The banquet in the evening was held in a small hotel that was chartered, looking at a sumptuous meal, Lin Ling looked at the members of Red Thorns, in addition to the two sisters Lilith and Leah, who already knew it, the other three were Lulu, the magic chant who was responsible for remote support, a beautiful girl with short blue hair, and then a warrior who was in charge of the forward like Leah, the dwarven black short-haired heroic girl Sorin, and finally the scout who was the eyes and ears of the team, a pink single ponytail royal sister Sophia who was no less tall than Leah, plus Lin Ling was a team of six people。

Of course, the main combat power must be other members except Lilith, who can only shout 666 next to the cute thing, this is a team that is all women, and according to Lin Ling's point of view, these five people are all at the beauty level, calculated according to the full score of 100 points, the average is above 80 points, this team is estimated to have a high return rate when it goes out, plus it is still a Mithril adventurer, it is simply an ideal harem team for men.

"Lin Ling, now that everyone is a companion, can you take off your black clothes?" Leah suddenly said to Lin Ling, although she knew that Lin Ling was an elf from her exposed ears, but the hood covered half of her face, and she couldn't see Lin Ling's specific appearance clearly with the cover of shadows, in this regard, Leah was very curious, after all, the elves were still relatively rare in the human world, and the elves were recognized as a race of beauty, Leah wanted to see what kind of appearance was hidden under Lin Ling's hood.

And Leah's words also aroused the curiosity of others, Qi Qi stared at Lin Ling's face, looking at everyone's sight, Lin Ling didn't hide anything, directly pulled down the hood on his head, and revealed his whole appearance in the light, and with Lin Ling's movements, it was accompanied by several sounds of taking a deep breath of cold air.

"I'm sorry, my appearance will always cause me a lot of trouble, so..."Looking at everyone who was distracted, Lin Ling said with an apology.

"No... We understand. Leah was the first to react and waved her hand, but thinking that Lin Ling's dress would be very inconvenient in action, Leah decided to buy Lin Ling a thicker veil tomorrow to cover it, and as for this dress, don't continue to wear it.

The next dinner was very enjoyable, for Lin Ling, everyone showed a very friendly attitude, but I don't know why, Lin Ling always felt that everyone's eyes were a little weird when they looked at her, especially Lilith looked at herself with a taste of pity, which made Lin Ling confused, until the banquet ended, everyone walked together and returned to the nearby station that Leah bought, a courtyard similar to the size of a courtyard house.

Enter the room assigned to you, the furniture and the like are readily available, you can be the owner immediately, and bring your own bathroom and kitchen, take off your civilian clothes and put them aside, Lin Ling entered the bathroom and took a good bath, lay in the bathtub and soaked for a while before going out to rest, some things are still not much, at present, take a step to see a step, and so far the impression of everyone, Lin Ling is still very good, let's mix in the team for a while.

At this time, in the next room, Leah was sitting in front of the mirror, one hand propped up and wandered out of the world, I don't know what she was thinking, next to Lilith little Lori looked at herself helplessly and said: "Sister Leah, come back to your senses!

"So what, I haven't tried who knows what the result is. As if she had been poked in the sore foot by her sister, Leah immediately reacted.

"Hmph, people are just telling the truth, this woman is not normal or something, Sister Lulu, if it weren't for your kindness to them, who would follow you. Lilith seemed to retort directly and unceremoniously.

But the end was very miserable, and Leah, who was directly rushed over, grabbed both cheeks and kneaded and pinched them, and at the same time, Leahpi, who had a black face, said with a smile: "You're fat, Lilith, it seems that you haven't learned how to respect your elders yet, and you need to be strictly educated." "

"Yes... No... Don't dare anymore, forgive me. "

There was nothing to say all night, Lin Ling slept very peacefully this night and was a little dead, and when she got up early the next morning, in the courtyard, Solin was exercising with a large stone lock that was disproportionate to her height, the streamlined muscles and light brown skin did not lose the beauty and gave people a wild taste, and the sweat was dripping with sweat, as if applying a layer of oil to make the skin look crystal clear, and there was an urge to let people take a bite.

········ Asking for flowers·· 0

"Good morning, Lin Ling. Lowering the stone lock, there was a slight vibration, and Thorin greeted with a smile, picking up the towel hanging around his neck and wiping his face.

"Morning, don't they get up yet, commander?" Lin Ling came to the stone bench on the side and sat down.

"I guess it'll be a while. Glancing at Lin Ling in surprise, Solin replied, the two sisters made a lot of noise last night, Solin thought that Lin Ling knew something, it seemed that he was still in the dark, and Solin didn't have much to say about it, after all, this is a bit of a big impact for normal people, and it is possible that the rare new members will be scared away directly.

......... 0

"Alright, let's have breakfast, everyone. In the large, separate kitchen, Lulu and Sophia walked out with two trays of white porridge and lighter vegetables, as well as a plate of large pieces of roasted meat.

After breakfast, because there was no task, everyone was busy with their own things, and it seemed that they were still relatively idle, until the third pole of the day, Leah finally came out, but she didn't see Lilith's figure, Lin Ling, who had been staying in the courtyard, inquired and learned that Lilith slept in bed more late, but looking at Leah's somewhat blushing face, Lin Ling always felt that there was something the other party was hiding from herself.

Keeping a mind, Lin Ling said hello and went to the street, since Leah didn't say it, Lin Ling didn't bother to continue to ask, after all, everyone has their own privacy, when it's time to say it, Leah will naturally say it, and since she has joined the team, she will definitely have to accompany various tasks in the future, and she needs to get a set of equipment to come over, after all, the suits and weapons in the ring are too advanced, and they are too conspicuous, it is better to buy a set of general equipment and arm the transition, after all, you can't be too out of place in the team. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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