It's sunny again.

Shouldn't autumn be rainy and cloudy?

I really don't like autumn heat!

Naruto took off his shirt and felt better with his bare chest.

He really envied the air conditioning in the world of Otaku.

It's a pity that this world doesn't have air conditioning.

Why did these scientists invent electricity but not air conditioning? Electric fans would work too! Damn it!

Well, even if air conditioning and electric fans were invented, I probably can't afford them...

"It's a bit hot if you live on the top floor."

Kakashi appeared at the window and smiled.

"Teacher Kakashi, are you going to continue the test?"

Naruto was not surprised by the sudden appearance of Kakashi. Ninjas are sneaky.

"No, I just came to inform you to gather at the mission hall at 8 o'clock."

Kakashi yawned lazily.

"Eight o'clock in the evening?"

Naruto understood Kakashi's choice, and asked with a curious look while feeling relieved.

"It's eight o'clock in the morning!" Kakashi felt that Naruto had something to say.

"So if a cat blocked your way, how long would you wait?"

Naruto said that Kakashi's feeling was right, and reaffirmed Kakashi's feeling.

"A weak jonin like you who can't even kill a newly graduated genin like me instantly, should wait for twelve hours?"


Kakashi opened his mouth and wanted to say something impolite, but he held back.

"I will be absolutely punctual for the mission."

"Haha, verbal confrontation is also an important part of ninja battles. I lost yesterday, but I won back today."

Naruto laughed, and then suddenly stopped laughing. Without waiting for Kakashi to say anything, he decisively closed the window to see him off. It seems that his teacher is not very good at words.

"... Genin nowadays are really unpleasant!"

You didn't lose yesterday, but I, who seemed to win, felt uncomfortable all day.

Kakashi sighed tiredly, disappeared in an instant, and went to inform the other two subordinates.


Mission Hall.

Kakashi was consulting the front desk lady about suitable tasks in front.

Naruto and the other two followed behind Kakashi, and they all looked at the mission hall curiously.

It is mainly divided into four areas D/C/B/A, which are divided according to the level of tasks.

Area D and Area C are crowded, and the number of people in the other two areas is obviously much less.

At least, Naruto watched here for five or six minutes, and only three or four went to Area A.

"Sasuke-kun, what tasks will we do today? Will we go to clear out bandits or something?"

Ninja tasks are not mysterious to students of ninja schools, because everyone learns these, but instead of standing here doing nothing, it is better to chat with your sweetheart.


Sasuke was not very interested in these things. He had not completely recovered from the blow yesterday.

After all, from a practical point of view, he was much weaker than Naruto.

If you don't want to lose to anyone, you must first recognize your own weakness.

I have always been flattered by my classmates, and it is indeed difficult for me to recognize my own weakness!

I don't know how many people like Naruto who hide their strength secretly laugh at me, the "chief of the ninja school".

Sasuke clenched his fists involuntarily.

"I asked Miss Saori to find some good tasks for you guys. Everyone, work hard today!"

Kakashi walked over from the task release office with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Kakashi, what is the task?"

Sakura didn't care at all about being killed instantly by Kakashi yesterday. In her opinion, it was natural for her to be defeated by a senior ninja?

"Here, take a look for yourself."

Kakashi smiled and handed over several task commission letters.

"Find cats, find dogs, clean up the river... Are you sure this is a task that a ninja should do?"

Sakura asked in disbelief. What does this have to do with what they learned in the ninja school?

"Then let's split up!"

Naruto also took the commission letter and looked at it, then took out two tasks that were far from his home, which were to drive away wild boars and water crops.

"No, you guys act together, don't forget that you are a team."

Kakashi took back the commission letter from Naruto and rejected the proposal.

"And these are tasks for this week, there is no need to complete them today."

"No wonder you chose tasks that are time-consuming and laborious!"

Sakura found the point.

"And the reward for the task is so low! Five thousand taels divided among four people, I have no desire to do this task at allAh!"

"It's not my fault. Almost all D-level missions are like this."

Kakashi spread his hands perfunctorily and refused to take the blame.

"I suggest you complete one or two every day. You can use the rest of the time to practice. If you don't understand anything about practice, you can ask me."

"Including ninjutsu?"

Naruto asked anxiously.

"Teacher Kakashi, do you know wind escape ninjutsu?"

"Ah, I don't know much, only thousands of ninjutsu. There are very few ninjutsu that I don't know except forbidden ninjutsu." Kakashi put on a humble look.

"Thousands?!" The three were shocked.

Just look at the fact that the ninja school only teaches three D-level ninjutsu at most, and you can see how precious ninjutsu is!

And Kakashi actually knows thousands of ninjutsu, which is simply...

"Too strong! "

Although Kakashi was suspected of being Versailles, Naruto couldn't help but admire him.

Even if he wanted to learn all of them, it would take at least a thousand days!

As I said, it is not easy to practice ninjutsu.

Kakashi, who can use thousands of ninjutsu and seems to be good at physical skills, is already incredibly powerful in Naruto's eyes.

He doesn't even dare to dream such an exaggerated dream!

What is the advantage of his attribute panel? Who is cheating?!

Are all the jonin so strong?

Then how strong is the Hokage who can't even resist his own seduction technique?

Naruto's heart The little bit of ‘satisfaction’ that he had felt yesterday after fighting Kakashi disappeared instantly.

He told others to recognize his own weakness, but he was no better.

Naruto looked at Sasuke awkwardly. Fortunately, the arrogant Sasuke didn’t know that he was actually a shallow person.

‘Damn it, Naruto actually looked at me like this, I must become stronger! ’

When Sasuke saw the strange look from Naruto, he naturally misunderstood it as ‘You are the number one in the ninja school, but you were killed instantly when Kakashi was at full strength? That’s it? ’

“Okay Naruto, stop provoking Sasuke.”

Kakashi knew what the so-called ‘genius’ usually thought, and he had the same misunderstanding.

“You decide who will be the captain, and then arrange these tasks.”

“I choose Sasuke!”

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