The forest was already silent, with only the rustling of fallen leaves.

At this moment, the wind moved, and the rustling sound of the leaves was particularly harsh.

Kushina could not even hear the heartbeat in her ears for a moment.

"Kushina, leave quickly! That is an existence that can rival or even surpass the Six Paths Sage!"

Kurama shouted anxiously in Kushina's heart.

"Quick, quick, quick! Don't be dazed, don't stay here and become Naruto's flaw!"


Six Paths Sage?

Kushina always thought it was just a legend, but she didn't expect it to be a real person.


Thinking of the various legends about the Six Paths Sage, even if there are exaggerated elements, Kushina doesn't think she can compete with it.

Similarly, Naruto also...

"Believe in Naruto!"

What are you still hesitating about, stupid woman?

The other party's target is the tailed beast!

Once both herself and the self in Naruto's body are caught, it's really over!

Kurama knew what Kushina was thinking and spoke quickly.

"Have you forgotten what Naruto just said to you? You just need to trust him without reservation, rely on him, and leave everything to him! Go!"

"Kuruma, you won't understand, because no mother would be willing to abandon her child and escape alone!"

Kushina clenched her fists, then loosened them, and she smiled.

"Neither I nor my future self are qualified mothers. It is our mistakes that have made Naruto helpless since childhood, so this time, I don't want to escape again, and I don't want to watch Naruto face everything alone."

"Because, I also want to be his support!"


Kuruma didn't want to escape either.

He also has his own pride, and at the same time he has a good impression of Naruto and regards Naruto as a friend.

But reason tells him.

They will only hold back if they stay.

Kushina doesn't know how strong Naruto is, doesn't Kurama know?

The memories of the two Kuramas are shared.

"But Naruto asked you to leave. You have already disappointed him once. Don't disappoint him a second time."

Finally, reason overcame emotion, and Kurama's attitude became tough.


Kushina was entangled after hearing this.

She began to hate her own incompetence.

Hated her own powerlessness.

She could only watch her child face a strong enemy while she fled in panic.


Kushina couldn't help but look at Mikoto beside her.

"Naruto asked us to leave. That person is very strong. If you stay, you will only drag Naruto down, so you go first!"


Only a moment passed in the outside world, and Mikoto obviously didn't understand what happened.

But she could still see that the white-skinned weirdo was an enemy.

"Kushina, what are you talking about? How could I leave you guys and run away alone?"

With Naruto's confidence,

He let us run away because he thought he was no match for the monster.

Mikoto smiled at Naruto gently.

"Kushina, you're not going to run away either?"

"Humph, of course, I'm his mother!"


On the other side.


What made Naruto look like this when he met Otsutsuki Kamashiki?

You know, he has already reached the state of being calm even when the sky is falling.

No matter how shocked he is in his heart, he won't show any emotion on the surface.

That's because he discovered something very absurd.

This monster called Otsutsuki Kamashiki is actually Boruto's ancestor? !


To be precise, he should be of the same lineage as Boruto's ancestor and is one of Boruto's ancestors.

That means.

This guy is also his ancestor?

"Fortunately, I didn't choose to go down the path of reversion."

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and muttered quietly.


Otsutsuki Kamashiki's primary target is Naruto, so he is naturally very concerned about Naruto's every move.


He flew to three or five meters in front of Naruto and asked politely.

"Excuse me, can you tell me the meaning of this word?"


Naruto was a little surprised that this guy was quite polite, and was about to explain.


Just then, Sasuke and Boruto also rushed out from the dark, and they looked at the two people confronting each other in the sky nervously.

"I was thinking about how to explain."

Naruto pointed to Boruto below, and then said to Kamashiki.

"You can feel it, right? There is a power in his body that is the same as yours, which is merging with him to revive., that is the power of his bloodline ancestors, he is returning to his ancestors, and finally becomes a person like you. "

"Humph, of course I know."

At this time, Pu Shi also glanced at Boruto.

This child is the 'vessel' of Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

"It seems that you know his ancestor?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"Can you tell me the name of that person? After all, Boruto is my son, and his ancestor is also my ancestor."

"Tsk, since you think so, then it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Otsutsuki Pu Shi smiled strangely.

"His name is Otsutsuki Momoshiki."

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki? How is his strength compared to yours?"

Naruto muttered it, and then asked again.


This question is a little difficult to answer.

After all, Senior Momoshiki was killed by a few mortals.

"On par with me. ”

Pushiki finally decided to save some face for Senior Momoshiki.

“A bit weak, luckily I didn’t choose to revert to my ancestral state.”

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Otsutsuki Pushiki in front of him gave him a great sense of threat, it was far from being a fatal threat and unable to resist.

That is to say, if he had chosen to revert to his ancestral state, if he was unlucky, he might have been directly topped up all at once.

“You didn’t choose to revert to your ancestral state?”

Pushiki’s character is actually quite good under normal circumstances, optimistic, open-minded, humorous and talkative.

So he didn’t get angry because Naruto belittled Momoshiki, because deep down in his heart he also felt that Momoshiki was a little unreliable.

He now cares more about what Naruto said.

“Excuse me, what do you mean?”

“【Revert】is a path to reach the source of blood by constantly purifying one’s own blood. "

Naruto was not reluctant to explain to delay time, but in his heart he kept asking Kushina to take Mikoto away quickly.

"Just like Boruto, his bloodline is compatible with Otsutsuki Momoshiki, so one day in the future, he will inherit everything from Otsutsuki Momoshiki."

"And I can also choose [Return to the Ancestor], but unlike Boruto who accidentally obtained the compatible bloodline inheritance, I completely rely on my own purification and practice.

I believe you can see my talent. With my talent, once I embark on the path of [Return to the Ancestor], it is possible to become the source of Otsutsuki's bloodline!"

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