The two of them were very close.

More than a month has passed since Sakura's original soul merged with Li Ying's soul.

Now there are exactly 50 days left before the graduation exam.

Since the flexible love was developed very successfully, in line with the principle of grabbing the wool to the death, the development of Hisoka's other great skill "Flirtatious Illusion" was also put on the agenda by Sakura.

After all, she has decided to refer to Hisoka's fighting style, and Hisoka's skills naturally cannot be let go.

However, Sakura did not immediately start to develop new ninjutsu, because Sakura felt that time was not very tight, and she could take a proper break in the next few days without having to maintain high-intensity training.

So, one day, Sakura wanted to go out for a drive.

Then she activated the stretchable love to shoot out chakra lines, which stuck to the top of the tree, and then increased the elasticity of the chakra to pull herself over; when she flew into the air, she skillfully released the stickiness of the stretchable love and retracted the chakra line, and at the same time shot a new sticky line to another tree to pull herself again.

In this way, Sakura shuttled between the trees in the forest like Spider-Man.

"I have to say that Konoha's forest resources are really rich.

There are many trees over 20 meters tall, and I even think that the trees in the center of the forest should be more than 50 meters tall.

Moreover, these trees seem to be the same species of trees. I don't know if they were left behind by the first generation of Hokage when he practiced Wood Release.

If so, the first generation's strength should be at the same level as Six Paths Pain, and definitely not a fake like Yamato.

It seems that Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation cannot completely restore the strength of the deceased before his death."

Sakura's thoughts began to diverge at a high speed. From the towering trees in front of them, they speculated on the strength of the first generation and the effect of the Impure World Reincarnation.

After all, Li Ying gave up after seeing Pain perform Samsara.

Because she was just taking a ride, Sakura didn't pay attention to the direction she was going, and flew around aimlessly in the forest.

Soon, Haruno Sakura realized...she was lost.

But she was not panicked.

It was impossible to get lost, and she couldn't get lost in this life.

After all, Konoha has a huge landmark that can be seen from anywhere in the village-Hokage Rock.

So, Sakura climbed to the top of a relatively tall tree. Without the lush canopy blocking her view, Sakura easily saw the Hokage Rock.

Sakura activated her telescopic love again and moved at high speed in the direction of the Hokage Rock.

Because Sakura moved very fast in the forest and ignored the terrain like flying, it didn't take long for Sakura to find the exit of the forest.

Sakura flew out of the forest, and suddenly she had the urge to do a full-body somersault; so she somersaulted forward twice in the air, turned two and a half times, and finally landed on the ground with both feet.

After her body stabilized, Sakura opened her arms and stretched her body, making a pose similar to the Sun Knight praising the sun ↖( ̄▽ ̄)↗.

"My physical skills are not outstanding, but I can land so perfectly. It seems that the gymnastics level of ninjas is not low.

It's a pity not to drive a Gundam with such good skills.

After all, Gundam pilots are gymnastics champions."

Sakura thought so, and her body still maintained the posture of praising the sun, with her chin slightly raised.

It was like a gymnast who performed perfectly enjoying the applause of the audience in the stadium.

"Pa, pa, pa..."

I don't know if it was to cooperate with her, but there was actually a slow clapping sound not far behind her.

! ! !

Sakura immediately exploded, and her long pink hair even pointed to the sky for a moment.

According to her speculation, this exit is very far from the center of the village, and he did not expect that there would be anyone here.


Why is there someone here?

Who has nothing to do and runs to such a remote place?

If I had known, would I have turned less than half a circle?

Don't panic, it is said that a blow to the brain stem will cause a person to lose memory in the short term;

No matter who it is, since you dare to come to a deserted place alone, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Sakura suddenly turned around and looked at the source of the sound, her eyes were as big as copper bells, and she shot out lightning-like alertness.

Unfortunately, after seeing the clapping figure, she knew that her plan to injure and silence people in order to save her image had failed.

Ten meters in front of her was a white-haired young man, whose mask and ninja forehead guard blocked four points of his

The face of the third person.

At this time, he was standing in front of a huge black stone tablet, looking at himself with the only dead fish eye on his face.

"Isn't this Kakashi?

He's going to fight with others with his head!

It's over. This second-year behavior may become my black history."

Sakura sighed and thought silently in her heart.

"Very good balance ability. Seeing that you haven't worn a forehead protector yet, you should be a student of the ninja school. Why are you running here instead of studying hard?"

Seeing Sakura silent, Kakashi took the lead in breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, my name is Haruno Sakura, and I'm still a student of the ninja school, but I'm about to take the graduation exam, so I want to take a leave to practice ninjutsu.

I didn't expect to get lost in the forest.

Excuse me, is this a forbidden area of ​​Konoha, or is it the private territory of you or your family?

If so, then I'm sorry, I will leave immediately."

Sakura asked knowingly.

After all, Kakashi and this stone tablet appear together quite a few times in the anime.

"This is the cemetery of Konoha heroes."

Kakashi explained to Sakura, and then turned around and stroked the deep memorial tablet a few times, and continued:

"This stone records the names of all the ninjas who died gloriously for the village.

Also, I am also a ninja of Konoha. As a fellow villager, you don't have to be so reserved. Just call me Kakashi."

As he spoke, Kakashi narrowed his only exposed eye and gave Sakura a kind smile.

"So, Kakashi-senpai is here to mourn his relatives and friends?

I'm sorry to bother you."

Sakura apologized to Kakashi, and then put her hands together and bowed deeply to the memorial tablet behind him.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

Even if Sakura's moral bottom line is a little lower than that of ordinary people, she still thinks it's too much to make trouble in the martyrs' cemetery.

"What a polite child, you are totally different from the one who wanted to eat people just now."

Kakashi seemed to praise but actually joked.

After all, Sakura's eyes when she turned to look at him just now were surprisingly hostile.

"(⊙﹏⊙) Uh..."

Being teased by Kakashi like this, Sakura hesitated for two seconds even if she was thick-skinned.

"That's because I was suddenly frightened and subconsciously thought there was an enemy behind me, hehehe..."

Sakura also smiled with sweat.

"Ah, so that's it, I'm really sorry for scaring you."

Kakashi thought that Sakura might want to threaten the people who witnessed her embarrassment, but gave up because she saw her jonin vest.

The fact is actually similar to what Kakashi thought, but Sakura's method may be a little bit excessive.

But in order to avoid the two of them getting embarrassed again, Kakashi chose to see through it but not say it.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Sakura felt that her toes were about to break her ninja shoes due to embarrassment, so she decided to run away.

"Then I won't bother you any more.

Goodbye, Kakashi-senpai!"

Sakura forced a smile and turned around to get ready to rub her feet.

Takashi! Kakashi!

"Don't you want to use the Instant Body Technique?"

Sakura, who had just run two steps, stumbled and almost fell when she heard Kakashi's sudden question.

"Ah? Kakashi-senpai, I don't know the Instant Body Technique either."

Sakura was also confused by Kakashi. The only ninjutsu that students in the ninja school can learn is the Three Body Techniques. How can a civilian ninja like her be able to get in touch with such a high-end thing as the Instant Body Technique?

"Oh? But just now in my perception, you were moving towards me at a very fast speed."

Seeing Sakura's puzzled look, Kakashi explained to her; then he looked at Sakura with interest:

"What method did you use? I'm curious."

Although Sakura still had a smile on her face, the corners of her mouth began to twitch.

"So from Kakashi's perspective, I was approaching him quickly from the forest, and when I was almost there, I suddenly showed off a few ambiguous fancy moves in the air...

What should I do? It feels even more embarrassing..."

Thinking that Kakashi would become his class ninja in the future, he answered Kakashi's question:

"Well, this is using the ninjutsu I created."

As she spoke, Sakura condensed a stretchable love in her hands.

"Oh? Can you tell me more about your ninjutsu?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Kakashi became more interested in this pink-haired girl.

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