"You three, are you doing something for me again?" As soon as he entered the basement, Tianma frowned, although the basement looked the same as when he left, but the smell that still remained in the air had not completely dissipated, not to mention the strange expressions on the faces of the two guys, and as Tianma expected, for Tianma's interrogation, the two wanted to hide it at first, but soon revealed it all.

Looking at the two helplessly, Gastrodia entered the room to visit the black wolf who was still unconscious, since he did something wrong, he should still be punished, but in view of the current situation of the black wolf, the punishment will be pressed first and then executed, now the day is going to take Lin Ling out to do something, in order to avoid Lin Ling's resistance, Gastrodia continued to use drugs to make Lin Ling lose the ability to resist, and he could have simply unloaded Lin Ling's limbs, but it was more troublesome to do that, and it was more sincere to hand it over to the dark treatment intact, anyway, when the time came, the person handed it over, his goal was achieved, and he didn't do anything about himself later。

Still tied, but this time it was a normal binding, and then the eyes were blindfolded with a black cloth, Lin Ling was carried out of the basement directly by Gastrodia, and moved quickly, because the eyes were blindfolded, Lin Ling couldn't know the route, so she could only honestly wait for Gastrodia to stop, but it was unexpectedly fast, more than ten minutes later, Gastrodia stopped, Lin Ling was also put down, and then a voice of Lin Ling's somewhat familiar words sounded in her ears.

"Lin Ling, how do you feel about meeting for the second time?" The blindfolded black cloth was removed, Lin Ling slightly adapted to the somewhat dazzling light, and turned to look at the figure in front of him, it was the boxing saint who had not been seen for a long time, and there seemed to be no one else present other than that.

"Lord Boxing, Lin Ling of Liangshanbo has been brought to you in good condition as promised, so is it time to fulfill the promise you secretly promised to us Iga. Tianma interjected directly and said, no matter whether the two knew each other or had anything to say, the purpose of his visit this time must be answered first.

"Well, you Iga can join us in the dark, as for trivial matters such as the covenant, you go find that little ghost, this part is not my responsibility. The Fist Saint shrugged his shoulders and said, with a nonchalant attitude.

For the appearance of the boxer, Tianma is not angry, everything is focused on the overall situation, no matter what, first according to what the boxer said, talk to that little ghost, it stands to reason that the dark should not play them Iga, whether it is power or intelligence, etc., Iga can bring great benefits and advantages to the dark, and no one with a little brain should refuse Iga's surrender.

"Then I'll take my leave, Lord Fist. Bowing slightly, Tianma said hello and left, since there was nothing to do, he didn't bother to stay here longer.

"Hmph, all I secretly want is a hungry wolf with a loyal dog in the pie. Sneered at the distant Gastrodia, Iga's surrender, the dark will naturally not refuse, but Gastrodia, this Iga is a little uninteresting, if there is not enough strength and power that people pay attention to, the morning will be completely swallowed up by the darkness, the boxer saint only needs to be good, anyway, this time he took the initiative to come out for Lin Ling, no matter what.14 The master is too surprised, if he can be included in the command to exercise and control, the boxer believes that in less than twenty years, he will definitely be able to cultivate a monster that is more terrifying than the old monster in Liangshanbo.

"Let's go, little one, it may seem uncomfortable to see how you are now, but it will soon put you at ease. The boxer looked at Lin Ling, who was silent and expressionless, grabbed Lin Ling with one hand and clamped it under his armpit, jumped into the air with a swift footstep, landed on the top of a big tree, and stopped walking towards the seaside not far away.

Not long after, as the Fist Saint took Lin Ling to a remote reef area on the coast, a huge ship was already moored here, and with Lin Ling jumping again, the Fist Saint came to the deck and walked towards the inside of the ship with Lin Ling, this ship is the base camp of the Fist Saint's transfer, after locking Lin Ling in a cabin, the Fist Saint left directly, and before leaving, Lin Ling untied Lin Ling's body quite untiringly.

Moved the lower body, although it was still very weak because of the drug, but it was still okay to walk around, looking out the window as if it was starting to set sail, Lin Ling had no intention of escaping, let it be safe if it came, first cultivate the body to recover the physical strength, it was very uncomfortable to be tied up these days, and the body felt rusty.

Time flies, for several days, there is no problem with Lin Ling's diet and daily life, there will be someone to send it, and if you are bored, you can ask someone to send some books or other things to solve it, but the main owner of the boxing saint has not appeared for a long time, in this regard, Lin Ling is still very calm to live her own life, in comparison, Liang Shanbo on the other side is all dispatched these days.

Because the exercise of the one can't be left behind, so everyone went out to search in batches, and launched their respective forces to find Lin Ling's news, but unfortunately there was no good news, the only clue is to know that it was Lin Ling who was robbed by Iga leader Tianma, but now Iga is all hidden, and Tianma itself is wandering everywhere in an uncertain manner, and it is really difficult to find each other, because of Lin Ling, it has also caused the atmosphere of Liangshanbo to become a little quiet, and there is no such limited and lively feeling as in the past.

In the afternoon of half a month, when Lin Ling looked at the island not far away outside the window, there was a sound of the door being opened behind him, and the fist saint finally appeared again.

"It seems that you are doing well, Lin Ling, I won't say much else, give you two choices, first, join the dark and become my disciple, the first (Li's) second, I don't need to say more, although it is easier to kill you, but I will control you, then you will become a puppet in my hands, if you can, I hope you can choose the first one, after all, if you become a puppet, it will waste your talent, okay, now give you ten minutes to think about it, tell me your choice." "

Looking at the boxer who sat down and waited for his reply, Lin Ling fell into thought, although the weapon on his body was taken away, but his fist and foot kung fu is the most important means, no weapon is just no hole card, not to mention that his current strength is not weaker than that of the boxing saint, plus the pampered and excellent in the past half a month, he has fully recovered, if he wants to run, Lin Ling still has a lot of certainty, but what makes Lin Ling worry is that the place where he is now is there, in addition to the boxing saint, whether there are other masters in it, once he fails, he has no choice。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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