"Lost... No... There is still a chance..."Looking at the team that gradually fell into a disadvantage and began to show a tendency to rout, the Blue King temporarily gave up his plan to continue to pursue Lin Ling, and took his own guards to join the Purple King directly, preparing to cooperate with the Purple King to kill the Black King first, as long as they killed the Black King in a short time, they still have hope of victory.

And with the Blue King leaving with the guards, the pressure on Lin Ling's side was also greatly reduced, but under the heavy surrounding, Lin Ling's situation still did not change much, fortunately, at this time, Tuowu and the team had already exchanged fire with the flanks, and once again helped themselves share a lot of pressure, the original dense formation immediately appeared scattered and gaps, and did not continue to entangle with the enemy, Lin Ling relied on the speed to follow the gap to break through to the periphery.

"Senior, it's okay. "Successfully received Lin Ling, Tuowu breathed a sigh of relief, it can be said that the key to this battle lies in Lin Ling, if it wasn't for the initial raid to kill the White King at the first time, I'm afraid that his side has no chance of winning at all, not to mention that now there is such an absolute advantage.

"Immediately let Qianyuri give me a recovery, I'm going to support Black Snow Hime, the Blue King and the Purple King join forces, Black Snow Ji can't bear it for long alone. Lin Ling couldn't care about her own tiredness and said, the advantage of the Red King is fire support, and it can't help Hei Xue Ji much, the main role is to close the gap in the number of the two sides, but the Blue King and the Purple King cooperate, and no matter how strong Black Xue Ji is, he can't stop the coordinated attack of the two kings.

For Lin Ling's words, Tuowu didn't talk nonsense, and directly called Qianlihe to Lin Ling to recover, originally Qianlihe was mainly used to assist Hei Xue Ji or the Red King, at the beginning, Lin Ling's raid can be said to be a huge adventure, it is likely to be a situation with the White King for one, but now that he has successfully killed the White King and escaped, then Lin Ling's combat power naturally cannot be ignored, and when Hei Xue Ji asked Tuowu to lead the team to attack, he naturally let Qian Baihe follow, just to restore Lin Ling's combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and then come back to help, as long as the enemy's general is killed, then this battle can be calmed down, no matter which side is now playing with such an idea, it depends on who is fast and who is slow.

Soon, under the unique recovery or spatial ability of Qianlily, Lin Ling's state was directly adjusted back to the best point, and he rushed out of the same place without stopping, looking at the nirvana energy bar that was full again, Lin Ling once again activated the nirvana, this time, the victory and defeat have been divided, in the face of Lin Ling's light-speed attack speed, with the indestructible attack strength, the Blue King and the Purple King, who have not yet won the Black Snow Hime, can be said to have fallen into a desperate situation.

More than ten minutes later, after the Purple King was first attacked and taken by Lin Ling, the Blue King couldn't hold on for a few minutes and followed in the footsteps of the Purple King, with the death of the king, the original overclocker naturally had no reason to continue playing, the three heads were in hand, Lin Ling's level was upgraded to LV10, this is still the result of Hei Xue Ji taking the initiative to give up the Blue King, after all, Lin Ling already has four heads in hand, for this, Lin Ling is still quite grateful to Hei Xue Ji.

However, the next scene is not the same as that of the acceleration world, when you reach LV10, you can see the creator of the acceleration world or directly clear the game world, but in the next second, Lin Ling has already left the acceleration world, and when she comes back to her senses again, she is already in space.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, being recognized by the world, and becoming the child of destiny of "Accelerating the World", the final trial, the master, has achieved a progress of 1\3 so far. "

"Ding!" "Acceleration World" is under control, and the host can control everything in the world at will and obtain the ownership of the world. "

Listening to the prompt sound of the system, I don't know how many times I have heard the sound for the first time, it makes Lin Ling feel so wonderful, it makes people want to stop, this trial is over, and the acceleration world will return to its original trajectory, but Lin Ling, who has the right to control, can let her mind interfere with the acceleration world, even if she is unhappy, she can destroy it, for example, Lin Ling in the acceleration world is a god-like existence.

However, although she controls the accelerated world, Lin Ling does not dare to destroy this world at will, after all, a world is not destroyed if it is destroyed, as the controller, Lin Ling also has to maintain the balance and development of this world, there are advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is to maintain this world, Lin Ling can obtain a large amount of pleasure value according to the time standard of the system space, and obtain a large amount of pleasure value every year according to the development of this world, if it is destroyed, although it will not cause losses to Lin Ling, there will be karma and cause and effect, which will affect his future luck and promotion and other aspects, how to choose nature at a glance。

After all, even if you become the master of the system, you still need to pay to buy things in the mall, and the previous controllers are to store a large number of worlds for cultivation and maintenance, so as to collect a fixed amount of pleasure value, so as to buy the system's items to improve themselves, or to eat, drink and have fun, until they are tired or tired, and finally they can choose to give up their permissions, let the system go to the next master, and completely restore their free body, of course, when they leave the system, the controller can change the training policy of the system to the next host, such as Lin Ling's predecessor did this, and after giving up the system, the system was changed to a system for cultivating Bichi's tendency, Lin Ling, who is so good at dying, has become an unlucky ghost, and the original system predecessor took the Xiuzhen route, that is, the kind of protagonist treatment in Xiuzhen novels.

After learning about this situation, Lin Ling was the hatred in her heart, sooner or later, one day when she was enough to go to her predecessor PK, if it wasn't for the predecessor to change the system settings indiscriminately, she wouldn't be so miserable, all kinds of transformations are still grassy, if you wait for one day to get tired of yourself, the settings must be changed more ruthlessly, you can't suffer by yourself, the next host is happy, at that time, your juniors will hate your predecessor, it's that guy who did it.

At this time, the earth of a parallel universe, a certain big man who is coding words, a chill wells up in his heart, pinching his fingers, grinning and continuing to bury his head in the codeword, after resetting the system like that, he has long expected to be hated by his juniors, but Dahan doesn't care, this universe is a world created by himself, unless his juniors reach the supreme realm of transcending the avenue, otherwise it can't be found in these countless parallel universes, even if he finds it by mistake, he can't get in without his own consent, and according to Dahan's estimate, there is no hundreds of millions of years,It's impossible for your juniors to reach the highest level to find yourself.,By that time, I'll have already run away.,After all, invincibility is also very lonely.,It's interesting to make a powerful enemy out and have some fun.。

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