The two sides have been fighting for a long time.

Jingyi didn't want to play tricks with the Third Hokage, and the Anbu people couldn't retreat first.

Otherwise, if they retreated, you would make excuses again and again that the equipment was not complete. Who would I go to for justice?

So everyone should be direct. Gather the equipment and send it over, and I will let the Anbu people retreat.

This is the bottom line, and there is no room for negotiation.

Can the logistics department gather more than 200 sets of equipment?

Of course they can.

Don't forget that Konoha's assets are here. Even if they can gather them, the Third Hokage is unwilling to give them to Jingyi.

If the Anbu didn't make a big fuss, the Third Hokage really didn't want to take out this batch of equipment.

The Third Hokage wanted the Anbu to evacuate first, but this time it was Jingyi who refused to agree.

"No, once the Anbu retreated, I couldn't get the equipment. Who can I go to?"

"Should I ask the Anbu to come again?"


Come on! !

The Anbu action department was mobilized to surround the Shimura clan, scaring the Shimura clan to death. If it happens again, how can others live?

Not to mention the distant, the Shimura clan will definitely go to the Hokage's office to make trouble.

They dare not conflict with the Anbu directly, but they can go to the Hokage's office to make trouble.

Who makes others the loyal brothers of the Hokage?

If you are wronged and don't go to the Hokage to make trouble, where can you find someone to reason with?

"I will ask people to gather equipment as soon as possible."

After saying this, the Third Hokage left quickly with a dark face.

At this time, he didn't want to say another word to Jingyi.

I just want to gather all the equipment as soon as possible, let the Anbu people evacuate, and then let the village return to peace and stabilize the situation.

If the Anbu people really let them surround the Shimura clan land, who knows how many rumors will spread.

Just look at the future Uchiha and you will know.

The Anbu people just monitor the Uchiha, and rumors are flying everywhere. The treatment enjoyed by the Shimura clan is not monitoring, but encirclement!

Surround the clan land of the entire family.

Family members cannot enter or leave, and even basic living needs will be cut off.

If the Anbu people do not evacuate, the entire Shimura clan will be in chaos within five days.

As for whether the Shimura clan will launch an attack.

Jingyi can only say: Is there such a good thing?

After the peace talks, both parties need to abide by the rules of the game. Jingyi can't let the Anbu people rush to the Shimura clan land to make trouble. If the Shimura clan can't help but take action first, then they are wrong.

Attacking the Anbu people, this crime is not small.

Back in the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage immediately sent someone to invite Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En.

"Hiruzen, I heard that something bad happened to the Shimura clan?"

As soon as they entered the door, the two couldn't wait to ask the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage, who was upset, held a pipe in his mouth and smoked hard: "As you guessed, the Shimura clan stood up for us and was targeted by the Anbu. The family's clan land was surrounded by the Anbu, and no one could enter or leave."


Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu's eyes were dull, and they muttered to themselves: "How dare he........."

Let the Anbu surround a large family casually, is there any law?

Is there any law?

"In fact, he really dared, and the Anbu people didn't dare to retreat under my order."

Thinking of this, the Third Hokage's calm chest began to rise and fall. As the Hokage of the village, he couldn't order the Anbu people to retreat. This was simply outrageous.

At another time and another place, the Anbu people would definitely obey.

But after Jingyi gave the death order, it would be strange if they dared to retreat. If they retreated, they would be kicked out.

"Then how to deal with this matter?"

Mitomon Yan, who came to his senses first, asked anxiously.

The Third Hokage looked at him and sighed:

"I have talked to Jingyi. The logistics department will prepare 260 sets of equipment and send them over. The Anbu people will evacuate."

"This is impossible!!"

Mito Kado En exclaimed and shouted out of control:

"Hiruzen, are you crazy? Do you know how valuable the equipment of Anbu members is? What does 260 sets of equipment mean? Even if the Anbu expands, it will not need so much equipment."

As the one who manages logistics, he knows best that the value of this batch of equipment is a huge number.

The Third Hokage smoked calmly: "The Anbu has added dozens of people overnight."


Possibly. "

Utatane Koharu retorted loudly: "Ninjas who can enter the Anbu need to go through layers of selection. It's good enough to select ten people in each batch. How could there be dozens more overnight!"

"And the Anbu hasn't made any selections in the recent period. Where do the people come from?"

Have you forgotten something?

The Third Hokage's eyes swept across the faces of the two old partners, and he sighed helplessly:

"The additional people are all puppets of Hyuga Shizuka. He plans to use a group of puppets to replace the people in the action department, because these puppets have absolute loyalty, fearlessness of sacrifice, and advantages such as being eyes for monitoring and communication, which the Anbu ninjas do not have. "

Letting the puppets go out is equivalent to Jingyi taking the initiative at all times. It must be said that the functionality of these puppets is too terrible.

With the appearance of the puppets, the Hokage Office Building brought good news and bad news.

The good news is that the puppets are controlled by the village, which is a special force of the village, and the cost of these puppets is not expensive.

The bad news is that their F4 group can't get these puppets.

"Hu~~~The village needs stability, Xiaochun, Menyan, I hope you can understand me, the logistics department will send the equipment as soon as possible so that the Shimura clan can be relieved. The Anbu surrounded the Shimura clan. Once it takes a long time, I am afraid that it will cause a fatal blow to our credibility and dignity. ”


How the hell can I refuse?

Two hundred and sixty sets of equipment, this is no joke, the logistics department can take it out, but it’s cutting meat.

The equipment worn by the Anbu ninja is of high value, and each set is a complete set of equipment.

Mitomon En, who manages the logistics department, put on a painful mask.

Koharu Utatane on the side is not much better, because after the peace talks, it means that the Third Hokage will pursue the stability of the village, at least before the end of the war, the village must be stable.

If the village wants to be stable, it can’t attack the Anbu. The privileges of the Anbu can’t be cut off, and all previous efforts are in vain.

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