A small island in the Land of Waves

, which is hidden and not too hidden.

Because there are more people who know, then no matter how hidden it is, it will be known by outsiders.

What's more, the most on this small island are still some orphans in shabby clothes.

It is difficult for such children to keep secrets.

Fortunately, the owner of the island did not mean to hide anything.

Anyway, as long as it is not secretly cultivating ninja forces, neither the nobles of those big countries nor other ninja villages will care.

And the owner of the island has always remembered the words of a certain handshaker.

Except for the need to replenish new blood, there was no major training of ninjas.

Instead, it is to train those orphans to the greatest extent, so that they can obtain certain basic knowledge, and then send them to the right place to learn from teachers according to their talents.

The place of learning is not a place related to force, it is some unpopular 'masters' in various fields.

Even in order to let those masters accept disciples, Kojima will provide a lot of living support.

"How is the company's business doing lately?"

Shiro summoned Cardo's original subordinates to inquire.

Professional things were left to professional people to do, and after he dealt with Cardo, he did not kill the original Cardo's subordinates, but after solving a few stabbing heads, he completely took over Cardo's business.

The main business is the business of smuggling contraband across borders.

This kind of business is also extremely convenient for him to send orphans to various places to learn to worship teachers.

In fact, at the beginning, Bai wanted to train spies, and then send spies out to steal and learn art.

It's just that later, after Cardo's subordinates found out, they directly showed that they didn't have to be so troublesome to deal with ordinary people, and they just sent people over to let those masters teach.

After Bai heard that it was so easy, he didn't care anymore.

It's just that brainwashing is still inevitable.

So first collect the orphans who have talents other than ninjas, and first carry out some brainwashing that conforms to the 'correct three views', and then send them out.

As for those with ninja talents, they were sold to the ninja village to cultivate, and they could also make a profit from it.

The world is like this, even in the era of overall peace, there are still orphans everywhere who have no one to feed.

Bai's approach even saved many children who should have died in disguise.

Of course, there is also a cruel side, such as survival of the fittest.

For these, Bai looked at it in his eyes, but was indifferent.

Although he said that he wanted to have the same dream as Naruto, in fact, he just regarded Naruto as a new sustenance.

Naruto needs him, so... He would give it his all for Naruto, it's that simple.

"Chief Qiyu, our shipping company made a total profit of 8 billion taels last month, and at the same time, the ships we booked before have also left the dock one after another, I believe that our company's revenue will be better and better in the future."

The sixteen-year-old Bai has grown a lot taller again, and now he is one meter six or five.

Looking at the young man wearing the mask in front of him, the subordinates who reported the company's situation were also very impressed in their hearts.

They have now abandoned the contraband business and become a serious shipping company, but they are making an unknown number of times more money than they did during the Cardo period.

Before, they couldn't make eight billion taels a year, but now they can easily do it in a month.

It will be more profitable in the future.

The credit for this also belongs to the order issued by Bai Control Company after collecting and sending orphans to study in the early days of feeling brain-dead.

But it didn't take long for them to know how great this order really was.

Because, after they continued to contact those masters, naturally there were many frustrated masters who were willing to join them after hearing about Bai's purpose.

With these professionals, some illiterate people who only know how to bully poor people and carefully sell contraband have a deep understanding of what it means to be a real money grab.

The pirate thief or something is simply weak.

Transform advanced fishing boats to fish in the sea, invent advanced preservation technology to sell fish and fruits, and sell whatever is not good to preserve, anyway, they have nothing else, that is, there are enough channels.

Recently, the masters also planned to invent a machine that could mine on the seabed, prospect for minerals in the sea and mine them, and he could not imagine what it would be like to find a Chakra metal vein in the sea.

That is, they have just completed the transformation now, otherwise the monthly income of more than 50 billion taels is simply trivial.

"Yes, remember to keep our profits secret, so as not to cause those people to covet, in addition, with more money, we can also recruit more professionals and train more talents, you have to bother more about this."

Bai heard 8 billion a month but did not have much reaction, after all, he has long been numb to money, and when the money is too much to spend, he doesn't care about the money a little.

"Rest assured, Chief, our property will never be taken away by those nobles!"

The subordinate quickly nodded seriously and said.

In the face of money, all aristocratic classes will die.

As long as he had money, he could pay ninjas to kill those nobles who told him about the supremacy of aristocracy.

He dared to kill the daimyo, but unfortunately, those bounty ninjas also dared to kill.

"Okay, let's follow this model after that, we need to train more and more talents, and those masters will give priority to providing funds if they want them."

Shiro finally nodded and waved his subordinates to leave.

If he doesn't kill some of the spells of the control of the dark part of the Mist Hidden Village, he will also.

These people have not accidentally been placed under the sealing spell by him, and life and death are between their own thoughts, and they will never betray them.

As for the later people, they will also brainwash first, and if the brainwashing is unsuccessful, they will directly arrange spells.

Therefore、、、 he can also be a handshaker.

Bai sighed slightly relieved and left the island alone.

"If you don't behead the adults, it seems that your failure back then was not unreasonable."

Shiro came to the grave that was no longer beheaded, crouched down slightly, and pulled out the newborn weeds.

Back then, he didn't kill people for millions of dollars, but he didn't expect that Naruto's simple order would be far more profitable than killing, and there was no big risk.

"You redeemed the corpse that was never beheaded?"

A deep voice appeared behind Shiro.

"Who are you?"

Shiro frowned slightly, and he turned to look at the person who came was a short-haired ninja wearing a mask.

"I am not the one in charge, my leader wants to invite you to join."

The mask ninja didn't seem willing to reveal his identity, just dropped his mask slightly, and then asked.

"Are you going to meet my chief?"

"It seems that I can't go if I want to."

Bai nodded a little helplessly, since he was targeted by them, he couldn't do anything at present.

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