Dark! Dark! Dark!

Dark corridors, dark atmosphere, dark people.

Since Naruto followed Danzo into this mysterious place, this is the only impression this place has brought to Naruto.

It is really hard to imagine what it would be like to work and live in such a place all year round.

In short, if it were Naruto himself, he would definitely go crazy.

This is too gloomy and depressing.

It is not like his own Nirvana organization, which provides members with an environment of birdsong, flowers, sunshine and beaches. In short, they can choose whatever scene they like to work in.

That way, those masters can maximize their work efficiency.

"The purpose of the roots is to support the big tree from the ground, hidden in the 'darkness' of Konoha's shadow"

As if noticing Naruto's emotional discomfort, Danzo explained.


Naruto nodded when he heard it.

But he didn't agree very much in his heart.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and Konoha also has many shameful places and things.

But things are things, and people don't have to live in darkness all the time.

And hiding in the shadow of Konoha, what's the difference between this and the Anbu.

The functions of the Root seem to overlap a lot with the Anbu.

There is no Root at all in the time and space where he lives, and he lives well.

But there is no need to talk about deep friendship, Naruto just responded respectfully and stopped talking.

After walking crookedly for a long time, passing through countless levels.

The two finally came to a laboratory hidden deep underground.

The first thing that caught their eyes was rows of precision instruments.

After Naruto looked carefully, he was shocked to find that at least half of them had the same style in his Nirvana organization.

In other words, the equipment that his organization bought with great difficulty turned out to be the old style from 17 or 18 years ago.

This made Naruto very unhappy.

Although he didn't know what these devices were used for, he knew that the old models that were eliminated were definitely not as good as the new ones.


Seeing Danzo coming with Naruto, several researchers in white coats hurried forward to salute.

"Danzo-sama, who is this?"

Suddenly, a slightly hoarse voice sounded from the side, and Naruto turned his head to look.

Whiter skin than someone who has been dead for three days, long hair draped over the shoulders, and iconic snake eyes.

"Orochimaru, I am the disciple of Danzo-sama."

Naruto didn't have any other feelings about Orochimaru. At most, he was a ninja of the same level as Jiraiya, and his strength was not worse than him.

The ninja who barely fought to death with the old age of the third generation by relying on the Impure World Reincarnation was even worse than Jiraiya in Naruto's eyes.

If it were in his own time and space, he would have thrown a momentum cannon at him now.

"Huh? Really?"

Orochimaru didn't care that Naruto called his name directly, but his snake eyes turned and looked at Danzo with interest.

"Well, let's just say so."

Danzo nodded lightly. Naruto was able to remain calm under the momentum of him and Orochimaru, which was enough to prove that Naruto was not a weak person. He would definitely not have much objection to such a person calling him a teacher.

"I didn't expect that Danzo would also accept someone with such a personality as a disciple."

Orochimaru laughed in a low voice, obviously very surprised.

"Disciples and subordinates are two different things."

Danzo shook his head and explained.

In his heart, he felt that Orochimaru was making a fuss. Who would accept a guy who looked like a traitor as a disciple? Of course, he would choose a ninja with good quality to inherit the mantle.

Although he only met Naruto for the first time today, it was easy to observe from Naruto's behavior that Naruto was a good person.

His standard for accepting disciples was as simple as the second generation. As long as there was the will of fire in his heart and good qualifications, it would be enough.

As for the root, it was not inherited by master and apprentice, and in the future it would only be handed over to people who were suitable for this position.

"Hehe, that's right."

Orochimaru also understood what Danzo meant, so he stopped worrying about it and smiled sinisterly.

"Danzo, are you going to let him get in touch with darkness?"

"That's not necessary. I'll take him to watch the experiment of complete vacuum so that he can understand the [vacuum] nature of wind escape."

Danzo shook his head decisively. The darkness of the root is not suitable for everyone to understand. People like Naruto are born to live only in the sun.

"Vacuum experiment?"

Orochimaru smiled and nodded.

"Then let me take him to do this experiment."

"Well, thank you for your trouble."Danzo nodded calmly, then gave Naruto a look and left on his own.

"Danzo-sama, you don't think I can understand his eyes, do you?"

Naruto looked at Danzo's back and was confused.

"Hehe, Naruto-kun, don't think about those insignificant things, come with me."

It is very rare to see a young man who is not afraid of Danzo at all. Orochimaru was also a little curious about Naruto. After greeting him, he took Naruto to a laboratory in a corner.

"Just call me Naruto. I feel uncomfortable hearing the honorific of Jun Bu Jun."

"Hehe, okay, Naruto."

It seems that they deliberately took a detour along the way and avoided certain places.

Naruto guessed that it was probably those shameful biochemical experiments.

"Come to think of it, I don't know where you are from, Naruto. I remember that there seems to be no one better than Hatake Kakashi among the new generation of Konoha."

The two walked into the laboratory, and Orochimaru suddenly asked curiously.

"Oh, I am the family of the senior ninja squad leader Namikaze Minato. I have been active in the outside world, so it's not surprising that you don't know me."

It would be strange if you knew me.

Naruto complained in his heart.

"I was also sent here inexplicably, but Minato had a message for me to bring to Lord Orochimaru."

"He said please take care of me, Lord Orochimaru."

"Oh, Minato's senior ninja family?"

Orochimaru nodded, thinking about what it meant to ask him to take care of me. Could it be that the ninjas representing the senior ninja squad leader were going to support him in his election for the next Hokage?

Was it a bet in advance for the position of the fifth generation?

I think there should be no other meaning.

Jiraiya's disciples decided to support him to become Hokage, which Orochimaru was very satisfied with.

At least Jiraiya, the idiot, taught a qualified talent.

"Since you are one of us, I will teach you about the nature of vacuum seriously."

Orochimaru smiled slightly.

"Hehe, thank you, Lord Orochimaru. But please allow me to use a little trick."

Naruto smiled, and then used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique in Orochimaru's puzzled eyes.

Suddenly, ten more Naruto appeared in the laboratory.

He didn't want to add points directly for the time being, so he had to use the official plug-in himself.

"I like your gift very much."

Orochimaru understood the meaning of Multiple Shadow Clone in an instant, and immediately looked at Naruto with a very satisfied look.

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