PS: The new book update can't be guaranteed during this time.,This one is still with a mobile phone code.,Super tired.,The specific reason for the new book is explained in a single chapter.。

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"Really, Kuroyukihime is estimated to be lying in the hospital for a while in this situation." Looking at Hei Xue Ji and Chun Xue who were taken away by the ambulance, Lin Ling sighed, but this matter has nothing to do with herself, go home and continue to level up, she has reached the level of LV4, and she can go to the infinite neutral zone, where there is no time limit and you can get points by hunting public enemies and other overclockers, and the speed of finding opponents to duel one by one is still too slow after all.

Half an hour later, back home, casually threw the schoolbag on the sofa, Lin Ling sat down, directly entered the acceleration world, spent 10 overclocking points, entered the infinite neutral zone, the time here is very abundant, there is no limit, as long as you don't log out, you can stay here all the time, but it is not without drawbacks, the time stays for a long time, returning to reality will have some immeasurable impact on itself, after all, in this world 17 minutes is equal to one second of reality, 24 o'clock a day is equal to three years in this space, Although the body is not affected, the mind will have various problems due to too long a period of time, and in this neutral zone, the pain perception is twice as normal ~ normal.

However, this situation is different for Lin Ling, according to the time spent, Lin Ling's age can't be remembered, but at least she is hundreds of years old, there is no problem at all to stay in this space for a year or two, and this will also be the best hunting ground for Lin Ling to quickly improve her level.

However, when Lin Ling just walked out not far away, more than a dozen overclockers appeared, surrounded Lin Ling in the form of encirclement, looking at the group of people in front of him who were obviously not good, Lin Ling knew that they were all coming for themselves, because these guys were all opponents who were defeated after being forcibly challenged by themselves, and now they gathered together to obviously take revenge.

"As expected, Silverfox, we've been waiting for you for a long time." A strong green overclocker walked over and said, when Lin Ling upgraded to LV4, they had already begun to plan this revenge battle, because Lin Ling's hunting time was from five o'clock in the afternoon to twelve o'clock in the evening, and the range of hunting was also in the surrounding area, plus the crazy attack on other overclockers in order to rush to the level, let them speculate that Lin Ling would definitely come to the neutral zone, therefore, led by the green overclocker, these dozen people formed a temporary revenge alliance, Waiting here for Lin Ling to take the initiative to send it to the door.

"Hehe, it's just a group of defeated dogs..."With a disdainful smile, Lin Ling stretched out her claws, after strengthening, Lin Ling's claws have become sharper at this time, although the shape has become a little smaller, but the power is stronger, this is the highest LV5 opponent, and it is no longer in Lin Ling's eyes.

"Kill her!" There was no more nonsense, the green overclocker gave an order, and took the lead in raising a round shield towards Lin Ling, and the other overclockers also attacked Lin Ling with their own weapons.

"It's too slow!" With a sneer, Lin Ling's body instantly avoided the attack, and the next second it was already in contact with the green overclocker, looking at the raised shield and the protective armor unfolded on his body, Lin Ling jumped directly, and landed lightly on the shoulder of the green overclocker, the claws on his hand straightened the gap in the neck of the armor, and a sharp cutting sound was accompanied by a burst of sparks, and Lin Ling's claws directly picked off the opponent's brain.

Dealing with these overclockers who have no special abilities, relying on the advantage of speed, this so-called revenge battle is just a slaughter battle to send points to yourself, at super high speed, the enemy's attack can't hit Lin Ling's flexible body at all, in just a few seconds, Lin Ling has approached not far away and fired twice, the claws in his hands flashed cold, directly piercing the hearts of the two, and rushed towards the other overclockers without stopping.

"Monster!! Give me death! A red overclocker shouted in horror, and then raised the giant cannon in his hand to fire at Lin Ling, a large cannonball slowly came out of the air, exploded instantly, and an extremely wide range of iron nets spread out and fell towards Lin Ling.

Looking at the other party's nirvana, Lin Ling disdained, this move is really difficult for ordinary people to deal with, but it is far from enough for Lin Ling, in the two seconds when the iron net is about to fall, Lin Ling accelerated out of the capture range, and the next second has come to the other party, looking at the other party's sad posture of dropping his weapon and running because of fear, he killed the other party with one claw.

········ Asking for flowers·· 0

"It's too strong..."

"I can't beat it at all, run!"

In less than a minute after the start of the war, the alliance of more than a dozen people was easily killed by a small half, and the remaining overclockers immediately lost the fighting spirit to continue fighting, and immediately the first person who fled, turned around and went towards the landing point, with the lead, the others also immediately turned around and fled, but there was a tacit understanding that they did not gather together, but dispersed to escape, after all, Lin Ling's speed was too fast, if they ran together, the whole army would definitely be wiped out, and the hope of surviving if they were dispersed would be much greater, It's up to who's unlucky next to catch up.

"It's naïve." Standing in place, Lin Ling smiled, but he didn't know that the other party would die faster if he did this, and if he resisted desperately, he could still have a little hope, and looked at the energy bar of his nirvana that he had been filled, Lin Ling directly fell to the ground, deadsprint (death rush) was launched, and the energy bar disappeared in an instant, and Lin Ling's body also partially changed, the human form changed to the shape of a beast, and sharp armor was unfolded on the smooth body.

......... 0

In the next second, it turned into a silver streamer and left the place, and quickly caught up with the overclocker who fell at the end, passing through the opponent's side, and the powerful attack directly cut it off, and the speed did not decrease at all towards the next overclocker, leaving no one, cutting it in half, no one could run away in Lin Ling's overspeeding beast-like state.

Different from the nirvana of other overclockers, Lin Ling's nirvana is the ability to transform the form, the speed and explosiveness will be greatly improved, and it has a time limit that can last for five minutes, it can be said that it is the first time Lin Ling has used the nirvana, because no opponent has yet been able to let Lin Ling use this move, but this time it is used for hunting, after all, only a large amount of overclocking points can be obtained on the overclocker, and the points that can be obtained by the wild monsters created by the public enemy system are only 10 points. If you want to upgrade quickly, the main thing is to hunt the overclockers, as for the public enemy, it is just a subsidized existence, of course, there is another function for Lin Ling, that is, bait, when attracting other overclockers to come over and hunt the public enemy, those overclockers will be Lin Ling's new prey power. _

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