This sudden war came and went quickly.

It took less than an hour from Orochimaru's attack to the enemy ninjas' retreat.

And the result is obvious.

Konoha once again proved its strength to the ninja world.

But this time the price was higher.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third Hokage, sacrificed.

But the surrounding big countries did not have the intention to attack Konoha at this time.

Because the second Hokage returned.

Although outsiders did not know, this second Hokage was actually a dead man, and he would die again soon.

"Teacher Tobirama."

"Second Hokage."

In the office of the Hokage building.

Senju Tobirama sat in Sarutobi Hiruzen's position and met with his former subordinates and the backbone of Konoha's generation.

"Taikaze, Yan, Xiaochun, long time no see."

Senju Tobirama looked at the three disciples who were still alive in the front, and couldn't help sighing at their old appearance, but now was not the time to discuss this.

After a simple greeting to everyone, Senju Tobirama went straight to the point.

"Don't worry, my Impure World Reincarnation can't last long, but considering the current situation of Konoha, I will temporarily act as the Hokage before the fifth generation takes office."

"So, do you have any suitable candidates for the fifth generation Hokage?"

After speaking, Senju Tobirama looked at Mitomon Yan and the other two.

He knew his own disciples better than anyone else, and each of them was concerned about the interests of the village.

So the Hokage they chose was still more valuable for reference.

At least to a large extent, it would definitely be more beneficial to the current situation of the village.

"As for the candidate for the fifth generation Hokage, the three of us discussed it and we all agreed that Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, is the most suitable for this position."

Mitomon En stepped forward and said.

"Jiraiya is qualified for the position of Hokage in terms of both strength and reputation!"


Senju Tobirama glanced at the other ninjas in the office and motioned Jiraiya to stand up.

"Hehe. Second generation, I am not suitable to be Hokage!"

Jiraiya couldn't stand Senju Tobirama's serious eyes, scratched his head and walked out of the crowd embarrassedly.

"Then who do you think is suitable?"

Senju Tobirama looked through Jiraiya's information and unreliable appearance, and he was actually a little unhappy in his heart.

This guy made him think of an idiot involuntarily.

"Tsunade." Jiraiya quickly gave the answer.

"??? Tsunade?"

Three big question marks appeared on the top of Senju Tobirama's head.

When a question mark appears above my head, it is often not me who has a problem, but you who has a problem!

"Are you sure?"

Senju Tobirama's face was full of doubt.

He knew who Tsunade was.

She was a rich lady who was spoiled by her elder brother, Senju Hashirama, and she was also addicted to gambling.

It was not a good choice to let a person who liked gambling be the leader of a ninja village.

It was even a choice that couldn't be worse!

After all, Senju Tobirama always adhered to the creed of 'being ruthless as a Hokage and never letting emotions get in the way'.

And a person who likes gambling is often easily overwhelmed by his emotions.

As a ninja, gambling should be absolutely prohibited!

This is also the reason for the establishment of the three ninja prohibitions.

Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama looked down at the information again, and then looked at Jiraiya with strange eyes.

"I really don't know how Monkey taught you three disciples. You three have all three forbidden ninjas!"

"Hehe, hehe."

Jiraiya scratched his head a little embarrassed by the scolding, and then said stubbornly.

"Second-generation master, I am just collecting materials. How can collecting materials be considered as violating the three forbidden ninjas! On the contrary, Tsunade and Orochimaru are the ones who really violated the three forbidden ninjas!"

"Hehe, I don't want to waste time with you on this matter."

Senju Tobirama smiled disdainfully and said indifferently.

"Since you don't plan to inherit the position of Hokage, then you go and find Tsunade back. Of course, if she is unworthy of training, I will still let you succeed to the fifth generation."

"Although I don't like you, Konoha does need a ninja with a great reputation to be Hokage now."

Senju Tobirama looked at Jiraiya and smiled awkwardly, not daring to reply, and stopped forcing him but looked at the white-haired man beside him.

"I actually prefer you to be the Hokage, but you have never been well-known and it is difficult to convince people."

"Haha, thank you for your praise, Nidaime-sama."

BaiThe man smiled and bowed, then said.

"It's just that I don't want to be Hokage either. After all, I prefer research to the busy Hokage position. I think the second generation master should understand my feelings, right?"

"Yeah, I understand."

Senju Tobirama nodded in approval. No one understood this feeling better than him.

If he hadn't been busy becoming Hokage, his forbidden techniques would not have been unable to be developed in depth because of lack of time.

However, who made Uchiha Madara that idiot really unteachable?

If Konoha fell into the hands of that rampant guy, he would not be able to rest assured.

"Yan, you will negotiate with the Sand Village, and you should also arrange people to negotiate with other participating countries, and strive for the greatest benefits."

Without entangled with Uchiha Madara too much, Senju Tobirama quickly continued to arrange tasks.

"Xiaochun, you are responsible for the restoration of Konoha's buildings and the compensation of the wounded."


"Qufeng, you are responsible for organizing people to arrest those rebellious ninjas."



"Hmm? The Konoha Security Department suffered heavy losses?"

After giving instructions, Tobirama Senju finally got the turn of this department that was a bit in name only.

"The Konoha Security Department is related to the internal security of Konoha, the safety of the villagers, and the trial of the villagers' cases. It cannot be considered unimportant just because it offends people."

Tobirama Senju looked around at everyone and then said.

"Do you have any suitable person to recommend as the head of the Security Department?"


Everyone was silent after hearing this. The Uchiha clan had learned from the past. They were not the Fuma clan, which could only throw shurikens and survived entirely on the reputation of their ancestors.

"I recommend Kanna Tsukuro to be the head of the Konoha Security Department."

At this time, the white-haired man stepped forward and said.

"Since it is a department that mainly manages villagers, why not let a non-family ninja be the director? Besides, Kanna Tsukikuro is a very popular person. He has been making contributions since he joined the Security Department, especially this time."

"Well, I agree with your proposal."

Senju Tobirama looked at Kanna Tsukikuro's information and always felt that it was too plain. His contributions were just so-so. However, seeing that no one else refused, he did not investigate further. He, a dead man, certainly did not know as much as these living people.

"It is better for the director of the Security Department to be a ninja from the villagers. Then this matter is settled. In the future, the members of the Security Department will also be non-family ninjas."

In this way, as long as Kanna Tsukikuro is not stupid, he can gather civilian ninjas. Such a force will not be afraid of family ninjas.


The white-haired man nodded with a smile. Compared with being a Hokage, he still prefers the feeling of strategizing while studying.


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