"All reinforcement points are evenly distributed between speed and attack." For a week in a row, under Lin Ling's initiative, he has won a terrifying record of twelve consecutive victories, and his own level has also been raised to level 3, but the higher the level will be, the higher the number of points required to improve the level, the novice who entered at the beginning has already reached the value of 100 points, and if you win a game, you can be promoted to level 2, but at the beginning of level 2, you need to win ten to advance, and if you lose the first one, you will fall back to level 1.

BurstPoints: The number of points necessary for acceleration and upgrades, which will be reduced by 1 for one boost. At first, you have 100 points by default, and you can only increase the number of points you can earn from battles or defeating "public enemies", and the points you gain increase with the opponent's level. LOSING ALL POINTS WILL FORCE UNINSTALL BRAINBURST.

In the initial stage, it is not very difficult for Lin Ling's strength to challenge an opponent who is one or two levels higher, after all, the difference in attributes in all aspects is not too big, with Lin Ling's actual combat ability and experience, it can completely make up for the gap caused by the attributes, but once it reaches the level of four or above, it is not so easy to skip the level of battle, the huge attribute gap alone is enough for Lin Ling, if the opponent is playing defensive counterattack type, he can also rely on speed to grind the opponent, if he encounters other types of attribute gaps, Lin Ling is not so easy to win.

Looking at the allocated points, Lin Ling tried the virtual body, the speed rose again, the claws on his hands became sharper, and he swiped at the building on the side, easily pulling out three deep scratches, but his own defense was too brittle, and if he was hit head-on in the battle, he would definitely be injured, and he might even be killed by one hit, after all, this is the disadvantage of taking the extreme route, but as long as he is not hit, Lin Ling's speed and attack power are the most terrifying nightmare of the other party.

Exit the link, look at the clear sky, it's another good day, continue to win at this rate, Lin Ling estimated that he could reach level eight or even nine in a year or two, of course, this is just a plan, taking into account the accidents that may occur in the middle and even the factors of his own defeat, this time will be extended a lot, maybe he should consider whether to join a certain force or establish a force by himself, You don't get as many points as you can in team battles or even those events that you can get, and if you win a team battle, you can reduce the time you plan by half.

Although the idea is good, but all this is still a conjecture, after all, it is different from anime, there are still subtle differences in reality, and for the specific situation of this accelerated world, Lin Ling has not fully understood it yet, but he has just figured out some basics, and the deeper situation and rules still need to be obtained, maybe Black Snow Ji will be the best choice, but Lin Ling can't think of any way to approach the other party, after all, the identity of the king of black is a big taboo in the accelerated world, if you accidentally make it self-defeating, may be treated as an enemy, or even directly killed until there are no points, LV9, a top-level existence, the attribute alone can completely crush the current Lin Ling.

"Good morning, Lin Ling." In the classroom, unexpectedly, Hei Xue Ji took the initiative to greet Lin Ling, although the two were in the same class and were also popular school girls in the same college, but the two did not have much intersection at all.

"Morning, Heixue-san, is there something wrong?" Looking at Hei Xue Ji standing in front of her desk, Lin Ling didn't understand Hei Xue Ji's intentions, the protagonist has the aura of the protagonist, it is normal to attract Hei Xue Ji as the heroine, her position in this world is just an ordinary girl, and she has not had anything to do with Hei Xue Ji in the past, today she suddenly took the initiative to say hello, which made Lin Ling a little surprised, and subconsciously felt that the other party had any intentions, which is also a kind of inertial thinking, maybe it's just a pure greeting.

"During your lunch break, do you have time to come to the cafeteria to communicate? There are some things I want to talk to Lin Ling about. "Hei Xue Ji generously launched the invitation, compared to Lin Ling's image of being an iceberg beauty in the academy, Hei Xue Ji is much gentler, and she is very popular in the academy, both men and women like Hei Xue Ji very much, and it is difficult to have a bad feeling for Hei Xue Ji.

"Okay..."nodded, since she took the initiative to find herself, Lin Ling didn't mind taking the time to listen to what Hei Xue Ji wanted to say.

Soon, with the end of the morning class, the lunch break came, when Lin Tang, the area where the senior year is located, has attracted the attention of many people, after all, Lin Ling is alone in the situation, and it is rare to come to a place like the cafeteria, but when Lin Ling sat opposite Hei Xue Ji, it attracted everyone's attention, and the meeting of the two major school flowers of the college was a big sensation news for the students, especially when Hei Xue Ji took out the data cable to link the two together, it detonated a bunch of eyeballs.

But this situation also makes most people happen.,You must know that the day before the black snow Ji had a link with a short and fat boy in the lower grades.,There is no doubt that it's a kind of flower inserted in the cow.,It can be said that the experience is extremely poor.,This kind of link is generally only a situation between couples.,It's inevitable that people will be red-eyed.,But this time the link is too beautiful.,People don't dare to look but are reluctant to look away.。

"Lin Ling, you're an overclocker, right? The name of the silver fox has recently become famous in the accelerated world. With a conversation in her heart, Kuroyukihime leaned back in her seat.

"Compared to the Black King, I'm just a newcomer to the Accelerated Beginnings." Raised her eyebrows, Lin Ling was not surprised that Hei Xue Ji would know her real identity, after all, as long as there is a network link around and the same overclocker, then there will be a name displayed in the battle list, it is estimated that when he was in the battle, Hei Xue Ji had watched the game, but in this way, the identity of Hei Xue Ji was correspondingly exposed, you must know that the original overclocker of this school was only Black Snow Hime, followed by the male protagonist who was brought into this world by Black Snow Hime.

"Very good, since we know each other's identities, then I won't hide anything, this time I came to you mainly to ask you for help." After taking a sip of coffee, Hei Xue Ji said expressionlessly, when she took the initiative to find Lin Ling, Hei Xue Ji was ready to reveal her identity.

"Oh!? Don't you still have a junior? Why don't you go to him, but to me? And what good is it to help you? Raising her eyebrows, Lin Ling smiled playfully.

"As long as I can, I can grant you a request." Frowning slightly, Heiyukihime said helplessly.

Finding Lin Ling is actually a helpless move.,In fact, in addition to her and Lin Ling, there are three male protagonists in the academy.,There is also a latent overclocker.,And this overclocker has discovered her identity as the black king.,During the period, she has been challenged more than ten times.,Although the other party is just an LV4 rookie for Black Snow Ji.,But the main identity is exposed.,It's inevitable that the other party will sell the information of the black king to the other six kings after finding out that he can't deal with the black queen to get a good reward., You must know that Hei Xue Ji is the biggest bounty in the acceleration world, and the male protagonist is now only LV2 and less than LV3, and he is reluctant to deal with LV4, plus there are acquaintances of the male protagonist among the objects of suspicion, so Hei Xue Ji thought that Lin Ling wanted to borrow Lin Ling's hand to deal with the other party.

And as the black king, Black Snow Ji doesn't want to be too exposed, after all, it's okay in the academy, there are no other superfluous overclockers, once they are attacked outside, they are watched by other overclockers, and the identity of the Black King is completely exposed, and the most uncomfortable thing is that at present, Black Snow Ji has not found the identity of the other party's reality, I don't know what means are used to hide it, and the battle list can't dig out the other party, so Black Snow Ji has been in a very passive position now, until now, There are only a few clues in the hands of Kuroyukihime, and they have not yet been fully confirmed.

"Okay, I promised." As for Hei Xue Ji's remuneration, Lin Ling doesn't take it for nothing, it's just a relatively simple matter, and it is too complicated for Hei Xue Ji to think about it, and Lin Ling, the mastermind behind the scenes, also knows it.

"Thank you very much, then after school, don't leave the scope of the academy, the other party is likely to continue to challenge me." Nodding, Hei Xue Ji unplugged the data link, since the agreement has been reached, Hei Xue Ji can only trust Lin Ling, although there is an element of gambling, but Hei Xue Ji feels that Lin Ling should not harm herself, there is no reason, there is just such a feeling, and the next (Li's), Hei Xue Ji is ready to contact Xia Chunxue, no matter what, at present, Hei Xue Ji trusts Chunxue the most, this is the second hand preparation that Hei Xue Ji has to do.

Farewell to Hei Xue Ji, Lin Ling left the cafeteria, what plans do Hei Xue Ji have in the back, it's none of Lin Ling's business, when Hei Xue Ji talks to herself, Lin Ling already has a new idea, maybe the original team of the protagonist is included in his command, he can greatly shorten the time for himself to establish power, there is no doubt that if there are two companions of the male and female protagonists who are favored by the world to join him, he will definitely make his task smoother, not to mention that each of them has a unique ability, For example, the male protagonist is the only virtual body that can fly.,The male owner's childhood sweetheart Thousand Lily is the only virtual body that can use the ability to reverse time.,Plus the female owner, the black king.,This lineup is awesome to think about.。

As long as Lin Ling forms a core with the three of them, and then accommodates his companions, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can become a powerful force no less than the six kings, of course, the disadvantages are not without drawbacks, that is, it will become the target of the public, not to mention the wanted black king is enough to attract the hostility of all forces, the rise of a new force alone will touch the interests of other forces and will be suppressed, once the team is really established with such a lineup, Lin Ling must be ready to be the enemy of the six kings. _

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