The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.

Orochimaru looked at the Silent Killing Binding Technique that was rapidly attacking him, but he was not panicked at all.

He first concentrated his attention and observed his surroundings to confirm that he was not trapped in the illusion; then he attached the wind attribute chakra to the Kusanagi sword and slashed at the branches in all directions.

As expected by Orochimaru, after the thick branches touched the Kusanagi sword, they could no longer maintain the appearance of wood and turned back into the appearance of white paper.

In this way, with the Kusanagi sword as the dividing line, the front of the sword was a wood escape that seemed to be baring its fangs and claws, and behind the sword was paper scraps flying all over the sky.

Sakura didn't know any wood escape technique at all. The Silent Killing Binding Technique just now was just some white paper that Sakura "dressed up" with a thin illusion and the flexible love.

After all the "pseudo-silent killing binding" techniques were cut back to their original state, Orochimaru showed a slightly sinister smile:

"Although I was just hit by an illusion, not a real wood escape technique, I did suffer a lot in the environment, and the mental damage caused by the tree binding killing was real.

After being hit by the enemy's ninjutsu, the first reaction of a general ninja facing similar attacks would be to subconsciously dodge;

So the real purpose of you spending so much effort to attack my left side is actually to make me dodge to the right..."

Before he finished speaking, Orochimaru stretched out his soft-body modified right hand. The pale arm did not have a trace of the breath of a living person, and stretched to the ground not far away like a snake.

As Orochimaru lifted his right hand, the thin illusion that originally covered the ground was lifted, revealing a dozen detonating tags underneath.

All the detonating tags have a piece of unburned sawdust on them without exception, and the pink chakra line connected together isolates the detonating tags and the sawdust, preventing the detonating tags from being ignited.

"It turns out that a trigger trap was set up in advance. Once I step on this chakra film used for camouflage, the pink chakra will shrink, and the sawdust will fall on the detonating tag and ignite it.

I didn't expect that you even calculated the landing point after I evaded the attack.

It seems that your greatest strength is not your strategy, nor your talent in developing ninjutsu, but your wisdom;

You can accurately control people's hearts in battle, and even use your subconscious wisdom."

While praising Sakura, Orochimaru used water-attribute chakra to wet all the detonating tags, making them ineffective.

"I remember your name is Haruno Sakura, right?

Sakura-kun, just as you believe that I can see through the principle of your pink chakra, I also believe that Sakura-kun has the energy to make other arrangements while controlling the illusion.

After all, these few seconds are too long!

If I am not mistaken, this time Sakura-kun did not directly ignite the detonation tag to attack when I was trapped in the illusion, because he was afraid that I would suddenly remove the illusion and make your attack fail.

Sakura-kun would never bet on such uncertain factors."

Orochimaru retracted his outstretched hand and analyzed Sakura's behavior, and at the same time laid the groundwork for recruiting Sakura.

Orochimaru first said Sakura's name, implying that he might have paid attention to her before;

Then he praised Sakura's wisdom and expressed his appreciation for Sakura.

Because these were all made clear after Orochimaru cracked Sakura's means, Orochimaru's words also showed Sakura that his wisdom was not inferior to hers, showing his ability.

"But, Sakura-kun, you lost this game because you didn't have the courage to take a gamble.

If you had controlled the detonating tag to attack me in the first place, you might still have won.

Now, I am still willing to give you a choice; come on, Sakura-kun, join us.

Sakura-kun, you and I are the same kind of people, calm and objective, able to turn everything around us into chess pieces in our hands;

Only as a kind of person can I break the trap set by Sakura-kun in advance.

Staying in Konoha will only bury your talents, I can build a higher stage for you to show your wisdom."

Orochimaru directly played a straight ball, his hoarse voice was not hurried, as if what he said was common sense and there was no need to show off.

"Is this the strength of the No. 1 kidnapper in the ninja world?

After this set of combined punches, I actually had a little idea of ​​joining Orochimaru's camp.

If nothing else, this technique of drawing cakes and brainwashing is not inferior to that of the old monkey.

If I didn't merge souls, I would be fooled by him 100%."

Sakura also admired Orochimaru in her heart.


However, Sakura hesitated only for a moment. She still wanted to hang out with Tsunade more than Orochimaru.

What's more...

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Orochimaru, but I haven't lost yet!"

Sakura kept the same business-like smile on her face as Kabuto Yakushi, unfolded the folding fan in her hand, and gently waved it forward...

Along with the flapping of the paper fan, a strong gust of wind swept in instantly. Although this gust of wind was not enough to cause substantial damage to Orochimaru, it successfully rolled up the paper scraps that were originally scattered all over the ground.

This was a ninjutsu that Sakura developed on a whim when Kakashi taught Naruto the wind escape technique; because Sakura herself had no wind attribute chakra, and her chakra was not much, it was like the "youth mini reduced version" of the sickle itachi technique.

Under the effect of the ninjutsu, the paper scraps seemed to have gained life, riding on the strong wind, and quickly swept towards Orochimaru.

Under the soft sunlight in the forest, they looked like the gorgeous cherry blossom rain in early summer, or the crystal snowflakes flying all over the sky in the severe winter. The whole scene was dreamlike and beautiful.

But Orochimaru was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him. He suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation on his arm... Looking down, Orochimaru was surprised to find that the back of his hand had been cut by the flying paper pieces without knowing when, leaving a shallow cut.

These pieces of paper, which should have been soft and weak, became extremely sharp at this moment, and their texture was completely different from ordinary white paper.

Moreover, when he looked carefully, he found that these flying white papers were not the irregular shapes he imagined, but each piece was a square with sharp edges and the size of a nail.

It turned out that before Sakura used these white papers to disguise them as the Wood Release Technique, she had already quietly covered them with a thin illusion. Although these pieces of paper look insignificant, in fact, their sharpness is no less than that of professional ninja tools.

"My style's secret technique: Paper Blowing Snow."

Sakura admired the beautiful scene in front of her and said the name of her "original" ninjutsu.

Sakura moved slowly and walked behind a big tree to avoid being affected by her own paper blowing snow.

Now that the snake venom has disappeared, she has countless muscle strains all over her body; especially her legs, each muscle has multiple lacerations.

"Such a flashy ninjutsu is not like Sakura-kun's style."

The dense white cherry blossom rain made Orochimaru have nowhere to hide, so he could only look for a place where the paper pieces were not so dense, while enduring the scratches and making hand seals:

"The wind can move everything, and the separated paper scraps can indeed increase the damage of wind escape ninjutsu;

But this trick can only be used against those ninjas whose wind escape is weaker than yours, otherwise it will be used in reverse...

Sakura-kun, experience your own ninjutsu!

Wind escape·Big breakthrough!"

Orochimaru spit out a strong whirlwind from his mouth, rolling the white rain towards the tree where Sakura was hiding.

Because the wind escape used by Orochimaru is much stronger than Sakura's, Sakura's ninjutsu collapsed at the touch of a big breakthrough, and she couldn't even resist.

In an instant, the strong wind carrying the white rain was split in two by the tree, and Sakura, who was sitting on the ground with her back against the tree, could also see the traces of no grass left when the paper scraps whizzing past her on both sides swept the ground.

The tree behind Sakura was also scratched by the white paper flying faster than before, and the bark was completely shredded, revealing the bright yellow trunk.

But Sakura did not panic. Instead, she crossed her hands on her chest, formed the Bodhi seal, and whispered softly:

"Well said, Orochimaru.

Experience your own ninjutsu."

Orochimaru, who blew away all the white paper, had no time to catch his breath before he found that the big breakthrough that attacked Sakura was coming at him again with the terrifying white cherry blossom rain.

"How is it possible!"

This time, Orochimaru was really scared by Sakura's move, but although he was shocked, he still reacted decisively:

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall"

Orochimaru quickly formed the seal and slapped the ground. A circle of airtight earth walls rose around him to protect him.

However, the effect of the Earth Flow Wall is not as "flowing wall" as its name suggests;

The violent whirlwind mixed with the paper instantly twisted the mud wall into mud, completely wrapping Orochimaru inside.

"Earth Style: Hardening Technique!"

Orochimaru used the Earth Flow Wall just to test the power of Paper Blowing Snow. He didn't expect that the paper blessed by his wind style could burst out with such terrifying power, so he had to use the hardening technique to strengthen his defense.

Although this ninjutsu can enhance muscle strength, it will make the muscles hard and difficult to move; the hardening technique can be said to be completely contrary to Orochimaru's philosophy.

You should know that in order to make his body flexible, Orochimaru even did not hesitate to perform software transformation on himself. If he was not forced to do so, Orochimaru would definitely not want to use this technique.

But even so, Orochimaru is not completely immune to paper blowing snow, and the sharp corners of the square film can still scratch his body.

Orochimaru is like being in a meat grinder at this time. The originally white paper quickly cuts his body and is stained with a little blood.

The violent white rain is mixed with "petals" soaked in blood. From a distance, the red and white interwoven paper pieces actually have a faint pink color when moving at high speed, which is more like a shower of cherry blossoms.

However, the dancing cherry blossom petals do not carry even a trace of vitality in late spring and early summer, but instead carry a substantial breath of death and endless despair.

Orochimaru does not understand what happened, why his ninjutsu changed direction and attacked him?

He could be defeated, but he couldn't accept that he couldn't see what method the person who defeated him used.

Orochimaru grabbed a piece of "cherry blossoms" and observed it carefully. He found that there were chakra filaments behind the petals that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. In terms of thickness, it might be less than one-tenth of a hair.

Could it be that...

Orochimaru had already speculated in his heart about the method used by Sakura. According to his own reasoning, Orochimaru looked at his body and found that it was indeed wrapped with countless spider-like filaments. The chakra filaments had no entity, and even a strong man of his level could not detect it.

"So that's it, this... is really amazing!"

Although he knew Sakura's method, Orochimaru still couldn't believe that a Genin could do this.

Orochimaru's vision was blocked by the paper blowing snow, but in the haze he could still see the shuriken and kunai he knocked down.

Those ninja tools were the ninja tools that had just chased Sakura and cooperated with Sakura to form a seamless attack on Orochimaru.

If Orochimaru thinks that his guess is correct, the filaments on his body were all stuck to him when he cut off the connection between the ninja tools and Sakura.

According to the flexible nature of love, even if the ninja tools are disconnected, the chakra on them should not dissipate so quickly.

"So, at the moment when the Kusanagi sword cut off the chakra line, the chakra that originally wrapped the ninja tools fell on me;

And Sakura took advantage of the gap when I was in the illusion and not only disguised the sharp white paper as wood escape, but also read the strange chakra covering my body into imperceptible filaments, attached to each piece of paper.

In this way, although the elastic force of the thin chakra thread cannot pull the white paper under the effect of air resistance;

But once it is blown up by the wind escape ninjutsu, countless pieces of paper will be pulled by the elastic force, and the flying trajectory may seem messy, but the final target will only be the other side of the filament. I am the one who is at the end.

After I used the Great Breakthrough, Sakura-kun should have changed the force direction of the paper, and even affected the Great Breakthrough's strong wind in reverse.

It turned out that this battle was carried out according to Sakura-kun's plan from the beginning. Thinking about my arrogant words just now, I am really ashamed.

Whether it is this inhuman chakra control skill or this ghostly trick, it is amazing!

What should I do, Sakura-kun, I want you more and more! "

After seeing through Sakura's method, Orochimaru felt much better and talked to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

At the end, he even showed a self-deprecating smile and greedy eyes.

Just as Orochimaru thought,

"Wind" can indeed affect "sail", but "sail" can also change the direction of "wind" in reverse.

Sakura had long expected that after seeing through the principle of the surface of Paper Blowing Snow, Orochimaru would be curious about what results he would get from using his own ninjutsu to drive Paper Blowing Snow to test it.

Orochimaru is more like a scientific researcher than a ninja. Any scientist will not be able to resist trying to experiment with new things in the field of his research.

This is exactly what Sakura wants. From the beginning, she has been controlling the chakras to try to influence Orochimaru's breakthrough technique in turn; although she can't change the wind direction immediately, under the influence of countless pieces of paper, Orochimaru's ninjutsu finally blew himself.

The "Sakura" whirlwind raged violently. Although Orochimaru used the hardening technique to resist and temporarily resisted the continuous and fine attacks with his strong skin and flesh, Orochimaru still felt that his situation was not optimistic at this time.

His body was densely covered with chakras.

Small wounds of numbness continued to appear, and blood flowed out of them. Fortunately, he could feel that the wind was gradually weakening, and now it could not even cut his hardened body.

Now Orochimaru's desire to recruit Sakura was very strong, and he did not allow himself to appear in front of his future assistant in such a miserable state; therefore, he did not hesitate to perform the Great Snake Style Substitution Technique again, peeling off the scarred epidermis like a snake shedding its skin.

As the epidermis fell off, Orochimaru's body was renewed again; but before Orochimaru could use the hardening technique again, a kunai flew in front of him, and behind the kunai was a burning detonating talisman...

What shocked Orochimaru even more was that the countless pieces of paper that floated with the paper snow had all shed their frivolous illusions and revealed their true appearance:

Each piece of paper was densely engraved with runes, and in the center of the runes, a small "explosion" word was written.

Although these pieces of paper were only the size of fingernails, there was no doubt that they were all powerful detonating talismans!

"Boom--" With a loud noise, Sakura's carefully calculated kunai finally flew in front of Orochimaru at the right time and caused an explosion.

This explosion not only ignited Orochimaru's clothes and hair, but also instantly detonated the micro detonating talismans flying around.

"Boom boom!"

Then, the second explosion followed; the momentum produced by the simultaneous explosion of countless micro detonating talismans was even more shocking than Naruto and Sasuke's "Golden Wind and Flame Bomb": the entire space seemed to be torn apart by this powerful force, forming a huge fireball, the shape of the fireball became irregular, and the dust stirred up rose with the scorching airflow, and finally formed a small mushroom cloud.

Sakura had already bounced herself to the big tree where Naruto and Sasuke lay side by side.

At the same time, Sakura smiled, not to cover up her inner smile, but a real smile from the heart:

"This is-Paper Blowing Snow Stage 2·Sakura Blowing Snow Technique."

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