PS:This is an excessive chapter.,And by the way, ask for a leave with everyone.,It may not be updated tomorrow.,There's something.,Anyway, it depends on the situation first.,It's not decided yet.。

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"Hey, what a magnificent armor~!"

"How much does this cost?"

"It's just a bronze medal, it must be the son of a family. "

"Daddy's gift?"

Standing in front of the taskbar, listening to the noisy laughter, Lin Ling has a kind of impulse to flatten people, and only when she really faces this kind of ridicule can she understand how hot it is, obviously she is just a group of garbage tricks, and she dares to mock others at will, if it weren't for the fact that Ainz has been emphasizing not to make enemies at will, Lin Ling can't help but educate these guys about what is the quality of being a human being.

"Lin Ling, which task in the bronze medal is the highest reward and the most difficult?" After watching it for a while, Ainz asked Lin Ling beside him, after all, he still couldn't understand the text here, as for those ridicules were directly ignored, it is estimated that in Ainz's opinion, there is no need to waste his time on these garbage characters, plus the unique calmness of the undead, he can basically keep his emotions calm all the time without being carried away by a momentary impulse and make wrong moves, although this racial characteristic is very good, but it is not without harm, such as all the emotions of being a human being will become indifferent and cold.

"Well, how about this? Momo, the content is to eliminate the demon pig herd that infeased the field, it should be the most difficult task in the bronze medal, and the reward is also acceptable, a silver coin. Lin Ling pointed to a power of attorney in the lower middle.

"Isn't there anything higher and more difficult?" After listening to the content, Anz said a little dissatisfied, the creature of the demon pig is actually the same as the most basic wild monster in the game, but it can have a little earth attribute defense magic than ordinary wild boars.

"No, if it's more difficult, it's a task above the iron medal, although with Momo's strength, even the mission above Mithril can be easily done, but we are only a bronze medal, and we can't take it according to the rules of the guild. Shrugging her shoulders, Lin Ling replied, and at the same time deliberately amplified her voice to shut up those guys who were still laughing non-stop, those trash were just iron to silver medals.

"Then there's no way, just choose this, you have to raise the level as soon as possible and do more advanced tasks, otherwise it will be difficult to increase your reputation in a short period of time. Nodding, Anz was a little helpless, after all, a full-level player can only do things that novice players can do because of various restrictions, and it is not interesting to mention the difficulty of the challenge at all.

"Excuse me, do you want to come to our mission to help?" Just as Anz was about to take down the power of attorney that Lin Ling said, a voice joined in, and the team of four people entered the sight of Anzi and Lin Ling.

Lin Ling remained silent directly, and completely handed over the leadership to Ainz to deal with, Lin Ling was still very clear about her own positioning, although Ainz said that she should be casual, not to be as respectful as everyone in Nassalik, but as a superior, Lin Ling is very clear about the thoughts of the superior, even if there is no now, but there is no guarantee that there will be no in the future, as the saying goes, a companion is like a tiger, before completely taking Ainz, Lin Ling felt that it was better to keep some distance, of course, on the surface, it was more casual according to Ainz's words。

Soon, Anz reached an agreement with the team in front of him, the black sword, everything was going according to the original trajectory, and then the commission and negotiation were sideways, Lin Ling remained silent throughout the whole process, and only said a word when he was introduced, and then as the hired guard, everyone set off towards the forest with the client Enfirea.

"Mr. Peter. "


"How about we take a rest over there?" suggested Enferea, who had been driving the carriage for more than hours, and was now close to his destination, and needed to recuperate, as there was a danger zone ahead, where all kinds of monsters and beasts were infested.

"That's right. Nodding his head and glancing at the stream not far away, Peter turned to Ainz and said, "Mr. Momo!"

"I see. Nodding, Ainz agreed, and the big guy stopped by the stream.

Enfirea untied the noose on the horse and let the horse drink water by the stream, while the others sat together to rest, the danger area in front of them was the danger zone, and they had to maintain sufficient energy and vigilance, the wild was still very dangerous, and they had to protect the safety of their employers, and Anz and Lin Ling did the task for the first time, so they naturally had to listen to Peter, people have experience, but Lin Ling was still relatively relaxed, as for Ainz was still more cautious, even if he understood that his strength was already top, but because he was now a warrior, plus the armor, most of the magic could not be used, and how much strength could a full-level mage play as a warrior, and Anz himself had no bottom, but the properties are there, and the security is still no problem.

"Na, Lin Lingchan, don't worry so much, it's no problem with my eyes and ears, how about it?" Am I not very powerful!" Lucrot said with a hippie smile, as a ranger of the team, the main task is to play the role of warning and pathfinder, but this guy's style of acting is a bit of a fool, more like a gangster than like an adventurer, and human nature is still good.

It's just that what annoys Lin Ling is that this guy is too eloquent, and now he has been talking to himself all the way down, and Lin Ling has ignored it all along the way, and he can't stop this guy's enthusiasm, Lin Ling is annoyed to death, like a fly buzzing in his ears, which makes you want to sew this guy's mouth shut, and even directly open his stomach and pull out his intestines, and then strangle him to death by wrapping around his neck three times, and next time he comes out, Lin Ling decides to be fully armed like Anz.

"Momo, can I swatt this fly to death? She really couldn't stand the other party's strafing gaze and chattering words, Lin Ling couldn't help but ask Anzi who was sitting calmly.

"Ah~!Lin Lingchan is really strict, iceberg beauty, if you let me see your true face under the veil, I would be willing to be shot to death by you. Without waiting for Anz to speak, Lucrot spoke first, with a complete shaking attitude.

Looking at the cold atmosphere, Niya, who was the head of the team, quickly changed the topic and said, "Remember that this neighborhood seems to be the territory of the [Virtuous King of the Forest], right?"

"The Virtuous King of the Forest?" Ainz was suddenly interested, and the cold atmosphere was brought over.

"Legend has it that it is a powerful monster that has lived for hundreds of years, with a snake tail, a silver-colored four-legged beast, and extraordinary intelligence and magic. Enfirea explained that for the people of this land, the Sage of the Forest was indeed very famous.

"That's... I'd love to see you. It seemed like a new idea, Ainz said with a sense of anticipation.

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