"Damn it! He actually hid his strength!"

Sasuke looked at the two sides fighting, and his heart was more turbulent than Sakura's.

You know, he always treated Naruto as a clown!

Now this clown actually burst out such a powerful physical skill and clone technique, which made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

It is true that he is better than Naruto in other aspects, but he does not allow any of his skills to be weaker than Naruto!

Damn it! I have to work harder!

How can I get revenge if I can't even beat Naruto, who can't even afford to eat?

"And why does Kakashi have a Sharingan?!"

At this time, Sasuke suddenly saw the red three magatama in Kakashi's eyes, and his heart couldn't help but become more shocked and angry. Could it be that Kakashi was related to the destruction of the Uchiha family?

[Fox Heart Technique]

But before Sasuke could continue to be angry, an arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, and then grabbed Sasuke's ankle and pulled it down.

"It's not a good habit to be distracted during a battle."

A faint voice sounded from above.

Instantly, Sasuke was subdued by Kakashi's shadow clone.

"Although Naruto's behavior surprised me, you don't think that kid is really entangled with me, do you?"

Kakashi squatted in front of Sasuke, staring at him with salty fish eyes.

"Damn it!"

Sasuke was bound by the mud, and was extremely ashamed for a while, but he had no way to deal with the earth escape ninjutsu of the jonin.

"Is this the insight and reaction of the jonin?"

Naruto saw that the human wave tactics could not hurt Kakashi at all, but he was shown off by him, and he stopped the attack speechlessly.

"Not continuing?"

Kakashi patted the dust on his body and came to the opposite side of Naruto with a flash body technique, and said in a relaxed and leisurely manner.

"So, are you going to admit defeat?"

This broom head really likes to show off!

Seeing Kakashi's relaxed look, Naruto was immediately furious and decided to teach this arrogant guy a lesson!

"Teacher Kakashi, I still have a trick that I haven't used yet!"

Naruto didn't answer, but smiled mysteriously.

"Oh? What other tricks do you have?"

Kakashi was a little curious. He knew Naruto inside and out, so he shouldn't be able to hide anything Naruto could do from him!

"This is the ultimate secret that even the third generation grandfather can't resist!"

Naruto said with a serious look, as if this trick would have the power to destroy the world.

"Even the third generation can't stop it, could it be?"

Could it be the Nine-Tails? !

No way?

This kid... shouldn't really want to kill me?

Kakashi's eyes twitched, and he immediately took a posture as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Hehe, multiple shadow clones technique!"

Naruto smiled and created hundreds of shadow clones.

"You still have chakra? But shadow clones are useless to me!"

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not the Nine-Tails transformation.

But speaking of it, Naruto's chakra is at least five times that of his, and this is the remaining chakra after suppressing the Nine-Tails.

What a monster!

"Of course it's more than that!"

"Let me show you the ultimate secret of Naruto!"

"Harem Beach Thanksgiving Technique!"

As soon as the voice fell, a cloud of smoke emerged, and more than a hundred different bikini beauties surrounded Kakashi!


Each one of them is exactly the type I like!

Kakashi widened his eyes in a very uncontrollable manner, bent slightly and covered his mouth and nose tightly, trying to preserve his last bit of dignity.

"Uncle Kakashi~ Kiss~"

How does it feel to be flirted with by more than a hundred bikini beauties at the same time?

I don't have Lightning Release, but why do I feel numb and can't get excited?

"Right now!"

Under the Harem Technique, Naruto rushed towards Kakashi, but his target was the two bells on Kakashi's waist.

"Let's stop the farce!"

【Lightning Release: Ground Walk】

Puff puff puff puff~

Seeing that all the beautiful girls rushed over and touched him, Kakashi maintained his last integrity with great perseverance, and destroyed all the girls with a ground walk.

"Haha, Teacher Kakashi, I have to say that you made me think highly of you."

Naruto smiled with a mean face.


Kakashi touched his nose with some fear, and confirmed that there was no nosebleed. He was relieved when he thought that he was a shadow clone and would not bleed from the nose.

"But it seems that we are tied in this performance?"


"Teacher Kakashi, do you feel that there is a lack of sound?"


Kakashi was stunned and first denied Sasuke and Sakura's voice, then there is only.....

He looked down at his waist, and the two bells were gone.

"Actually, my goal has always been the bells!"

Naruto laughed wildly.

"So one of my shadow clones grabbed the bells and threw them far away, so that you can't find them, and I can't find them either, so don't even think about snatching them back!"

"Ah, yes, I was careless."

Kakashi nodded and looked around. The two bells had been thrown away for a long time.

But, in that situation, a normal man wouldn't care where the bells were, right?

Hmm... There were dozens of girls just now... They looked like my destiny girl!

Find a chance to ask Naruto which magazine he saw it from... But would that make me look too...


"But, your teammates are still in my hands, what are you going to do?"

At this time, two Kakashis walked out of the woods holding Sasuke and Sakura by the neck at the same time.

Naruto was a little speechless. How could these two people not even hide? Where is your plan A? !

"You can choose to exchange yourself for the two of them, or you can choose to give up on them and advance alone."

Three Kakashis stood in front of Naruto, their tone cold.

"So, what is your choice?"

"Just before yesterday, even before you caught them, the two of them were still one of the people who looked down on me."

Use words to force me? Use your thoughts to influence my thoughts?

Although I will definitely not give up my companions, I don't want to fall into your trap like this!

First try to use the method in the memory of the otaku to deal with Kakashi teacher.

Naruto was not affected by Kakashi's words at all, but just lowered his eyes and pretended to be lonely and helpless and asked back.

"I have no elders so no one teaches me. If Kakashi teacher and I are in the same situation, what will you choose? What choice will your elders let you make?"

Answering a choice with a choice is the best choice. Naruto looked at Kakashi with a frown and smiled strangely in his heart.

He judged that the Kakashi in front of him was a person who appeared gloomy and indifferent, but actually cared about friendship and bonds.

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