"What's wrong? Looking at the stunned flying squirrel, Sebas asked.

"No, it's just a bit of a surprise. "Coming back to his senses, the flying squirrel waved his hand, and saw the living elf clan, and it was so stunning, some were fascinated, although the female guardians and maids were all beauties carefully made by the guild members, but compared with this elf, there was a feeling of being a little worse, and it could only be said that such a stunning color could only be created by gods.

But this is good news for the flying squirrel, there is the existence of the elf race, then there are definitely other intelligent creatures living in this other world, moving the scene in the observation mirror, the flying squirrel continued to explore, and soon found a human village not far from the forest - Karn Village, but the situation in the picture is a little delicate, a group of cavalry broke into the village, is slaughtering the villagers.

Looking at the situation in the picture, the flying squirrel fell into hesitation, for scenes such as killing, the flying squirrel can also treat it coldly, after all, it is now a complete undead, and it is very plain to see all this, but under the residual humanity, the flying squirrel still asked Sebas's opinion next to him, for this village to save or not?

"Footsteps?Someone is coming?" took a bite of the fruit in her hand, Lin Ling turned to look in the direction of the village, and soon, two fleeing girls came towards her, chasing two soldiers wearing knight armor behind her, looking at this familiar scene, Lin Ling smiled, took the bow and arrow on her back that she had made with a branch, and shot the arrow in her hand at the two soldiers behind the girl.

"Poof~!" The arrow blessed with sharp and wind-based magic pierced through the armor on the soldier's body and shot him, but the other soldier reacted quickly, rolled around in embarrassment to avoid the arrow, and then looked at Lin Ling's side in surprise, as if he didn't expect that there would be an elf here, and turned around decisively and ran, obviously he couldn't deal with the elf in front of him with a minion, so he could only go back to seek support.

And at this moment, a portal appeared in the void, blocking the soldier's escape path, and then in the soldier's frightened gaze, the terrifying skeleton image of the flying squirrel walked out of the portal, looking at the soldier with a frightened face in front of him, the flying squirrel didn't say much, and directly raised his hand is a thunderbolt magic, directly slashing it to death on the spot.

"Intermediate undead create a death knight!" the flying squirrel chanted directly, and then on the corpse of the dead soldier, a huge undead monster was created, and the death knight who was just a garbage meat shield for the flying squirrel was already an invincible monster for those present.

"Death Knight, destroy the soldiers who attacked this village. Ordered again, in the stunned gaze of the flying squirrel, the death knight directly abandoned him, the spellcaster, and ran towards the village, which immediately made the flying squirrel blind, but then a heavily armed black warrior walked out of the portal with a large axe and said, "It took too much time to prepare, I'm sorry." "

"No, it's just in time, Jarbede. "

"Thank you for your magnanimity. Nodding, Yalbaid turned to look at the two girls hiding behind Lin Ling and Lin Ling herself, and said, "So, how to deal with these inferior creatures?"

"The enemies in front of you are the knights in armor. "

"Yes. "

Looking at the flying squirrel who was about to take action, Lin Ling didn't interject, now is not the time, when the village is over, it's better to find an opportunity to talk to the flying squirrel, for the meeting with the flying squirrel, these days, Lin Ling has already thought about what to say, although this way may bring danger to herself, but if it can be done, you can definitely gain the trust of the flying squirrel, which still has a bit of gambling.

"It's okay, come back to the village with me. Watching the flying squirrel and Yalbaid leave, Lin Ling comforted the girl who was hiding behind her.

It is still very advantageous to be good-looking, the two sisters are very friendly when they look at Lin Ling, just now the flying squirrel scared the two sisters, after all, the face of the skeleton is normal people will be afraid, so they returned with the two sisters, and when Lin Ling and the three of them came to the village, the knights who plagued the village had been all solved, and the flying squirrel had undoubtedly become the great benefactor of the village, and was warmly welcomed by the villagers, of course, in order to avoid scaring people, the flying squirrel still put on a mask and disguised it, as for Al Bayd, he was not in the village, but was on standby outside。

Separated from the two girls, Lin Ling walked directly to the village chief's house that she learned from the girl, now is a good opportunity to talk to the flying squirrel, as for the villagers who are immersed in sadness, they directly ignore Lin Ling, an outsider, there is such a big change, there is still a mood to think about something else, and all kinds of aftermath have to be dealt with, so Lin Ling is also happy and relaxed.

Soon came to the door of the village chief's house, Lin Ling did not go in but waited for a while, not long after, the flying squirrel came out, and found Lin Ling guarding the door for the first time, and learned a lot of information from the village chief, the flying squirrel is actually quite curious that the elves will be near the village where humans live, after all, the place where the elves are located is a little far away, and most of the elves in the human kingdom are captured slaves and concentrated in the hands of those powerful nobles。

"Can you talk about it?" Looking at the flying squirrel, Lin Ling took the initiative to speak.

"Well, I also have something to ask you. Nodding, the flying squirrel agreed, the information on the village chief's side is only some of the most basic information after all, it can only let the flying squirrel know a little bit about here, if you want to know more, you must get more information, in the eyes of the flying squirrel, the elf in front of you should be able to provide more useful information to themselves.

Outside the village, the two stood together and looked at the villagers who had built a grave for the deceased not far away, Lin Ling went directly to the topic and said to the flying squirrel: "Yggdrasil player?

"Eh!?Are you..."Looking at Lin Ling in surprise, the flying squirrel was frightened, but soon thought that the elf in front of him was likely to be his compatriots, and his heart was suddenly a little happy and a little complicated, although there are human beings in this world, but after all, they are not people in the same world, and many things can only be held in their hearts.

"Well, it's just that I'm not as lucky as you, I'm reborn, you know what I mean?" Lin Ling continued to make up her own situation, roughly that she was also a player of Yggdrasil, and she inexplicably turned into an elf after closing the service, and then experienced some things and came here, because the image of the flying squirrel is too familiar, and its guild is a well-known existence in the game, so I tried to talk.

For Lin Ling's words, the flying squirrel believes it very much, after all, Lin Ling's words are good, since she is a compatriot and a fairy beauty, the flying squirrel has also let go a lot, she doesn't have to be majestic in front of the guardian or get along with others as cautiously, for the flying squirrel's questions about this world, Lin Ling told the flying squirrel everything she knew in detail, and the only requirement was that she hoped that she could join the flying squirrel's guild, after all, the strength was too poor, Lin Ling wanted to find a backer for herself.

As for Lin Ling's request, the flying squirrel agreed without hesitation, whether it was out of the identity of a compatriot or something else, anyway, for the flying squirrel, Lin Ling's joining would not have any impact, and there would be someone to listen to some difficult things to say in the future, and it would be clear how to choose the beneficial and harmless ones at a glance.

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