"Today is your duty, moonlit night." Lin Ling helps clean the classroom together, and sometimes it is quite interesting to do some small things in life.

"Compared to this, the winner has been decided, which is really a surprising situation." After patting the board, the moonlit night picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor, it seems that the second five swords, Mary of Turtle and Crane City, was also defeated by the hands of Nacun.

This protagonist mode is open.,Collect the harem while brushing the boss.,It's really hard to complain.,But speaking of which,There aren't many normal people in the academy.,At least none of the people Lin Ling knows are normal.,And there are girls of any attribute.,It's really a natural harem college.,If you want to count it.,It's much more normal for the male protagonist to be in the village.。

Following Mary's defeat, a week has passed.,In this calm day,Occasionally go to school to see if you don't have a so-called corrective life under the supervision of the wheel and Mary.,While carrying out their own network serialization.,Knock down the last word.,Although it's an interest.,But the results are not bad.,Wait for this serial novel to end.,Try to contribute to see it.,If it can be published, it's also a small dream of your own.,If not, it won't cause any loss to yourself.。

"Lin Ling, the principal is looking for you, let's go to the chairman's office." The door opened, and Moonlit Night walked in.

"Headmaster? What's wrong? So suddenly. Lin Lingqi said, except for the three-no principal, except for the day of admission, Lin Ling has never seen her again, and she always feels that there is nothing good.

"I don't know, anyway, I'm just here to inform you, really, I'm going back to class." The moonlit night is broken and read, as soon as I open the chatterbox, there is a tendency to stop, even if I talk to myself, I can say a lot, don't look at the moonlit night is usually quiet, in fact, there is a chatter attribute.

Closing the computer, since the principal is looking for himself, Lin Ling can only go once, walked out of the dormitory, entered the teaching building, Lin Ling opened the system interface, these days finally saved enough points, the master dance fighting technique was upgraded again, a thousand points directly emptied, it was really back before the liberation, but in an instant, Lin Ling felt that he was several times stronger again, under the master-level intermediate dance fighting technique, Lin Ling felt that he had reached a bottleneck, the dark energy was complete, and the half-step turned into strength.

"Knock knock..." knocked on the door of the chairman's room, and after getting the permission of the principal inside, Lin Ling~ walked in.

"You're here, Lin Ling." Sitting in the exclusive chair, the headmaster's seemingly cute expression changed slightly, and he was surprised, but he quickly returned to his original face.

"The principal and teacher are looking for me?" Lin Ling came to the table and stood still, compared to the strong pressure she felt when she first saw the principal, now Lin Ling can fully feel the strength of the principal, very strong, but it is also only the level of the dark energy high level close to the consummation, the higher the realm, the greater the gap, Lin Ling is confident that he can take it down within ten moves, according to the information obtained by the system, the highest level in this world is the level of the consummation of the strength, and they are all a handful of old monsters, generally reaching the initial strength is enough to dominate the party.

School Feixiang Changxiang has already branded Lin Ling as a demon in his heart, but he still has to say something, and he said directly to Lin Ling: "That's the case, there are two weeks left to be the National Olympiad, I hope that Lin Ling, you can represent our college to participate, of course, except for the awards of the competition." "

"Oh..."I was a little disappointed that this kind of thing happened, but Lin Ling also understood, after all, who made herself a genius student, as a special symbiosis college, although, but the liberal arts are still more important, not many people can learn in the past, but now with Lin Ling, it is naturally here, and reputation is not too much for a school, no matter how many it is.

Walked out of the teaching building with a large stack of materials, it doesn't matter if this thing is for me or not, I just browsed it and remembered it all, and threw it into the trash can on the side, but to Lin Ling's surprise, there was some commotion on the playground, looking from a distance, under the flagpole, a fat boy was tied to a wooden cross, and after calculating the time, Lin Ling noticed that this point was almost the time when the flower wine that traveled to Hawaii came back, so this is the third Wujian to shoot, the blonde tsundere,But judging from the current development,,It's estimated that I'll end up bowing down to the halo of the protagonist.。

Shook her head helplessly, too lazy to watch this farce, and when she continued to walk towards her dormitory, Lin Ling saw Chop again, but what surprised Lin Ling was who Chop was talking to, driven by curiosity, Lin Ling slowly moved over, it turned out to be this guy Liangtai, the brother and sister seemed to be a little unhappy, and soon the Chop fell, leaving Liangtai standing in place with a helpless expression and grabbing his head.

········ Asking for flowers·· 0

"Yo~! Lin Ling, I've come to see you, are you surprised? Because Lin Ling didn't hide, Liangta quickly found Lin Ling, and ran over directly with a smile, directly opening his hands to give a long-lost hug, but was directly dodged by Lin Ling.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden and don't say a word to me?" Holding his forehead and looking at his good wife with a smirk, Lin Ling asked.

......... 0

"Haha... I miss you so much, I'll come here, but it's really good, this academy, if I'm a teenager, I have to come here to go to school. Ryota said with a haha, obviously hiding something, and his expression was too obvious.

"Really? I'll go back if there's nothing to do, so you should go back early. Lin Ling didn't bother to get to the bottom of it, so she turned around and left.

"Ahh Wait, Lin Ling, are you just like this to me after a long-lost reunion? I'm here to tell you something. Ryota followed with a resentful look.

Ten minutes later, in the reception room of the dormitory, Lin Ling made a glass of boiled water and sat down in front of Liangtai, and said bluntly: "What's the matter, let's talk about it now." "

"It's really a kind Lori... After such a little time, I turned my face and didn't recognize people, and I was no longer the little cutie who liked to ask me for a stick to eat... Poof..."Before Ryota finished speaking, he was punched directly in front of the door.

"I don't remember when you became so sloppy." Retracting her fist, Lin Ling said with some shame, dare to talk nonsense about this kind of private matter, blame herself for being robbed of her mind by happiness and being led away by the nose, girls are really more powerful than boys, this is Lin Ling's personal experience.

"Okay, okay, this matter doesn't really have much to do with you, but it also has something to do with you, so it's a long story, so be patient and let me start from the beginning." Taking a sip of boiling water, Ryota began to tell Lin Ling about what happened many years ago. _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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