In the illusion space, Shibuki couldn’t resist Uchiha Sora’s illusion hypnosis, and told the whereabouts of the Hero’s Water in detail.

The Heroic Water is hidden underground, somewhere at the roots of a big tree.

After throwing down the wading wood, Uchiha Sora swam all the way through the underground river of the waterfall to a cave at the root of the big tree, where he found the hero’s water in a bottle.

Hero water is pure and transparent and looks no different from ordinary water.

But Uchiha Sora could see the powerful energy contained in the Hero’s Water through his Sharingan.。

“Sure enough, this heroic water contains a lot of natural energy. It should be a liquid condensed by the natural energy gathered by the big tree over the years. This is a bit like the principle of the sacred tree. “Uchiha Sora said.

The sacred tree is an alien species that plunders the earth’s natural energy to produce fruits.

In contrast, the earth’s native species absorb natural energy in a relatively gentle way.

This big tree that covers Takigakure Village, It can be regarded as a treasure.

From this point of view, in addition to dragon veins, this place is also a���This is the wrong place to practice magic.

The power of the dragon vein is very huge, and it is very dangerous to practice it rashly. In comparison, the natural energy here is much weaker than the dragon vein, but it is very gentle and ubiquitous.

It’s a pity that Uchiha Sora doesn’t know how to sense natural energy, otherwise he would be able to practice meditation here now.

The Hero’s Water contains a lot of natural energy. If someone who doesn’t know magic drinks it, it will have huge side effects. Sora Uchiha sealed the Hero’s Water, left the roots of the tree, and returned to the ground with the Flying Thunder God. .

Shibuki had woken up from the illusion, and when he saw Uchiha Sora, he said with a look of fear on his face: “You, what did you do to me?”

“It’s nothing. I have already obtained the Heroic Water. Next, I need you to go to the front line and evacuate those people in Takigakure Village. Uchiha Sora said calmly.

Shibaki fell into silence after hearing this.。

“how? you are not willing? Uchiha Kong frowned.

Shibaki asked in a low voice: “What are you going to do with us?” ”

After seeing the power of Sora Uchiha, Shibuki knew that Takigakure Village had no chance of winning this time, and would definitely accept the judgment of Kusakunin Village as the defeated party.。

“It seems that you, the son of the leader, are still somewhat enlightened. Uchiha Sora smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I am not Kakuzu, and I will not kill you all. However, Takigakure Village will be placed under the rule of Kusanagi Village in the future, and Takino Country will also be merged into the territory of Kusanagi Country.”。”

“What? ! “Shemu was shocked when he heard this and said hurriedly: “You actually want to annex us! ? Why! We only launched a war against you out of necessity. Now that Kakuzu is dead, why don’t we admit our mistakes and compensate you?

Uchiha Sora said calmly: “Compensation? ” Takigakure Village is a good place, so just compensate me for everything here.。”

“you! “Shimu was filled with grief and anger.

Uchiha Sora suddenly turned cold and said in a cold voice: “Remember, this is war! The weak should be prepared to be eaten to the last drop! What’s more, I only annexed your territory and did not kill you all. This is already a kindness to you! ”

The strength of Takigakure Village is much weaker than Uchiha Sora imagined. If it weren’t for the strategic location, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and located at the intersection of big countr

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ies, I’m afraid it would have been annexed and divided by other villages. After saying

this , Sora Uchiha took Shibaki and directly launched the Flying Thunder God Technique and came to the position closest to the border battlefield.。

“here it is? “Shimu felt his eyes flash, and found that he had arrived at a strange place from Takiyin Village. He couldn’t help but be stunned.。

“This is near the battle zone between you, Takigakure, and us. “Uchiha Sorado。

“What? We actually came to the war zone! “Shemu was shocked.

He came from Takiyin Village to the border in an instant. Isn’t this terrible?

Takiyin Village has provoked such an enemy. Is there any chance of winning?

At this time, Takiyin Village and Cao On the battlefield of the Ninja Village, the two sides fought fiercely.

Since Takigakure Village had previously sent hundreds of ninjas to ambush the Uchiha An team, leaving the battlefield empty of power, the Kusanagi troops quickly overran their defenses and turned against the visitors and defended. In order to attack.

Especially after the team of Uchiha Sorahiro and Uchiha Yi joined later, the situation became even more obvious. The

remaining ninja power in Takigakure Village was no match for the Kusanagi and was constantly repelled.

On the battlefield, The eight-person team of Uchiha Hiroshi and Uchiha Takeshi is like a sharp knife on the battlefield.

As the Uchiha clan, they are much stronger than the average grass ninja, and the Takigakure ninja is not their opponent at all.

Wherever they went, the Takigakure ninjas were retreating steadily.

The power of the Uchiha clan was finally revealed in front of everyone at this moment.

The original grass ninjas who were somewhat dissatisfied with the Uchiha clan also admired the Uchiha clan from the bottom of their hearts. .

As expected of the Uchiha clan, their strength has never needed the big tree of Konoha Village to set off, but is synonymous with strength itself.

With the support of the Uchiha clan, the ninjas of Takigakure Village were quickly defeated.

When Uchiha Sora and Shibuki arrived at the battlefield, the Takigakure ninjas suffered heavy casualties and were in danger.

Looking at the tragic battlefield and seeing people familiar to them fall in a pool of blood, Shibuki, who was less than ten years old, was shaking all over. , suffered a huge shock in his heart.

With a pop, Shenmu fell to his knees on the ground, crying bitterly. After

suffering two blows in one day, he could not bear it long ago, and his psychological defense collapsed.

Looking at Shenmu who collapsed and cried. , Uchiha Sora ordered this side to temporarily withdraw the offensive.

Then he picked up Shibuki and walked to the front of the battle line, looked at the group of Takigakure ninjas on the opposite side, and said loudly: “Your leader’s son is here! Why don’t you stop? ”

Everyone in Takigakure opposite heard Uchiha Sora’s words and couldn’t help but look at them intently.。

“What? How could the leader’s son be in his hands?”

“impossible? Isn’t he in Takigakure Village? Did something happen to Takiyin Village?”

“With that guy here, what else would happen to Takigakure Village?”

“Well, that seems to be the leader’s son Shibuki! “However, someone finally recognized Shenmu and said, “Is there something really wrong with the village? ”

At this time, Uchiha Sora continued: “You have no chance of winning this war! Moreover, your leader has been killed by Kakuzu, and all the ninjas who are still in the leader’s mansion are dead. ”

Uchiha Sora’s words were like a bombshell, thrown into the crowd, causing huge waves. The

faces of all the ninjas in Takigakure changed.

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