Time goes back to a few months ago.

In front of Zabuza's grave.

Bai looked at the corner of the mask slightly pulled down by the ninja behind him.

What caught his eye was a forehead protector.

It was a forehead protector from Konoha!

"In that case, I can only go with you to meet your leader."

Bai sighed helplessly.

He cleaned up and took over the original forces of Kado, which would certainly involve the interests of some ninja forces.

But he never thought that one of the forces would be Konoha!

After all, even he had never thought that Konoha, which seemed to be great and glorious on the surface, had such a dark side in private.

Now it is obviously impossible to completely protect the shipping company.

Fortunately, he prepared for a rainy day and controlled most of the people in the shipping company in advance. In this way, Konoha would not dare to do anything to him if he wanted to make a profit.

At most, he would just hand over part of the interests and find a way to monitor him.

As long as he always controls the shipping company, his life will not be in danger.

The ninja world is not all about fighting and killing.

With a clear mind, Bai no longer worried about anything and calmly followed the Anbu ninja who contacted him to a secret base belonging to Konoha.

The base was inside a bare hill, and there was nothing special about it.

Bai was led by the Anbu and came to a secret room inside the winding underground passage.

"According to my information, you should have been a tool in Zabuza's hands. I didn't expect that you are more suitable to be a leader than Zabuza."

Bai turned his head when he heard the voice and saw that the person who spoke was also wearing a mask. It sounded like a middle-aged man with long white hair that reached his waist. He was majestic but a little unpredictable. It seemed that he deliberately concealed not only his appearance, but even his temperament.

"I don't know why you asked me to come here?"

The tone of the white-haired masked man was actually the type that ordinary people would feel dissatisfied after hearing, but Bai would not have any emotional fluctuations because of such things.

"Hehe, I thought you would ask who I am first."

The white-haired masked man sneered, and then he didn't intend to argue, he was also very busy.

"You cut off our contraband trading channel. I didn't have time to deal with you before because of some things, but now..."

The white-haired man paused and said.

"I originally planned to clean up your shipping company directly, but according to the intelligence, you will make more money, so..."

"What are you going to do?"

Bai's voice was fearless.

"You should know that they are all controlled by my spell. Once I die, they will die too."

"Haha, so you can talk to me here."

The white-haired man sneered, as if he was mocking Bai's ordinary means of controlling people, but...he had no choice in the face of this situation.

"Talking skills don't work for people like us, so you should just state your conditions directly."

Bai tilted his head slightly and looked at the white-haired man.

Both of them were wearing masks, so they could only see something from their eyes.

But unfortunately, for a strong man who doesn't know, it's a bit of a fantasy to want to see any information from the other party's eyes, not to mention that the other party even installed colored lenses on the eyes of the mask.

"You invited me here, didn't you just want to negotiate conditions?"

"Yes, you are very calm and smart."

The white-haired man put away his initial contemptuous attitude and became more serious.

"We need a large part of the shipping company's profits, and we need you to operate under our surveillance."

"Under surveillance, what do you mean?"

Bai didn't care much about money, but he keenly discovered that the other party cared a lot.

"You can choose to let our people follow you, or you can live directly in Konoha, and we will solve your identity problem."

The white-haired man seemed to be a senior executive of Konoha.

"I need the absolute control of the shipping company, and you need the security force."

Bai did not follow the other party's rhythm, or rather, he had a new idea after sensing the other party's conciliatory intentions and high status.

"This is what we want, after all, you seem to know how to make money better than our people."

The white-haired man nodded without refusing. He only needed funds, which he could get by just talking. He was too lazy to waste time fighting and killing, and had to deal with a lot of boring tails.

"Now, you need to show me your sincerity."

Bai suddenly said calmly.

"Of course, what do you want?" The white-haired man nodded without surprise.

"Let me see how big your capacity is."Bai showed a meaningful smile under his mask.

"I want an identity, Konoha Jonin, and I must have a certain status."

"It seems that you also have ideas about Konoha, but in this way, you will also become one of us."

Do you want to see my tolerance?

The white-haired man nodded without comment. He was not surprised by this. There were many ninjas who wanted to join Konoha.

And in this way, the boy named Bai would feel relieved that he had his own handle.

"It's too difficult to be a Konoha Jonin. We can't make a resume for a Jonin and there is no suitable person to replace you. At most, you can be a special Jonin."

Don't use people who are suspicious, and don't doubt people who are used. According to the investigation, Bai's character is actually quite good.

Even though his former boss Zabuza treated him very harshly, he was still willing to spend a lot of money to recover the body. Ninety-nine percent of people in the ninja world couldn't do this alone.

The white-haired man pondered for a long time before finally making a decision.

"The Security Department has been half-dead since the Uchiha clan was exterminated. Although the Fuma clan wants to take over, they are still too weak and no one respects them. I can help you make some arrangements. The Police Department should be very happy that a special jonin with no background has joined."

"This is not to help me."

Bai snorted coldly. This was not his own will.

"And you didn't meet my requirements."

"Okay, you are really flawless. I owe you a favor. But I must remind you that you can't sell out the village."

The white-haired man sighed when he saw Bai nod in agreement.

"In that case, let's do it this way. We will work hard to ensure that no one can make a mistake in your identity, even if you want to run for Hokage."


Whoever believes this kind of nonsense is a fool. Bai rolled his eyes secretly, but there is no other way. Just kill all the people who know about it.

"How about it? What name do you want to give your new identity?"

The white-haired man saw that the other party was barely subdued, and his mood became a little better.


Bai said casually.

"You are really perfunctory in naming. I remember your name is 'Bai'?"

The white-haired man made a little joke, and shrugged helplessly when Bai didn't respond.

"Okay, let's call it Kanna Tsuki Hei. After all, it's easy to be laughed at if you don't have a surname even though you are a jonin."

Then not long after.

Bai joined the Konoha Security Department as a ninja transferred from the Anbu and became a powerful captain.


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