The two of them were so excited that they were unable to resist.

"Ninjutsu: Four Demon Fists!"

Facing the oncoming Neji, Hinata attacked with her palm without fear.

Ninji, who had already seen through Hinata's attack routine, was naturally prepared. He stopped in place with an emergency stop, just outside Hinata's attack range, causing Hinata's powerful palm to fly into the air.

The students on the second floor were all dumbfounded when they saw Neji's almost abnormal control over his body.

It's not a skill to rush fast, but it's a real skill to stop fast.

Although Neji's sprinting speed was also very fast, it is not difficult to achieve such explosive power as long as he has undergone systematic training; but if he wants to stand still in a rapid sprint like Neji, or even have no braking distance at all, this cannot be solved by practice alone, because this requires not only the core strength of Qingda, but also the precise control of speed and distance, and the body control that can use the whole body's strength in an instant.

Hyuga Neji is also worthy of the name of a genius.

However, just as everyone was sighing at Neji's talent, Hinata moved the two chakra arms above:

Two blue arms were raised high, and the uncoordinated fingers crossed and clenched in the air, smashing down from top to bottom at Neji who was sprinting towards Hinata for the second time.

Neji quickly turned around again and avoided the heavy blow of the chakra arm.

Hinata moved again, with both palms out, reaching towards Neji.

And Neji did not panic. In his white eyes, the chakra contained in Hinata's palm was much smaller than before.


Ningci slapped Hinata's palms that attacked him. This was the first time that Ningci blocked Hinata's attack in this competition.

But Ningci did not get a chance to counterattack because of the perfect block, because the two chakra arms had already clenched fists and attacked him. Ningci could only think of a way to attack the arms of the Four Demon Fists.

As Ningci pointed at his wrists, two holes were also poked in the hands formed by chakra, but with the replenishment of chakra, the two arms returned to their original state again.

"This is..."

The touch from his fingers surprised Ningci. This pair of chakra arms actually had entities!

Originally, Ningci thought that the so-called Four Demon Fists was just a trick to gather chakra into the shape of arms, and it would be broken up by the soft fist attack.

Even if the touch of the chakra arms with entities is different from that of real arms, it is still not a problem to achieve long-term continuous attacks.

At this time, Ningci no longer had the energy to think more, because Hinata's stormy attack had already hit.

Neji also responded with his hands, turning them into afterimages to dissolve Hinata's attack.

For a moment, countless fists and palms crossed in the air, and the two fought hard.

Although Hinata had an extra pair of hands after performing the Four Demon Fists, Hinata was still not proficient in using the Four Demon Fists, and the movements of her chakra arms were not as flexible as her real arms; plus Neji's speed and proficiency in the Gentle Fist were both better than Hinata's, so it was not easy for Hinata to quickly take down Neji.

"This is... when did this kid learn this move?"

Looking at the two people who were fighting back and forth in the field, Yuhi Kurenai's expression was very complicated. Although she was very happy that Hinata had become stronger, all this had nothing to do with her as a guiding ninja.

"What a powerful ninjutsu, it's equivalent to having two more arms!

If I learn this move, it's equivalent to being twice as strong!"

Akai didn't know when he came to the side of the four people in Team 7, his eyes sparkling.

Having four arms is a scene that many physical ninjas dream of!

"With your chakra control, you can't control this ninjutsu at all."

Kakashi complained to Akai listlessly, pulled open his forehead protector, and used his Sharingan to observe Hinata's Four Demon Fists.

"This ninjutsu that continuously controls chakra outside the body is really familiar, isn't it, Sakura."

After roughly understanding the principle of the Four Demon Fists, Kakashi immediately understood the origin of this ninjutsu.

Although the effects are very different, the basic principle of the "Four Demon Fists" is the same as Sakura's "Stretchable Love".

"This is the ninjutsu I developed for Hinata when she just graduated from the Ninja School.

The principle is to make chakra have a physical body like a shadow clone. This ninjutsu must be used with the Hyuga family's soft fist. After all, the strength of the chakra arm is not as strong as the real hand.

Arm, use soft fist to inject chakra into the enemy's body to cause great damage. "

Sakura did not hide it and admitted it readily.

In fact, the "Four Demon Fists" is far from as simple as she said. If you really want to control the chakra arm, you must use chakra to simulate the nervous system. It is impossible to master it without a certain level of attainment in medical ninjutsu.

In the competition venue, the two are still tit-for-tat.

However, at this time, Neji is already sweating:

Miss Hinata can actually hold on for so long. If the young lady has fully mastered this ninjutsu, I may have lost now.

Although part of the chakra used for attack is divided by these arms, with the young lady's physique and huge amount of chakra, the power of each blow is still about the same as mine.

This move is simply a ninjutsu tailored for the young lady with old-fashioned moves but full of power.

"Ahem! "

Just when Neji felt his palm was numb, Hinata on the opposite side suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Hinata's internal injuries just now were not treated. Although Hinata broke out again under the power of "bond", the continuous battle still made her injuries worse.

"Next will be my last attack.

Soft fist, soft palm!


Hinata suddenly changed her posture and attacked Neji.

"The punch has changed!"

Ningci was shocked, not knowing what kind of attack Hinata would use next.


What surprised Neji was that Hinata's palm was hesitant and soft, and her strength was not even comparable to his own.

"Is it because of internal injuries that the young lady can't exert her full strength? "


Hinata's attack interrupted Neji's thoughts. She turned around on the spot with the inertia of Neji's attack, stepped forward and slapped Neji's side again.

Ningji once again resolved Hinata's attack. The power of this attack was much stronger but still weaker than the beginning.


Hinata pointed her palms outward and made another move.

Could it be that Neji, who blocked Hinata's attack for the first time, has gradually felt something wrong? Hinata's attack is even more powerful than before she spit out blood.

Ningji has already felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Good premonition:

Could it be that...


Sure enough, Hinata's fourth move was even more powerful than before.

Ningji quickly rolled his eyes and carefully observed Hinata's meridians. Sure enough, Hinata would retract a part of her chakra after each attack and store it in her meridians. In the next attack, she would mix the chakra in the meridians with the originally released chakra to attack;

And the seemingly soft movements were actually the technique of using the soft fist to retract the force, retracting part of the force of the attack, and then attacking together in the next attack;

In this way, every time, Keeping some chakra and power can not only respond to possible changes in the battle situation in time, but also increase the power of the soft fist exponentially.

Ningci knew that he could no longer sit and wait for death.


When Hinata's fifth palm was about to hit, Ningci quickly pointed a finger at Hinata's neck, trying to interrupt Hinata's continuous offensive and make her previous moves go to waste.

However, Ningci's sword finger was blocked by the arm of the Four Demon Fists and failed to work.

After missing the attack, Ningci could only hastily dodge Hinata's attack.

In this way, the two fought several more times. As Hinata's attack became more and more powerful, Neji, who missed the opportunity, became more and more tired to dodge.

Finally, when she was about to make the eleventh palm, Hinata suddenly stood still and took a stance, with her left hand extended forward, her right hand palm facing up, clenched into a fist and placed on her waist, and the hands on her shoulders also dissipated.

She stared at Neji opposite her, concentrating all her strength and all the chakra stored in her meridians on her right hand, and a strong breath surged from her body.

"Brother Neji, the power and chakra contained in my eleventh palm are more than nine times that of ordinary attacks. You must dodge this move."

Faced with Hinata's threat, Neji had to be extremely alert, because he knew that Hinata's next attack would not hesitate like before.

"Mian Palm·Transformation into Dragon! "

Hinata rushed towards Neji like a gust of wind, her palm whistling like a mad dragon out of the sea.

The vast chakra gathered into a huge dragon head in her right hand, and as Hinata slammed out with her palm, the dragon head also rushed towards Neji with a devastating gesture.

Wherever the dragon head passed, the air seemed to be torn apart, emitting a deafening dragon roar; its might was like a storm hitting the shore, and like a volcanic eruption.

"Bagua Palm·Return to Heaven!"

Ningci decided to use

He played his trump card to resist Hinata's fatal blow.

As Neji mobilized almost all the acupuncture points in his body, a powerful chakra suddenly erupted with Neji as the center, and Neji also quickly rotated on the spot;

As Neji rotated, the chakra formed a 360° shield without dead angles; it was like a spherical whirlwind, constantly rolling up the dust and gravel on the ground.

In an instant, the dragon head condensed by chakra directly bit Neji's Kaiten, and the two chakras squeezed each other without giving in, and even produced a gust of wind.

However, the two did not hold out for long.

To perform the "cotton palm", you need to accumulate strength and chakra in your body continuously, which requires not only strong chakra control, but also a strong physique.

Hinata did not fully master the eleventh palm, and the result of forcing herself to attack was to make her injuries worse again.

The seriously injured Hinata suddenly spit out blood again and lost consciousness.

The dragon head lost Hinata's control and was instantly crushed by the kaiten and exploded.

The huge impact force was like a slingshot, directly sending Hinata flying.

Seeing Hinata's head flying towards the wall, Yuhi Kurenai and Kakashi, who had promised Sakura, quickly performed the instant body technique and left the stands to protect Hinata.

But before they could touch Hinata in mid-air, a translucent pink chakra net suddenly appeared and caught Hinata.

And Hinata, like a football that had been scored, tore at the net for a while and stopped under the elasticity of love that could be stretched freely.

As Sakura pulled the net that stuck Hinata back to the stands, Kakashi and Kurenai looked at each other awkwardly and returned to the stands.

"The winner is Hyuga Neji!"

Looking at Neji who was panting, Moonlight Gale announced the result of the game.


"Haruno Sakura, leave Hinata to me.

When it comes to treating internal injuries, the medical ninjas of the Hyuga family are better than you."

Just as Sakura was performing the Palm Fairy Technique to treat Hinata, a majestic voice suddenly reached her ears.

She was familiar with this voice.

"Chief Hiashi?

Okay, I'll leave Hinata to you."

Sakura readily agreed.

Although Sakura's talent for medical ninjutsu is great, she has only learned it for more than two months, so she is definitely not as good as professionals in treating internal injuries.

"Haruno Sakura, can you please talk to me for a moment?"

Hyuga Hiashi's tone was both like asking Sakura and ordering her.

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