[Super Harem Technique: A Guide to Appreciating Alien Girls]

Bang, bang, bang——! ! !

Instantly, a series of smoke rose around Iruka.

Then, the foreign beauties, who were not wearing revealing clothes, looked at Iruka shyly.

Catwoman, angel, devil, fox girl... Damn! That one is——squid girl? So cute!

They didn't deliberately flirt with their heads, most of them just lowered their eyebrows and eyes, which made men even more unbearable!

Ugh! ! !

Iruka's face flushed, and blood flowed down his nose.

Then, it seemed that he couldn't stand this stimulation, and his eyes rolled up and he fainted.

Click... click

"Naruto, this guy, I thought he had turned over a new leaf, but I didn't expect him to get worse!"

The sound of shutters kept ringing from a big tree in the distance.

Kakashi opened his Sharingan to calm himself down. While he was denouncing Naruto, he kept pressing the shutter to record this rare scene.

Fortunately, I had already made all the preparations. Although this time was more exciting, I still liked the few "daughters of destiny" I saw last time more.

Feeling emotional, Kakashi moved faster and faster, trying to record every cute alien girl.

Damn it!!!

Why can even disgusting creatures like mosquitoes become so beautiful, and... the big ones are too foul!

What's wrong with the eyes of the invincible queen?

Love it!

Hashidou Madai, that is the mouth-slit girl, right? !

Hiss... If the ghost looks like this, it's not impossible...

Kakashi's nerves were constantly tested, and the Sharingan in his eyes was spinning faster and faster.

"You are so useless, Mr. Iruka. You fainted after only three seconds?"

Naruto also looked at his own super harem technique.

After all, it was his first time to transform. Before, it was all two-dimensional animation in the memory of the otaku, which was different from the three-dimensional scene of his transformation technique.

But in general, under the operation of the master-level chakra control, each one has distinct characteristics, and the appearance and figure are also nothing to say, but most of them have no temperament, as if they are dead.

Naruto naturally didn't have any strange thoughts about his transformed works. After looking around, he directly lifted the harem technique.

"Sister Nishikawa told me to keep a distance from the perverts with dirty thoughts in their heads, so Mr. Iruka, you just lie down slowly."

Naruto looked at Iruka on the ground with disdain and turned away directly.

He had already found out through the pulse that Iruka had woken up a long time ago, but he just didn't have the face to get up.

"Huh~ Naruto, what right does the person who developed this ninjutsu have to criticize others' character?!"

After Iruka made sure that Naruto had left, he sat up with lingering fear.

"I told you, you can't even block one of his moves, right?"

Kakashi also came to Iruka's side in an instant.

"Which normal man can block this move?!"

Iruka smacked his lips and said with some regret.

"It's a pity, in order to maintain the dignity of the teacher, I didn't dare to look more."

"Hehe, are you going to test others?"

Kakashi blinked and asked, he just wanted to secretly develop all the photos he had just taken.

"Forget it, even Naruto has become so strong, the others should not be much worse."

Iruka shook his head when he heard it.

"Then you underestimated Naruto."

Kakashi rolled his eyes. Although Naruto acted like a fool, the strongest person among this generation of Genin must be Naruto!

"In that case, then, see you later."

Kakashi said and left in a hurry.

"What is this guy in such a hurry to do?"

Iruka looked at Kakashi who kept leaving in a flash, and scratched his head in confusion.


The Land of Wind.

The Hidden Sand Village.

The Hidden Sand Village, located in the desert, has sunny weather almost all year round and lacks rain.

But fortunately, the Hidden Sand Village is located in a huge oasis basin.

The vegetation here is lush and the water plants are abundant, which greatly prevents the loss of water.

It also protects the existence of the Hidden Sand Village in disguise.

After all, if the oasis dries up, the Hidden Sand Village may not be able to find a second suitable oasis basin.

On the roof of the Wind Shadow Building.

A young man wearing a Wind Shadow hat and robe leaned against the railing lifelessly, looking at the scenery of the Hidden Sand Village from afar.

"Lord Fengying."

A man in black with short brown hair and a fierce look suddenly appeared and half-knelt behind Fengying.

"Luo Sha, what's the matter?"A gust of hot wind blew past, slightly blowing up the bamboo hat covering the Kazekage, revealing a handsome young man's face.

This Kazekage stood tall, with a handsome face, but his expression was as cold as a god overlooking the world. He was the legendary puppeteer - Scorpion of the Red Sand!

"Lord Kazekage, I hope that this time the joint Chunin exam and the subsequent plans can be carried out by me."


Scorpion turned around and looked at Luo Sha, and his cold eyes made Luo Sha feel cold in his heart.

Although outsiders say that the strongest Kazekage is the third generation, that is just what outsiders think. Luo Sha knows very well that the strongest Kazekage is definitely the fourth generation in front of him.

For no other reason, it is simply because the one in front of him can make all hostile ninjas into human puppets!

So far, no one knows how many Jonin-level human puppets Scorpion of the Red Sand has. Even Luo Sha knows that some Jonin have blood limit, so no one knows how strong the other party is.

One man can fight a country, this is Luo Sha's evaluation of Scorpion in his heart.

"Konoha collapse plan?"

Scorpion seemed to remember what Luo Sha was talking about at this time, a strange plan.

If Orochimaru hadn't paid a lot of information that he was interested in, he would not have agreed to cooperate with this stupid snake full of malice.

"It is easy to be backfired by cooperating with a venomous snake. You... are too weak and can't stand Orochimaru."

"Lord Kazekage!"

Luo Sha lowered his head and asked again. He didn't want to give up easily, because if he succeeded this time, he could join the Elders. The Fifth Kazekage had no chance in this life, so he had to join the Elders, right?

"No, I'll go myself."

Scorpion shook his head again, and after seeing Luo Sha's unexpected eyes, he explained a little.

"Konoha White Fang killed my parents. This time I'm going to kill White Fang's son. Also, your three children seem to be in Konoha, right? Although I don't care, but grandma won't let you go."

"Well, okay."

If the whole family goes, it will indeed make people suspect whether they are going to defect or something.

After all, Luo Sha is still a very ambitious person in the eyes of outsiders.

"As long as you can understand, Hanzo of the Hidden Rain Village seems to be a little bit wrong. Send someone to find out."

More than half of his research funds are supported by Luo Sha's gold sand. Scorpion doesn't want his wallet to be slaughtered by Orochimaru.

In fact, Scorpion doesn't care about whether he is the Kazekage or not, nor does he care about Luo Sha's ambition, because he usually doesn't care about things at all. Power is nothing to him who is eternal.

Grandma Chiyo told him that as long as he continues to be the Kazekage, he will have a steady stream of funds and experimental materials, and all he needs to pay is some inferior art products that he despises and occasionally needs to personally collect the experimental materials that he delivers to his door.

This is why he is willing to stay in the Sand Village and serve as the Wind Shadow.


When Luo Sha heard that it was related to the demigod Hanzo, he felt better because this matter was also very important.

"Well, you can discuss other matters with the elders slowly."

Scorpion waved his hand to signal Luo Sha to leave, and turned around to look at the scenery of Sand Village.

"It's really a bit boring to see the same scenery every day. It's not bad to go to Konoha to take a look."


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