Thick clouds blocked the sky tightly.

Since entering this country, the rain has never stopped.

The weather in the ninja world is really magical?

Can you really be happy if you live in a rainy country without sunlight all year round?

Even for someone like me, staying in a place with rain all year round, I will feel heavy and depressed, right?

Kakashi tightened his raincoat, exhaled slightly, put aside the emotions that shouldn't be in his heart, and walked towards the Hidden Rain Village in front.


Several rain ninjas holding spears saw the newcomers and hurried forward and shouted loudly.

"Konoha ninja, explain your purpose!"

"I am Konoha ninja Hatake Kakashi, sent by the Hokage to deliver a letter."

Kakashi took off his hood and took out a scroll from his arms.

"This is a joint letter from Konoha and Sand Village."

"Just give it to me, I will be responsible for conveying it."

The leading Rain Ninja frowned at Kakashi, his brows full of vigilance, but due to the reputation of Konoha and Sand Village, he did not dare to attack.

"No, the Hokage's order is that I must hand it over to Mr. Hanzo in person."

Kakashi's impression of the Rain Country is still more than ten years ago, and it is not surprising to see that several people did not even let them enter the gate of the Rain Village.

The internal disputes in the Rain Country at that time were constant, and the factions were complicated.

And another important point is that because it was used as a buffer battlefield between major powers several times, this led to the people in this place being very xenophobic.

The review of spies is the most stringent in the ninja world.

In addition, a person who lives in rainy weather all year round is completely different from a person who lives in the sun, both internally and externally.

This makes it difficult for spies from other countries to hide in this country.

Because it is difficult for people who have seen the sun to suppress their yearning for it, and whenever a spy shows the emotion of yearning for the sun, his death is coming.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the rain ninja on the opposite side directly raised his spear and pointed it at him.

Their vigilance against foreigners is obvious.

"Are you planning to take the opportunity to get close to Hanzo-sama?!"

The rain ninja shouted angrily.

"I am here to represent Konoha and Sand Village. Are you sure you want to attack me?"

Kakashi lowered his eyes and threatened calmly.

"The Rain Country has finally been stable for a few years. You don't want to cause the Rain Country to experience war again because of your provocative behavior, right?"


The leading rain ninja looked at Kakashi hesitantly when he heard this.

"Hanzo-sama has agreed to see you."

At this moment, a rain ninja wearing a gas mask ran over and said quickly.

"Come with me."

"Thank you."

Kakashi nodded and followed the masked ninja into the Hidden Rain Village.

As soon as he entered the Hidden Rain Village, Kakashi felt a little uncomfortable.

He felt that countless wary eyes were staring at him in an instant.

However, he had already prepared himself mentally and didn't care too much.

He just looked around the buildings and pedestrians in the village calmly.

The architectural style in the Hidden Rain Village is somewhat Gothic, that is, it tends to be a grotesque death style.

There is almost no smile on the face of the pedestrians, their brows are furrowed, and they seem to have a deep depression that cannot be dissolved.

The surrounding buildings also have traces of being soaked by rain that cannot be dissolved.

The lights flickered, making it difficult to tell whether it was night or day at this moment.

It is really a terrifying village that makes people not want to come again.

Kakashi glanced at the strange building with a towering demon sticking out its tongue in the distance, and he didn't understand the aesthetics of the people of the Rain Country.

"Please don't look around."

The Rain Ninja who led the way frowned and said.


After a while, Kakashi came to the Rain Shadow Building under the leadership of the Rain Ninja.

Knock, knock...

"Master Hanzo, Kakashi is here."

The Rain Ninja brought Kakashi to the door of Hanzo's office and knocked respectfully.

"Well, come in."

A low and majestic voice came from the office.

Following the Rain Ninja into the office, Kakashi saw the legendary demigod for the first time.

This is an old man who is not tall, but unexpectedly gives people a sense of majesty that is hard to ignore.

A head of pale golden hair and a special gas mask on his face, all revealing to people that this person is the legendary ninja.

But compared to the Sandaime's face full of age spots, he looks very old.

This demigod still looks about 40 or 50 years old, and there are black cylindrical spots on his nose and lower lip.What's up with the nose and lip studs?

This doesn't seem to be a hobby for an old man, right?

Kakashi thought to himself, but the Sharingan in his eyes turned unnoticeably.

Yes, in order to get enough information, Kakashi has been using the Sharingan since he entered the Hidden Rain Village.

"I was sent by the Hokage to hand over this letter to Mr. Hanzo."


Hanzo nodded, and the Rain Ninja next to him took over Kakashi's scroll and began to check it strictly for poison.

His cautious appearance made Kakashi nod secretly in his heart. Hanzo was indeed as cautious as the legend said.

"Is it the invitation letter for the Joint Chunin Exam?"

Hanzo unfolded the scroll and read it. It was basically just some polite words, and only one sentence was useful.

Do you want to use this to find out the truth about the Hidden Rain Village?

"Go back and tell Mr. Hokage that I will send a team of Genin to Konoha Village to participate in the Chunin Exam."

After Hanzo pondered for a while, he nodded in response.

"Yes, I will inform Mr. Hokage of Hanzo's decision."

Kakashi bowed upon hearing this.

"Then, take this Kakashi down to rest."

Hanzo gestured to the ninja who had brought Kakashi here before.

After the Rain Ninja took Kakashi down to rest, Hanzo still looked at the Chunin Exam invitation in his hand, but his normal eyes slowly changed into a pair of purple Samsara eyes!

At the same time, on the tip of the tongue of the Tongue-Spitting Demon Statue, Pein sat there coldly, his eyes looking at Kakashi's back on the street from a distance.

"Pein, it seems that Konoha has doubted us."

Pieces of white paper overlapped continuously, and finally turned into a blue-haired beauty wearing paper flower accessories.

"It's normal to have doubts. After all, Danzo died in the Land of Rain. It's not easy for this ninja hero to hold back from attacking the Land of Rain for more than ten years."

Pain said lightly. Obviously, things back then were not that simple.

This is actually normal. After all, it is well known that Danzo is known as the 'Dark Ninja'. Such a person died inexplicably in a small country, which would indeed make people suspicious.

"It's just that the Hokage is no longer as decisive as he was in the past. Send a few Genin to dispel their suspicions. After the Three-Tails is resurrected, there is no need for us to continue hiding."

Konan looked at the indifferent back in the rain, nodded silently and left.


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