The edge of the forest of death.

A stream.

A big fish was swaying its tail in the stream, thinking about what to eat for dinner in its bulging head.


Puff --! ! !

A sharpened wooden stick broke through the water.

It was stuck straight into the mud in front of the big fish.

The big fish seemed to be stagnant for 0.05 seconds, then suddenly woke up and turned around and ran away.

What is this black-skinned bipedal monster with a wooden stick?

So scary!


Black-skinned bipedal monster? !

How dare you, traitor, bully me!

Not only am I scary, but I'll also kill you with one bite!

Naruto seemed to understand what the big fish meant, so he picked up the wooden fork and chased the big fish for a series of assassinations.


The big fish completely disappeared in the turbid muddy water.

"I never thought that I, the great Naruto Uzumaki Heart, would be fooled by ignorant fishes one day!"

Naruto threw the wooden fork aside and lay down beside the stream, exhausted.

Someone will ask, didn't Naruto go hunting in the forest?

Why did he come here to fish?

In fact, the hunting went smoothly at the beginning, and Naruto also shot a few forest pheasants with his shadow clones.

But Naruto obviously forgot where this place was.

This is the Death Forest, the forbidden land of Konoha!

The large number of his shadow clones soon caused some powerful ninja beasts and wild beasts to attack, and the shadow clones sent a lot of death memories, so that he didn't dare to go in now.

So, Naruto had to retreat and bully the small animals in the river.

"No, since I chose to fish, there is absolutely no reason to have no air force! I must eat fish today!"

Naruto stood up again, picked up the wooden fork and looked at it, and threw it far away with a little helplessness and anger.

He knew that the reason he couldn't catch the fish was because of the refraction of water and the gradually darkening sky, which obstructed his vision. But he was a ninja after all, and he didn't expect that he couldn't even catch the fish!

"Let's try another way."

Don't be fooled by the stream fish that look leisurely and stupid, as if they are easy to catch.

But if there is no accurate judgment of the refraction angle of water and light, even if Naruto's physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary humans at this time, he still can't catch them.

The best tool for catching fish is a water pump, or a fishing net.

Otherwise, you can make a wooden fork array, and make a hundred wooden forks to send the fish on the road together.

In short, it's just one sentence.

If you are poor, you can strike accurately, and if you are rich, the second battalion commander will use the Italian cannon for me!


With the current situation of the Death Forest, he didn't dare to make too much noise.

Lest he be discovered by the powerful ninja beasts in the forest or the patrolling ninjas of Konoha.

He now has a lot of fighting power but can't use it!

I only have the Dragon Slaying Sword, but I don't have the skills to kill people!


It might be much better if I came during the day, now is the time when wild animals go out to hunt.

Just then,

Naruto saw stream fish swimming upstream, and suddenly thought of an idea.

He might make a stone trap to let the stream fish automatically take the bait.


This is a good idea,

Naruto did it as soon as he thought of it.

With his extraordinary strength, he moved large stones and made a trap in the shape of a brace.

Only a gap in the middle was left for the stream fish to swim in.

And he crushed a bunch of screws at both ends of the brace trap and threw them in.


Naruto clapped his hands, and then he just had to wait for the fish to run into the trap by itself.

After making the trap, Naruto became idle.

"Hey! What a big river clam!"

Naruto suddenly raised his head and saw a river clam the size of a pot lid under the stream not far away, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Now, even if his tooth trap fails, he won't starve.

And such a big clam can be used as a pot.

He hurried forward and lifted the clam up.

It might be the first time that it was lifted up by an unknown creature. The clam tightly closed its shell, hoping to make Naruto give up.

But unfortunately, Naruto didn't notice this at all.

"I'm a little hungry, so I'll eat you first!"

However, before eating, you have to light a fire.

Sure enough!

Living in the jungle is inseparable from drilling wood to make fire! Just try the way to survive in the wilderness!

Naruto found a piece of dry branches and some hay.

Then he used a kunai to sharpen a sharp stick.

He confidently put the stick on the dry branches and rubbed it frantically.

About half an hour later, Naruto felt that his claws were about to be rubbed off, but there was still a little bit of fire on the branches.There was no spark.

"Damn it! That's how the wilderness survival program in Otaku's memory was done. Why not?!"

Naruto threw the stick away angrily, took out the flint from his ninja bag and lit the hay.

He quickly added all the hay and branches he had collected to the flames, and at the same time found two stones to pad on both sides, and roasted the clams on top.

The clams felt Naruto's anger, and fearfully opened their defenses, revealing the softness in the middle.

Hmm, it smells so good!

Smelling the aroma of the roasted clams, Naruto couldn't help but think of how he had been living on ramen and expired food before, and he was about to cry.

Woohoo, I can finally have a normal meal!

If it weren't for Otaku's memory, I wouldn't have thought that I could go out hunting by myself.

Watching the sizzling clam meat shrink from the original pan size to a bowl-sized piece, Naruto no longer waited, and directly picked up the clam meat with a kunai, blew it, and put it into his mouth to chew.



Very delicious!

Naruto danced with excitement, he felt that this roasted clam was a hundred times more delicious than the fish fillet in the seafood ramen.

Unfortunately, this piece of meat was too small, not even enough to fill the gap between teeth!

The attribute points did not increase, it must be because of the insufficient quantity!

Naruto swallowed his saliva and looked at the stream again.

He wanted to find more clams to eat.

Fortunately, the stream was very clear and shallow, and there was no danger at all.

Naruto walked around and quickly found five more clams, brought them back to the fire and continued to roast and eat.

After barely filling his stomach, Naruto sat cross-legged on a stone in the center of the stream, waiting for the fish to enter the trap while continuing to think about the future.

The sky was getting darker and darker.

I don't know how long it took.

Anyway, Naruto woke up only when the fire on the shore went out.

He looked at the sky turning from pitch black to dark blue, and he knew that he had accidentally sat here for a whole night.

"Let's go check the fish trap first. Success or failure depends on this time."

Naruto took a deep breath nervously. What he hoped most was to gain attribute points by killing some unintelligent beasts.

He created a shadow clone holding a torch.

Naruto came to the fish trap, and when the fire shone, he felt the movement, and dozens of big fish in the water began to flutter.

Naruto paused, obviously he didn't expect the fish here to be so stupid, but he didn't express it exaggeratedly as usual.

Instead, he lowered his body, slapped a big fish to death with one palm, and then threw them to the shore.


As time went by, Naruto's mood slowly fell, until the last big fish died tragically in his hands, and there was still no new attribute point on the attribute panel!

"Then... the only way to test killing to gain attribute points is to kill people or ninja beasts with wisdom..."

Naruto forced a smile and whispered, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

He didn't want to kill people for attribute points, that was not his ninja way!

"Haha, maybe... the way to increase attribute points is to eat a lot of food!"

"What if you have to kill people? Kill those who are unforgivable!"

The shadow clone next to him continued.

"Well, anyway, that is a last resort."

Naruto nodded and waved his shadow clone away. What is considered unforgivable? From whose perspective should I judge?

After receiving the memory of the otaku, Naruto knew that the world is not black and white.

If we have to talk about the ten unforgivable crimes, every ninja can be said to be an unforgivable person. The difference is from whose perspective.

"Ha! How can I be discouraged by something that is not yet certain? I have a dream that must be realized! No matter how bad the future situation is, I can just rely on my own strength to accomplish everything!"

Naruto looked at the sky that was getting brighter and brighter, and slowly raised his fist to the skyline.

"Because I am Uzumaki Naruto!"

The light of the morning sun pierced the darkness of dawn.

A dazzling light representing hope fell on Naruto.

[Attribute Points +1]

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