Time passed quickly.

Soon it was deep winter.

Konoha also welcomed a rare snowfall, turning it into a silvery white.

Training Ground No. 7.

Team 7, who had changed into winter clothes, completed two D-level missions as usual and then practiced here.

Since the mission in the Land of Waves, Team 7 has also successively taken on some C-level missions to suppress bandits, but there have been no more unexpected situations.

Sasuke was struggling to hit the wooden stakes to practice physical skills, while thinking about revenge in his heart.

A month ago, he got a super high-level illusion from the third generation, called the Darkness Walking Technique.

An illusion that can cause visual hallucinations and take away all light.

In the dark area, only the caster and teammates can see things in the environment and attack. Even people at the level of Hokage can only be forced to reveal their positions.

This powerful illusion is a natural counter to the Sharingan, but it was taught so easily by the third generation.

This touched Sasuke's heart very much, because it gave him hope of defeating Uchiha Itachi.

After that, he did not make a high-profile move, but secretly referred to the documents left by the family on how to deal with the dark art and the training experience left by the previous Hokage, and practiced new tricks alone at home.

When there were outsiders, he spent his time practicing physical skills and throwing shuriken.

As for ninjutsu.

Sasuke found that since he got a double magatama Sharingan, practicing this category was simply like adding wings to a tiger.

At the same time, he also understood why Kakashi could understand thousands of ninjutsu.

As long as he was given enough time and experience, he could do it, but there was no need. Ninjutsu is more about quality than quantity, and he is not like Naruto, whose chakra is as vast as the sea and can squander chakra at will.

"Wait, Itachi, I will definitely return everything you said to me to you!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth slightly, and in his heart he couldn't stop imagining the appearance of Uchiha Itachi being defeated by himself.

On the other side,

Sakura was kneeling on a blanket under the tree, in front of her was a big bluefish more than one meter long.

At this time, Sakura was rescuing the big fish for the umpteenth time.

She kept stabbing the big fish with kunai, and then used medical ninjutsu to rescue it.

That is, the fish couldn't scream, otherwise it would have wailed continuously.

Naruto glanced at the big bluefish inadvertently, with a look of pity in his eyes.

The big fish that was repeatedly treated tasted like chewing bread crumbs.

What a waste of food!

But this is also a necessary part of medical ninjutsu... maybe?

Anyway, Naruto doesn't agree that fish cells are the same as human cells.

Can this veterinarian treat people?

But Naruto didn't question Sakura, after all, she was a professional, and he really didn't understand.

In fact, when Naruto saw Sakura practicing medical ninjutsu, he also went over to learn a little, after all, he also had Yang escape chakra.

But he found that the medical ninjutsu that Sakura learned were too advanced, and the lowest difficulty was B-level, such as the healing regeneration technique, the fine injury extraction technique, the palm magic technique, etc.

This made Naruto, who had been searching for attribute points, quickly give up the idea. After all, there was too much theoretical knowledge, and he couldn't learn it even if he was a burst. There was no other way except to add points rigidly.

However, he decided to learn the palm magic technique after adding Konoha Steel Fist again, so that when he was alone and beaten half to death that day, he would at least have the ability to save himself.

Since I can't learn it for the time being, I will learn other things.

So Naruto began to practice Hatake style swordsmanship.

So he seemed to be the only lazy person in the training ground.

The swordsmanship of the Hatake family is a powerful swordsmanship with high speed and high burst.

To describe it simply, it is a flash of lightning + breaking weak points + a sharp weapon.

The contents on the scrolls are mostly about the training of kendo and sword skills, as well as how to break through the enemy's ninjutsu, armor, and find weaknesses.

For example, the Thousand Years of Killing, a technique that somewhat ruins the image.

Because the Thousand Years of Killing is too image-destroying, Naruto has also had great doubts about the so-called kendo.

It's just that this sword technique is not difficult for him to use.

Because he already has speed and strength.

So, he put his thoughts on how to use the sword as a weapon.

The method is also very simple, which is to split 20 shadow clones and use swords to fight each other desperately.

Except for the discomfort of memory reflux, the rest is fine.

As the technique of multiple shadow clones becomes more and more sophisticated, he can already avoid most of the pain and redundant thoughts and memories.

In addition, he is working on improving the weaponSharpness.

It is the application of wind escape·vacuum blade.

Naruto looked at the wooden sword in his hand and silently infused the wind escape chakra into it. One minute later, the wooden sword turned into fragments.

Unlike chakra metal, which has good conductivity and is also very strong and sharp.

The wooden sword not only has average conductivity, but also poor strength.

It is also a great challenge for Naruto's chakra control to use a wooden sword to perform a vacuum blade.

Even with expert-level chakra control, he practiced for a whole month before he could barely maintain a vacuum blade for one minute with a wooden sword.

As for why he chose a wooden sword, it was naturally because he was poor!

Although he got a bounty of 5 million taels from Zabuza.

But he still couldn't afford a weapon made of chakra metal. Naruto said that he couldn't afford it even if he sold it!

Ordinary steel swords, although stronger than wooden ones, are not cheap. The price of a high-quality steel sword is almost equivalent to that of a cow.

Naruto, who was afraid of poverty, would never be willing to spend money like this.

So with the idea of ​​training chakra control and saving money.

Naruto chose the wooden sword without hesitation.

After all, Dugu Qiubai and Gai Nie, the two sword demons and sword saints, also used wooden swords. If they can use them, why can't I, Naruto, use them?

Isn't it just a sword saint? What's so great about it!

I am Uzumaki Naruto!

'I have reached the top sword realm of Dugu Qiubai, where everything can be a sword, and I can dominate the world in a short time.'

Looking at the wooden stick in his hand that looked like a long sword, Naruto was secretly proud.


Somewhat irritably, he threw the big bluefish that had been treated to the point of being inedible into the river.

Sakura seemed to finally be unable to bear the C and D-level tasks and endless practice day after day.

She didn't become a ninja to do these boring things.

She now really needs a thrilling mission to prove that she is not an incompetent person!

She didn't want to continue hiding behind Sasuke and Naruto and watching the show silently!

"Teacher Kakashi, when can we do more advanced tasks!"

"Well~ I thought Naruto was the first one who couldn't help it."

Kakashi jumped down from the tree, scratched his head and thought, isn't this kind of life very comfortable?

To do tasks above C level, you have to run around outside the village and sleep in the open air. What's there to yearn for?

If you encounter an accident like the one in the Land of Waves, you might even lose your life.

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