"Do you want a quick fix? Breaking through the siege of the skeleton army and coming to the building in the center, Lin Ling asked Anz in front of him, in the past, Clementine and the bald mage Khajiit could both be able to beat their own existence, but now it has been completely reversed for Lin Ling, if you use your professional ability, these two guys can solve it in minutes, the higher the level, the bigger the gap, whether it is a game or the other world, it is the same theorem, unless the low-level party has any special abilities or treasures that can skip the level to challenge, otherwise it can only be completely crushed by the high-level side。

"Well, let's solve it quickly, but before that, let's gather what the other party knows. Ainz replied, after listening to Lin Ling's analysis and advice, Ainz planned to take out all the things in the other party's mind first and then kill them and hand them over to the guards, if it weren't for the fact that the main culprit needed to be handed over, Ainz would be more willing to arrest the other party to the cemetery, after all, the human corpse in the hero field is still very valuable for research, but it will be wasted for the sake of his own fame, anyway, there will be a chance in the future.

"Master Khajiit, someone's coming!"

Among the group of people who were carrying out the ceremony, Khajiit stood in the middle position, holding the Orb of Death in his hand, after hearing the report of his subordinates, he opened his eyes and looked at the two uninvited guests in front of him, Lin Ling undoubtedly knew him, the woman who was on an equal footing with Clementine, it was difficult not to impress him, and the other black man who was armed made Khajit frown, although he didn't know who the other party was, but since he was with that woman, he must not be a weakling, and he was probably also a master who had reached the hero realm, and the two masters were really a headache for Khajitt, although Khajitt is not afraid, but it will also be very troublesome, and they all blame Clementine for that guy.

"Yo, Khajitte, isn't it too beautiful to perform a ritual on such a beautiful night?" stepped forward, and Ainz teased, Khajitt's name was also known by listening to that subordinate.

Glancing at his subordinates on the side, Khajiit stepped forward and said in a loud voice: "I have the final say on what will be done afterwards, who are you?" I advise you, it's best not to meddle in your affairs, and leave this town as soon as possible to survive." "

"I'm just an adventurer entrusted by someone, in order to bring back the boy who was taken away by you, then again, you also have a companion who uses a spike-type weapon, right?

As soon as Ainz finished speaking, in the gate of the building behind him, Clementine walked out by himself, leaned on the door, looked at Anz and ignored Ainzi, and said to Lin Ling: "I actually came to the door by myself, and I really didn't give up, but it just so happened that the winner was not decided just now, and now I don't have to worry about being disturbed." "

"Anz, how about leaving these two guys to me? I'd love to test my professional abilities. Taking a step forward, Lin Ling proposed.

"Well, but are your side effects okay?" Ainz was a little worried, Lin Ling's full-time job had side effects, although he didn't know what the situation was, but Ainz felt that it was better not to use it.

"If it's fast, it's no problem, and my side effect is just that the negative emotions will increase, the reason is still there, it's better to adapt more, if I really can't suppress the emotions, then I will trouble you to help me suppress it." Lin Ling said confidently, mainly because of emotional changes, Lin Ling believes that using more can always completely adapt to it and control it, and she always feels very uncomfortable when she can't use all her strength, and she has an awkward feeling in her heart.

"Okay. Nodding, Anz didn't stop him, after all, what he said was right, although Lin Ling was already at the top of the human race without using professional ability, but there were many more powerful characters, if he met more powerful characters in the future, if Lin Ling couldn't control his own strength, there would always be problems, and Anz couldn't stay with Lin Ling all the time.

"Are you serious? You're going to pick on the two of us alone? Are you underestimating us?" Clementine's whole face distorted as she listened to the conversation between the two, and she was delusional about being one team and two even though she couldn't beat her one-on-one.

"You'll soon know if I'm serious, but it doesn't seem like I need to be serious about dealing with you two. Glancing at Ainz, who took the initiative to step aside to watch the battle, Lin Ling turned to Clementine and Khajitt, and ignored the other minions directly.

"It's really arrogant!" Khajitt directly took the lead, and out of thin air generated a strong acid javelin and shot at Lin Ling, it was a third-order magic at his hand, it can be seen that Khajitt's strength is not weaker than Clementine, this kind of attack cannot be taken by ordinary people at all, and being touched is definitely the end of turning into corpse water.

"Strength~! It's great..."Probably because of the dark night, even if there is moonlight, the changes in the skin on Lin Ling's body are not obvious, but only Anzi on the side can see that Lin Ling's strength is greatly improved, in the face of Khajitt's attack, Lin Ling just stretched out his hand without any chanting, and a black light erupted silently from his fingers, directly defeating Khajitt's magic and slamming into a bone claw that suddenly fell.

I saw that in front of Khajiit, a huge bone dragon was roaring silently at Lin Ling, although Lin Ling's attack was blocked, Khajiit also benefited from the high-level magic resistance of the bone dragon, but the surrounding subordinates were all affected, directly turned into ashes, and there was not even scum left, this is the unique erosive and corrosive nature of Lin Ling's magic and the unique element of destruction, in Anze's opinion, the destructive power alone is also the top of all attack magic, and Lin Ling's magic just now is only the second-order level, so he can defeat Khajitt's third-order magic and continue to attack。

"I didn't expect you to be a magic bard in addition to being a powerful warrior, but in front of my bone dragon, a magic bard can't match it. Khajiit smirked.

"Really, Kaji-chan isn't that easy to deal with, and it's idle to be idle, Mr. Armor over there, do you want to come and have fun?" Clementine shouted at the motionless Ainz in a seductive tone, watching the two fight, she also had some itchy hands.

"No, there's no need to waste time. Ainz shook his head, and just as Clementine wanted to say something, with a scream from Khajitt, at the moment when Clementine didn't pay attention, the bone dragon that was blocking Khajitt's body was actually pierced, and it also injured Khajitt, who was behind the bone dragon.

"Forget it, don't play, let's solve it all at once. Feeling that the negative emotions are getting bigger and bigger, Lin Ling is ready to make a big move directly, although she still wants to test her professional ability more, but the time is not enough, and she can't control it if she consumes it any longer.

"What kind of magic is that? impossible... No matter what race it is, it is impossible to use magic above the seventh order, and that is a realm that can only be reached by gods!" "Feeling the huge magic power condensed by Lin Ling and the pitch-black energy gathered like a black hole in his hand, Khajitt looked incredulous, but in the next second, the black light that overwhelmed the sky became the last sight in his eyes, and the bone dragon in front of him couldn't resist even a second and was directly vaporized, in comparison, Clementine, who noticed that something was bad for the first time, sped away from the spot and avoided Lin Ling's attack range.

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