so forcibly returning the plot to the original track is equivalent to going against the theme of the mission, so it will be judged to fail.

Looking at the system silently, Lin Ling had a sentence in her heart that MMP didn't know whether to talk about it or not, I thought I had seen through the trap set by the system, but I didn't expect that I was smart but was accidentally stepped on the trap by being smart, at this time Lin Ling's heart was broken, and the posture was like this, but it didn't give Lin Ling time to be depressed, and the system's prompt sounded again.

"Ding! This punishment mode is the rebirth mode, the background is set to the mixed Li Fan world, the location is the neon province of the modern Chinese Dynasty, and the character building begins, in order to reflect the punishment effect, temporarily deprive the host of the world memory experienced by the system, and all abilities are temporarily sealed, retain the memory of the original boy, everything is re-experienced, and rebirth begins! After listening to the system's prompts, her eyes widened in horror, and Lin Ling lost consciousness before she could say anything.

21st century neon country, when Lin Ling opened her eyes, what came into her eyes was an ordinary girl's room, came to the mirror, looked at the cute Lori in the mirror, Lin Ling felt that her heart was going to melt, although there was a side effect of transformation after getting the system, but the flaws are not hidden, I have the system in the world, and it is definitely not a problem to go to the peak of life after using the system well, but I don't know why, I always feel that I seem to have forgotten something important.

Shaking his head, he couldn't think of it and didn't bother to think about it, Lin Ling began to receive the memories implanted in the system, no father and no mother but a fairly rich inheritance, this house is his own, but because he is still young, Lin Ling has a guardian, who is his father's sworn brother, that is, his uncle takes care of himself, of course, these are set by the system, but it is very convenient, and the task is also out, because he wants to become a winner in life and live a chic and happy life, so Lin Ling hopes that the system can realize this wish, Even if you become a girl, you don't hesitate.

"Ding! Main Quest: Winner in life, live a new life in a chic and happy way! Begin to release the first task:As a 12-year-old Lori,Academics are important,Becoming a top student is the first step to success,This month's midterm exam achieved the top three results in the whole grade,Success rewards memorable skills,Start the second task。 "

"I'll go, I'm in my twenties, and I still have to go to school, and I want to be a school bully... It's always a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, the question of elementary school students shouldn't be a problem for me, right? Is there no punishment? System. "

"This system is a life win (lewd) home system designed for the host, there is no punishment for failure, warm reminder, the host's body is carefully created by this system, no matter how it is used, it can develop in the most perfect posture, without worrying about getting fat, growing beans or other situations that make people feel bad."

"Oh, that's good." Nodding, Lin Ling is very satisfied, so there is really no pressure, but I don't forget this skill is very good, Lin Ling wants it very much, try to see it, when the time comes, it's not too late to give up if you can't stand it, and there will be no punishment anyway.

looked at the people in the mirror again, it's really too cute and cute, it's a pity that it's herself, Lin Ling is only a little dissatisfied with this, but forget it, it's a big deal to make lilies in the future, anyway, when you become a winner in life, what kind of beauty do you want, and judging from your own appearance, it's still very convenient to get along with girls, maybe you can eat tofu and take a shower or something, it's a little exciting to think about it.

At this time, just next door to Lin Ling's house, as the guardian's uncle, an old man in his thirties who has not yet started a family finally came out of the house, he is an H cartoonist and illustrator, the tepid kind, but a person is still quite moisturizing, occasionally receiving illustration lists to make some extra money, in addition to this, it is a complete dead house, generally as long as the reserves are sufficient, and then there is no power outage, you can go out of the house for 365 days a year.

But since becoming the guardian of a niece,,Almost every day Liangtai has to come to Lin Ling's house.,After all, as an uncle,Take care of the niece's situation in general.,Plus the niece is a cute Lori girl.,It's even more important to care.,Although as a house,It seems to be very good to have a wonderful relationship with a Lori girl.,But Liangtai thinks he's a person with a very moral bottom line.,Since you're a guardian, you have to take responsibility.,It's definitely not going to do anything about Lori.,Although the recent comic themes are all drawn with reference to the niece., And the response was very good, but Ryota promised that he was just thinking about it and would never put it into action.

Take out the key,Open the door,Liangtai closed the door smoothly,Walked in with a familiar car,Come to the kitchen and start cooking,Accustomed to living alone,These life skills have naturally been MAX,In a few days, he will send Lin Ling to school as a parent,Half an hour later,Breakfast,Liangtai walked upstairs,It's time to call my niece up,Every morning you can see Lori's cute sleeping posture and the cute every move after getting up is one of the few funs that Liangtai has now,Can't miss it。

At this time, in the room, Lin Ling was only wearing a blue and white striped fat man standing in front of the wardrobe with a serious face, there were a variety of dresses in Ling, not even a slightly neutral dress, standing here Lin Ling had been struggling for more than half an hour, but thinking about it, it was inevitable that she would still wear women's clothes in the future, and finally sighed and stretched out her hand to grab a dress that looked relatively simple and conservative.

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