Three days later,

The Land of Waves.

A secret island under the control of the shipping company.

The area of ​​this island is about 40 square kilometers.

It is not big, but it is definitely not small.

It is just the right place to be the headquarters of Naruto's organization that does not even have a name.

This island was originally just a barren island with a simple food chain.

The only advantage is that it has a freshwater lake.

But after the transformation of the members of the shipping company.

In just half a year, this island has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, it is rich in products.

Vegetables, grains, fruits, etc. from all over the country have been transplanted to the island by botanists for large-scale breeding and cultivation.

The people on the island have initially achieved self-sufficiency. Except for some daily necessities and high-end equipment, they can almost be completely isolated from the outside world.

Secondly, there are abundant talents.

With the targeted spending of money in the past six months and the high efficiency of the ninja world, this place has gathered thousands of talents from all over the ninja world.

Almost everyone can be called a master in their respective fields.

This is also where Naruto feels the most disconnected.

You know.

Naruto has passed through many towns along the way.

But these places, whether in terms of architecture, culture or people's living standards, all look like the feudal era.

It's nothing more than simple objects such as electric lights and glass.

But it is such a backward-looking ninja world.

How can it breed so many frustrated high-end people?

And that's not counting the industry leaders who are shining.

When Naruto knew this, he felt that his brain was not enough.

It's not because these people live badly.

But Naruto doesn't understand how these people stand out from such a simple education model and grow into talents that Naruto can't understand.

Is this the gap between geniuses and normal people?

Naruto trembled when he thought of this. If it weren't for the attribute panel, he would probably be just a pawn, right?

Just like the industrial revolution in the world of otaku.

It seems that the ninja world has also reached the time of revolution.

And I am the child of destiny who will speed up this process!


I am so arrogant!

"Chief, everyone is here, we can start the meeting."

Just when Naruto was imagining that he would leave a key mark in the history book, Rui came to Naruto with a little sweat on her forehead and reported respectfully.

"Got it."

Naruto nodded.

This woman named Rui was an orphan who was brought to the island by the organization.

Because she was beautiful and a good management talent,

she was appointed as the manager of the island. Naruto felt kind when he saw her blue hair, so he asked her to do things for him.

Of course, the necessary control methods were naturally used on Rui.

Regarding this point, Naruto had expected it and had discussed it with Haku.

Except for Naruto himself, everyone on the island was allowed to go to the island after being cursed.


Naruto, under Rui's lead, came to a building similar to a city hall in the center of the island.

At this moment, all the technical talents on the island have already taken their places in the stepped conference room.

Naruto walked to the podium wearing a mask and sat down, not caring about the eyes and discussions of the crowd.

For Naruto, being the center of attention does not bring him any pressure at all, but makes him feel proud.

"Ahem, quiet down."

Naruto changed to a middle-aged voice and waited for everyone to quiet down before speaking.

"I'm not a person who likes long speeches, so let's start this meeting directly."

"First, there are three things to decide at this meeting."

"First, the name of our organization needs to be determined."

"Second, the core concept of our organization."

"Third, formulate a development plan for the next three to five years."

"So, regarding the name of the organization, do you have any suggestions?"

After Naruto finished speaking, he looked at the crowd, waiting for them to speak.

In fact, Naruto has also thought about the name of the organization.

But he was not good at naming, so he did not bother about it and just let everyone discuss the naming rights.

"Leader, we think it is better to determine the core concept first and then name the organization."

After many masters discussed for a while, one of the older men stood up and said.

"After all, we all got together because of money, and we still have a vague understanding of the leader's concept."

"Well, the old man is right. "

Naruto nodded, then stood up and said.

"The concept of the organization is very simple. It is to create a world where the elderly have a place to rely on, the young have a place to take care of, everyone can get what they pay for, no one has to starve or worry about dying every day because of accidentally getting involved in the battle between ninjas and samurai. "

"I believe that with everyone's knowledge, it is not difficult to find that the population of the ninja world is not large, and the supplies in the ninja world are enough for everyone to live a life without fighting for a bite of food. "

"What we have to do is to end this deformed generation and create a new generation where everyone can work hard for their own hobbies! "

"Of course, these hobbies do not include such bad behaviors as committing crimes, murder and arson. "

Naruto did not introduce or explain anything in detail.

But almost everyone present had a higher IQ than Naruto, and Naruto did not need to say much. They could easily find out with a slight estimate.

Let alone the Ninja World, the resources produced by their small island alone could support a small country.

If it were the entire Ninja World, the Fire Country alone would be more than enough.

"We agree with the leader's philosophy."

Another person stood up and said.

"But as supplies become abundant and people continue to reproduce, it won't take many years for people to start fighting for their lives again, and the more people there are, the more intense the war will be."

"I don't know what solutions or preventive measures the leader has. "

These people are so realistic.

Naruto sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to leave this kind of thing to his descendants to worry about.

After all, when that period really comes, he will have been dead for a thousand or eight hundred years. Why bother so much?

But since someone asked, Naruto naturally started thinking about the solution.

"Although I think you should give our descendants more confidence, since you asked, then I will tell you my fantasy."

Naruto paused and then said.

"In fact, all the struggles in this world are generally caused by interests. If we want real peace, we have to satisfy everyone's appetite."


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