The more you walk, the more you will feel.

However, during the treading water training, although I can send the same amount of chakra to both soles, there still seems to be room for improvement.

Human beings are full of symmetrical and asymmetrical structures.

At first glance, a normal person has two hands and two feet, which are symmetrical.

However, the two hands and two feet are different, usually one is large and the other is small, one is straight and the other is curved.

So when a person stands upright, his center of gravity is not in the center of the body, and the force on the two feet is not equal.

Just this morning, Hyuga Neji didn't pay much attention to this difference.

But in the afternoon, he suddenly had an idea.

Since the Byakugan can observe the flow of chakra, and I can observe the specific number of chakra, then if I regard a foot as a small whole, I can also open the Byakugan and see the distribution of chakra in various parts of the foot, even to the exact number.

Then make reasonable adjustments, wouldn't it greatly reduce the uncertain variables such as [intuition] and use a more scientific way to practice.

Because he has only put a certain amount of chakra on his feet now, but the specific front, back, left, right, and right positions of the feet, the forefoot, the center of the foot, and the heel, are areas that he has not yet precisely controlled.

If I can accurately control every bit of condensed chakra, it will appear accurately on the toes, the middle of the foot, and the heel.

That's too exaggerated. At that time, Hyuga Neji's chakra control was simply ridiculous. Maybe he was almost catching up with Tsunade, the Thousand Hands Princess, one of the Three Ninjas of Konoha.

But with my own golden finger, it's possible.

I have this Byakugan to assist, why not use it?

So Hyuga Neji turned around in circles without making a sound, and then turned his back to everyone without attracting everyone's attention and lowered his head.

His loose hair covered most of his face.

This was to prevent the Anbu team in the distance from discovering the amazing fact that he had opened his Byakugan.

Then his heart moved at will, and he opened his Byakugan. The hideous veins bulged and spread around his eyes, like an alien species - oh, the Byakugan was originally from an alien species.

Compared with the natives of the ninja world, it was still a little different. After opening the Byakugan, Hyuga Neji once again experienced the power of opening the map.

Within a radius of 2 kilometers, all objects with chakra were captured first.

This is a high-priority dynamic capture, and if Hyuga Neji is willing, he will stand here facing forward without moving, and a surround 3D image will automatically be generated in his mind, and after adding pupil power, it can be zoomed in and out.

Even those rocks and trees without chakra can be observed and penetrated one by one.

Lowering his head slightly and focusing his sight on his feet, Hyuga Neji discovered accurately that although the total chakra numbers on both feet added up to 20 points, most of the chakra on the left foot was concentrated on the forefoot, while most of the chakra on the right foot was concentrated on the heel.

In this case, if Hyuga Neji stood still, he could still achieve a balance.

But if he slightly lifted his foot, the direction of the entire buoyancy would change.

When he lifted his right foot, a lot of chakra gathered on the forefoot of his left foot, causing his body to tend to tilt forward.

That is, his feet had the power to bounce forward...


The direction of the buoyancy was a little crooked!

As a result, Hyuga Neji's body balance suddenly became difficult to grasp, and he could only rely on his strong core strength to hold on, resulting in a waste of strength.

Hurry up and restore balance.

When he lifted his left foot, the chakra gathered at the back of his right heel began to exert force. The buoyancy generated in the water was biased towards his back, so his right foot tended to paddle backwards, causing his body to lose balance.

Since he could see the distribution of chakra clearly, Hyuga Neji could accurately allocate chakra, and he could easily see the specific value of chakra, even if it was a tiny bit.

A unit of chakra was divided by Hyuga Neji himself, and only he recognized it.

So Hyuga Neji, with the help of the auxiliary tool of the golden finger, evenly distributed the chakra on both feet and adjusted it to

Each of them has slightly less chakra in the forefoot and the sole, and more chakra in the heel.

Because of the inherent limitations of the human body structure, the weight of the body is basically based on the heel standing straight, so the weight applied to the heel is slightly greater.

After completing the reasonable distribution, Hyuga Neji was surprised to find that his body actually achieved a perfect balance between buoyancy, repulsion, and gravity!

Then he stepped hard on the water surface to generate greater buoyancy and repulsion. However, because the buoyancy, repulsion and gravity just now reached a balance, Hyuga Neji now feels that he is not stepping on the flowing water, but on real land!

Lift your feet and take two steps!

Still consistent, the slightly flowing waves seem to be just an illusion, and there is no need to change the chakra distribution all the time to adapt to the erratic buoyancy.

"Haha, I understand! I understand!".

Hyuga Neji suddenly had an idea and remembered that no matter how the water ripples or how the water flows, its density remains roughly the same.

In other words, for the distribution of water molecules in this stream, the density of water of the same quality within a unit volume is not much different.

In layman's terms, the buoyancy provided by the water flow of the same quality is roughly equal.

Then Hyuga Neji can accurately ensure that the repulsive force exerted by the chakra on his feet is superimposed with the buoyancy of the stream water. At this time, the treading water training for Hyuga Neji can actually end.

Because he has mastered the trick of being able to maintain his balance in the water flow - no, it should be said that he has mastered the trick of being able to maintain his balance in places such as liquids where the foothold is unstable.

And all liquids, in general, are nothing more than higher density than water.

So at the moment of jumping down, when releasing the chakra under your feet for the first time, you should first release the amount of chakra based on the ordinary water flow, and then compare it with the actual feeling, so as to quickly analyze the material of this liquid, the buoyancy it can exert, plus the superposition of the force exerted by your own foot chakra. As long as you find a point that offsets the gravity, then all this kind of liquid, Hyuga Neji can run and jump quickly, and move around!

"Hahahaha! After decades of hard work, I finally figured out the secret of treading water!"

Hyuga Neji stood tall, imitating the protagonist in the second-year novel, ending his retreat at any time, and then the sand and stones flew, the flames erupted, the movement was amazing, and the standard long whistle, the sound was like steel and iron, piercing the sky!



Hyuga Neji is whistling!



Hyuga Neji is laughing wildly!

Uzumaki Naruto rubbed his two shrunken eyes (due to being too speechless), and asked Tiantian who was not far away uncertainly: "Ah this... Tiantian, I feel a little dizzy and tinnitus, that, seems to be Neji?"

Tentian was also embarrassed and felt very embarrassed.

Uh, you are embarrassed!

You are only seven years old!

Don't bring in the housewife character who is distressed by her naughty husband without making a sound!

"Ask, see if you should call the medical ninja..."

Hinata Neji fell back directly!

The script is wrong!

The protagonists in the second-year novels usually have inexplicable momentum when they shout and roar like this!

And they will attract many jealous eyes?

Why are people regarded as mentally ill when they actually take action!

So, after Hyuga Neji explained six times that there was nothing wrong with his mental state, he was just imitating a middle school boy because he was in a playful mood, and finally convinced the three friends with beady eyes.


(The beady eyes returned to normal, and the big eyes of Caroline)

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